
Source: tuymaada 2006 - problem 8

Tags: modular arithmetic, ratio, number theory unsolved, number theory

For a positive integer, we define it's set of exponents the unordered list of all the exponents of the primes, in it`s decomposition. For example, $18=2\cdot 3^{2}$ has it`s set of exponents $1,2$ and $300=2^{2}\cdot 3\cdot 5^{2}$ has it`s set of exponents $1,2,2$. There are given two arithmetical progressions $\big(a_{n}\big)_{n}$ and $\big(b_{n}\big)_{n}$, such that for any positive integer $n$, $a_{n}$ and $b_{n}$ have the same set of exponents. Prove that the progressions are proportional (that is, there is $k$ such that $a_{n}=kb_{n}$ for any $n$). Proposed by A. Golovanov