
Source: 2015 China Tst 1 Day 2 Q3

Tags: combinatorics, combinatorics proposed, China TST, 2015, China

There are some players in a Ping Pong tournament, where every $2$ players play with each other at most once. Given: (1) Each player wins at least $a$ players, and loses to at least $b$ players. ($a,b\geq 1$) (2) For any two players $A,B$, there exist some players $P_1,...,P_k$ ($k\geq 2$) (where $P_1=A$,$P_k=B$), such that $P_i$ wins $P_{i+1}$ ($i=1,2...,k-1$). Prove that there exist $a+b+1$ distinct players $Q_1,...Q_{a+b+1}$, such that $Q_i$ wins $Q_{i+1}$ ($i=1,...,a+b$)