Let $a,b$ be two integers such that their gcd has at least two prime factors. Let $S = \{ x \mid x \in \mathbb{N}, x \equiv a \pmod b \} $ and call $ y \in S$ irreducible if it cannot be expressed as product of two or more elements of $S$ (not necessarily distinct). Show there exists $t$ such that any element of $S$ can be expressed as product of at most $t$ irreducible elements.
Source: China TST 3 Day 1 Q3
Tags: number theory, greatest common divisor, modular arithmetic
03.04.2015 00:02
Does anyone know how to solve this challenging problem? Thank you very much!
06.04.2015 18:43
Yes, here's a solution. This is pretty intuitive I feel. Let $g = \gcd(a, b)$, and say $g = \prod_{i = 1}^m p_i^{e_i}$, where $m \ge 2, e_i > 0$ for all $i$. Let $a = ga', b = gb'$. Now we deal with a few cases: Case 1: $\gcd(b', g) > 1$. Proof:This is the easy case in fact. Let $p_i | b'$ and $p_i | g$. Since $\gcd(a', b') = 1$, $p_i \not| a$. Therefore, for any $x$, $v_{p_i} (bx+a) = v_{p_i} (g) + v_{p_i}(b'x+a') = v_{p_i} (g)$. In particular, since $g$ divides all elements of $S$, if $bx+a$ is not irreducible, then $g^2 | bx+a$, contradicting the fact that $v_{p_i} (bx+a) = v_{p_i} (g)$. Case 2: $\gcd(p_i, b') = 1$. Proof: This case is slightly trickier. Call a residue $ x \pmod{b'}$ for $\gcd(x, b') = 1$ good if there exist exponents $f_i > v_{p_i} (g)$ such that $x \cdot \prod_{i = 1}^m p_i^{f_i} \equiv a \pmod{b}$. Let $X$ be the set of residues $\pmod{b}$ that $\prod_{i = 1}^m p_i^{f_i}$ can achieve over all large exponents $f_i$. It is clear that $X$ is closed under multiplication, i.e. $X \cdot X = X$. For a good integer $x$, let $f(x)$ be the smallest integer of the form $\prod_{i = 1}^m p_i^{y_i}$ such that $x \cdot f(x) \equiv a \pmod{b}$. ($f_i > v_{p_i} (g)$ above) Of course by Euler's Theorem we can assume that $f_i \le \phi(b') + v_{p_i}(g)$. Also, $a^{\phi(b')+1} = a \pmod{b}$ clearly. Now set $t = 100 \cdot \phi(b') \cdot (\phi(b') + \sum v_{p_i}(g) )$. (In other words, something pretty large) Now let $bx+a = k \cdot \prod_{i=1}^m p_i^{f_i}$ where $\gcd(k, p_i) = 1$ for all $i$. By definition $k$ is good. So say that $k \cdot \prod_{i = 1}^m p_i^{j_i} \equiv a \pmod{b}$ where $v_{p_i}(g) \le j_i < \phi(b') + v_{p_i}(g)$. If $f_i < t$, then clearly it can be reduced into at most $t$ irreducible elements of $S$, since $g$ divides all things in $S$. So assume that $f_i \ge t$ for all $i$. If we can't write $k$ as the product of at least $\phi(b')+1$ good integers, then $bx+a$ must be irreducible clearly. (Since all good parts of the things that would multiply to $bx+a$ multiply to $k$) So write $k = k_1k_2k_3 \dots k_n$ where $k_1, k_2, \dots, k_n$ are all good, $n > 1$. I will show that there exists a constant $C$ such that we can always choose $n < C$. Assume that $n > \phi(b') + 1 = n'$. hen there are integers $x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{n'}$ such that $x_i \cdot k_i \equiv a \pmod{b}$. But then multiplying all these, you get $\prod_{i = 1}^{n'} x_i \cdot (k_1k_2 \dots k_{n'}) \equiv a^{\phi(b')+1} \equiv a \pmod{b}$. Since $\prod_{i = 1}^{n'} x_i \in X$, $(k_1k_2 \dots k_{n'})$ is good. So we can reduce $n$. So the $C$ exists. Now write it in the way such that $n > 1$ but minimal. Now write \[ bx+a = \left( k_{n-1} \cdot p_i^{d \cdot \phi(b')} \cdot f(k_{n-1}) \right) \cdot r \cdot \prod_{i = 1}^{n-2} \left( k_i \cdot f(k_i) \right) \] where $d$ in the first term is chosen so that $v_{p_1} (r) > v_{p_1} (g)$ but $r$ is as small as possible (so $r < \phi(b') + v_{p_1}(g)$ in particular). $r \equiv a \pmod{b}$ because of how $k = k_1k_2 \dots k_n$. Since $g$ divides all elements of $S$, let's see how much further we can reduce each guy in the above expression. Each of the $n-2$ terms in the product can be reduced into at most $\phi(b') + \max{ v_{p_i}(g) }$ terms because the exponents of primes are small. $r$ has a small $v_{p_1} (r)$, so it can reduced into at most $\phi(b') + v_{p_1} (g)$ more terms. The term with $k_{n-1}$ can be reduced also into at most $\phi(b') + \max{ v_{p_i}(g) }$ because the exponent of $p_2$ is small. In all, everything is finite.
