2018 South Africa National Olympiad


One hundred empty glasses are arranged in a 10×10 array. Now we pick a of the rows and pour blue liquid into all glasses in these rows, so that they are half full. The remaining rows are filled halfway with yellow liquid. Afterwards, we pick b of the columns and fill them up with blue liquid. The remaining columns are filled up with yellow liquid. The mixture of blue and yellow liquid turns green. If both halves have the same colour, then that colour remains as it is. Determine all possible combinations of values for a and b so that exactly half of the glasses contain green liquid at the end. Is it possible that precisely one quarter of the glasses contain green liquid at the end?


In a triangle ABC, AB=AC, and D is on BC. A point E is chosen on AC, and a point F is chosen on AB, such that DE=DC and DF=DB. It is given that DCBD=2 and AFAE=5. Determine that value of ABBC.


Determine the smallest positive integer n whose prime factors are all greater than 18, and that can be expressed as n=a3+b3 with positive integers a and b.


Let ABC be a triangle with circumradius R, and let A,B,C be the altitudes through A,B,C respectively. The altitudes meet at H. Let P be an arbitrary point in the same plane as ABC. The feet of the perpendicular lines through P onto A,B,C are D,E,F respectively. Prove that the areas of DEF and ABC satisfy the following equation: area(DEF)=PH24R2area(ABC).


Determine all sequences a1,a2,a3, of nonnegative integers such that a1<a2<a3< and an divides an1+n for all n2.


Let n be a positive integer, and let x1,x2,,xn be distinct positive integers with x1=1. Construct an n×3 table where the entries of the k-th row are xk,2xk,3xk for k=1,2,,n. Now follow a procedure where, in each step, two identical entries are removed from the table. This continues until there are no more identical entries in the table. Prove that at least three entries remain at the end of the procedure. Prove that there are infinitely many possible choices for n and x1,x2,,xn such that only three entries remain.