06.04.2015 23:43
Mathocean97, what is the motivation for amazing solution? Thank you very much and congratulations on solving this problem!
20.10.2018 12:58
My solution is significantly simpler than mathocean97's. Can anyone check whether I screwed up? (Note that $p,q,r$ always denote primes.) Let $g=\gcd(a,b)$, $a=ga'$ and $b=gb'$. If $\gcd(b',g) > 1$ then let $p\mid b'$, $p\mid g$. Then $p\nmid a'$ so $\nu_p(a) = \nu_p(g) < \nu_p(b)$. Thus any $x\in S$ have $\nu_p(x) = \nu_p(a)$ so $x$ is always irreducible. Hence this case is trivial. Otherwise, $\gcd(b',g)=1$. Let $p,q$ be two prime divisors of $g$ and let $x\in S$. If $x$ is already irreducible, we are done. Otherwise, write $x=uv$ for some $u,v\in S$. The key idea is we will use transformation $(u,v)$ to another pair $\left(p^{\varphi(b')}u, \tfrac{v}{p^{\varphi(b')}}\right)$ of $S$ whenever $\nu_p(v) > \varphi(b')+\nu_p(g)$. To see why this works, note that it will not change residue $\pmod{b'}$. Moreover, it makes exponent of any prime factor $r$ of $g$ greater than $\nu_r(g)$ so it will not change remainder $\pmod{b}$. Hence this transformation is valid. So we can perform this operation until $\nu_p(v) \leqslant\varphi(b') + \nu_p(g)$. Similarly, using another prime $q$, we can perform an analogous operation until $\nu_q(u)\leqslant\varphi(b') + \nu_q(g)$. Since any further decomposition of $u,v$ require each factor to divides $p^{\nu_p(g)}$ and $q^{\nu_q(g)}$. This makes $uv$ can be expressed to at most $$\frac{(\varphi(b') + \nu_p(g))}{\nu_p(g)} + \frac{(\varphi(b') + \nu_q(g))}{\nu_q(g)}$$factors, which is finite so we are done.
07.11.2018 20:32
What's wrong with the following? Must be wrong somewhere, but I can't find it. Take $a=6,b=30$ and note that the product of any number of elements of $S$ must still be in $S$ because it must still be congruent to 6 modulo 30. Thus there are elements of S that can be expressed as the product of arbitrarily large number of elements S, thus the problem statement is false??!
08.11.2018 02:09
There will be multiple ways to write an element of $S$ as a product of irreducible elements and so having products of arbitrary many irreducible elements need not lead to a contradiction. You can view this phenomena as some sort of failure of unique factorization happening in $a$ $(\text{mod }b)$.
08.11.2018 03:21
Thanks for pointing out
26.03.2019 19:06
Let $d=\gcd (a,b)$ and $a=dp,b=dq$. Note that $\gcd (p,q)=1$. Let $r$ and $s$ be two distinct primes that divide $d$; let $d=r^us^vd_0$ where $\gcd (d_0,rs)=1$ and $u,v\in \mathbb{Z}^+$. First we investigate when does $d(p+nq)$ reducible, i.e., when does there exists $a_1,a_2,\dotsc ,a_{\ell }\in \mathbb{Z}^+,\ell >1$ that $$d(p+nq)=\prod_{i=1}^{\ell}{ \left( d(p+a_iq)\right) }\implies p+nq=d^{\ell -1}\prod_{i=1}^{\ell}{ (p+a_iq) }$$where $d(p+a_iq)$ are irreducible for all $i$. Clearly, we must have $d^{\ell -1}\mid p+nq$ (this will subsequently be a crucial part). Also, modulo $q$ gives us $p\equiv d^{\ell -1}p^{\ell}\pmod{q}\implies \gcd (q,d)=1$. Now, say we have a reducible $d(p+nq)\in S$ that can be factor as $$d(p+nq)=\prod_{i=1}^{N}{\left( d(p+a_iq)\right) }$$where $d(p+a_iq)$ are irreducible for all $i$ and when $N>2q$. By our choices of $N$, there exist $w\geqslant 2$ and $0\leqslant z<q-1$ that $N-2=w(q-1)+z$. For each $i$, let $u_i=\nu_r(p+a_iq)$ and $v_i=\nu_s (p+a_iq)$. For $1\leqslant x\leqslant y\leqslant N$, define $U_{x,y}=\sum_{i=x}^{y}{u_i}$ and $V_{x,y}=\sum_{i=x}^{y}{v_i}$. Also, for any integer $k$, let $\overline{k}$ be the unique integer that $\overline{k}\in \{ 1,2,\dotsc ,q-1\}$ and $k\equiv \overline{k} \pmod{q-1}$. We now have the following \begin{align*} & \prod_{i=1}^{w(q-1)+2}{\left( d(p+a_iq)\right) } \\ & = d^{w(q-1)+2}r^{U_{1,w(q-1)+2}}s^{V_{1,w(q-1)+2}}\prod_{i=1}^{w(q-1)+2}{\frac{p+a_iq}{r^{u_i}s^{v_i}}}\\ & = \underbrace{d^{w(q-1)} r^{U_{1,w(q-1)+2}-\overline{U_{1,(w-1)(q-1)+1}} - \overline{U_{(w-1)(q-1)+2,w(q-1)+2}}} s^{V_{1,w(q-1)+2}-\overline{V_{1,(w-1)(q-1)+1}} - \overline{V_{(w-1)(q-1)+2,w(q-1)+2}}} }_{T_0}\\ & \times \underbrace{ \left( dr^{\overline{U_{1,(w-1)(q-1)+1}}}s^{\overline{V_{1,(w-1)(q-1)+1}}}\prod_{k=1}^{(w-1)(q-1)+1}{ \frac{p+a_iq}{r^{u_i}s^{v_i}}} \right) }_{T_1} \\ & \times \underbrace{ \left( dr^{\overline{U_{(w-1)(q-1)+2,w(q-1)+2}}}s^{\overline{V_{(w-1)(q-1)+2,w(q-1)+2}}}\prod_{k=(w-1)(q-1)+2}^{w(q-1)+2}{ \frac{p+a_iq}{r^{u_i}s^{v_i}}} \right) }_{T_2} \end{align*}Note that for $j\in \{ 1,2\}$, $T_j/d \equiv p\pmod{q}\implies T_j\in S.$ Moreover, $\nu_r (T_j/d)\leqslant q-1$ and $\nu_s (T_j/d)\leqslant q-1$. Both inequalities (independently) imply that $T_j$ can be factored into at most $M:=\max \left\{ 1+\frac{q-1}{u},1+\frac{q-1}{v}\right\}$ irreducible terms (using the crucial part I noted at the beginning). Now we'll deal with $T_0$. Easy to see that $\nu_r (T_0),\nu_s (T_0) \geqslant 0$ and $\nu_r (T_0),\nu_s (T_0)\equiv 0\pmod{q-1}$. So, we multiply all the power of $r$ and also $d_0^{w(q-1)}$ to $T_1$ and multiply all the power of $s$ to $T_2$. We get that $T_1/d,T_2/d$ remain constant modulo $q$ and also maintain $\nu_s (T_1/d),\nu_r (T_2/d)\leqslant q-1$. Thus, so far we've proved that we can factor $\prod_{i=1}^{w(q-1)+2}{\left( d(p+a_iq)\right) } $ into at most $2M$ irreducible terms. We simply add the remaining $z$ terms and conclude that we can factor $d(p+nq)$ into at most $q-1+2M$ terms. Hence, for any $d(p+nq)\in S$ that can be factored into $N>2q$ terms, there exists factorisation that use only $q-1+2M$ terms. So, $t=\max \{ 2q,q-1+2M\}$ work and we are done. $\quad \blacksquare$
16.07.2019 09:22
Note that if there is no N>1 such that a^N=a hence all is irredicible thus t=1. Hence exist such smallest N, now consider bk+a=(bk1+a)...(bkM+a) with M>N. Notice (bk1+a)..(bkN+a)=bs+a in S too, this expression reduce N irreducible elements. Repeatedly, bk+a expression have at most N-1 irreducible factors, which is finite, thus conclusion
09.08.2022 06:04
Posting for storage.