Let m and n be odd integers such that n2−1 is divisible by m2+1−n2. Prove that |m2+1−n2| is a perfect square.
Tags: SAU, Divisibility
15.08.2018 16:06
Solution: The heart of the solution is the Vieta jumping. We prove that m2|m2+1−n2|is a square, and hence the result follows. For any fixed integer k, consider the set Sk={(x,y)∣x2x2+1−y2=k+1,wherex,yare odd integers}.Note that the condition for (x,y) to be in set Sk is the same as y2−1x2+1−y2=k.Define min such that for all (a,b) \in S_k we have | a | + | b | \geq | u | + | v | , and for securing unicity, u, v are positive integers, and if | a | + | b | = u + v , then | a | \geq u . By the well ordering principle, for any k \in \mathbb{Z} such that S_k \neq 0 , the function \min ^* is well-defined on S_k . Note that if \ x = y \ , we get k + 1= x^2 . Particularly, \mid x^2 + 1 - y^2 \mid = 1 is a square. Also, if y = 1 , we get k + 1 = 1 . Particularly, | x^2 + 1 - y^2 | = x^2 , a square. The following section will conclude that there is no k such that y \neq 1, x for any double ( x, y) \in S_k . For the sake of contradiction, assume that there exists such k'. We will proceed with a lemma. Lemma: \frac{1}{2} \leq \Big| \frac{x}{y} \Big| \leq 2 \ for any \ (x,y) \in S_k . Proof: If | y | > 2 | x | , we get \begin{align*} | x^2 - (y^2 - 1) | & = y^2 - 1 - x^2 \\ & > y^2 - 1 - \big( \frac{y}{2} \big)^2 \\ & = \frac{3y^2}{4} - 1\\ & > \frac{y^2 - 1}{2}. \\ \end{align*}But this implies that \begin{align*} y^2 - 1 - x^2 = y^2 - 1, \end{align*}hence x = 0 , contradicting the fact that x is odd. If | x | > 2 | y | , we get \begin{align*} | x^2 - (y^2 - 1) | & = x^2 + 1 - y^2 \\ & > 3y^2 + 1 \\ & > y^2 - 1. \\ \end{align*}So, this can't happen either. Hence, the lemma is proved. \square Now, note that because of y^2 - 1 > 0 for k' ( from the assumption ) and \begin{align*} \frac{y^2 - 1}{x^2 + 1 - y^2} = k', \end{align*}we have \begin{align*} k' > 0 \iff x > y. \end{align*} Let (m, n) be the minimal pair with respect to the definition of \min ^* (S_{k'}) . From the definition of (m, n) , we know that m, n > 0 . We consider the cases, If m > n , let d = m - n . From \begin{align*} \frac{n^2 - 1}{m^2 + 1 - n^2} = k', \end{align*}we get \begin{align*} ( n ^2 - 1 )( k' + 1 ) - k' \cdot m^2 = 0. \end{align*}Using the definition of d , and manipulating the last expression, we get \begin{align} n^2 - n ( 2k'd ) - ( d^2 k' + k' +1 ) = 0. \end{align}Additionally, because of the lemma, we have 2n > m > n , implying that 0 < d < n . Let n, n' be the solutions to the quadratic equation (1) . By the assumption that n \in S_{k'} , we have n \in 2 \mathbb{Z} + 1 . By Vieta's formulas \begin{align} n + n' & = 2k'd, \tag{1.1} \\ n \cdot n' & = - (d^2 k' + k' + 1). \tag{1.2} \end{align}From the equation (1.1) , we get n' \in 2 \mathbb{Z} + 1. From (1.2) , using n, k' > 0 , we have n' < 0 . Hence, \begin{align*} | n | - | n' | = n + n' = 2k'd > 0. \end{align*}Hence, \begin{align*} | n | > | n' |. \end{align*}But this implies that we have the solution (n' + d, n') with \begin{align*} | n' + d | + | n' | = | n' + d | - n', \\ \end{align*}where \begin{align*} | n' + d | - n' \in \{ d, -2n' - d \}, \end{align*}therefore, we have a smaller solution, \begin{align*} | n' + d | - n' & < 2n + d \\ & = |m| + |n|. \\ \end{align*}Hence, in this case, we have a contradiction. If m < n , as before, we know that m < n < 2m from the lemma. Hence, n = m + d with 0 < d < m . The equation \begin{align*} \frac{ y^2 - 1 }{ x^2 + 1 - y^2 } = k' \end{align*}is equivalent to \begin{align*} ( y ^2 - 1 )( k' + 1 ) - k' \cdot x^2 = 0. \end{align*}After reordering and substituting y = x + d , we get \begin{align*} x^2 + x( 2d )( k' + 1 ) + ( d^2 - 1 )( k' + 1 ) = 0. \end{align*}Let m, m' be the roots of this equation with respect to x , where \min ^* ( S_{k'}) = ( m, m + d) . From Vieta's formulas, and k' + 1 < 0 , we get \begin{align*} m + m' & = -2d( k' + 1 ) > 0 \\ m \cdot m' & = (k' + 1)(d^2 - 1) < 0. \\ \end{align*}The last inequality holds; since d = n - m is even and d > 0 , we have d \geq 2 . The two inequalities, taken together, yield m > 0 > m' . Also, from the first we have m' \in 2 \mathbb{Z} + 1 . Hence, \ (m', m' + d) \in S_{k'} . Also, \begin{align*} | m | - | m' | & = m + m' \\ & = -2d(k' + 1)\\ & > 0 \end{align*}implying \begin{align*} | m | > | m' |. \end{align*}However, \begin{align*} | m' + d | + | m' | & = | m' + d | - m' \\ & \in \{ d, -2m' - d \}. \\ \end{align*}In both cases we get \begin{align*} d & < 2m + d, \\ \text{and} \quad -2m' - d & < -2m' \\ & < 2m \\ &< 2m + d. \\ \end{align*}However, this implies that (m', m' + d) is a smaller element in S_{k'} , a contradiction. Hence, there is no k such that y \neq 1, x for any double ( x, y) \in S_k . The only non-contradictory option was m = n for \min ^* (S_k) = ( m, n ) . From this we deduce that k + 1 = x^2 for all k such that S_{k} is nonempty. Thus | m^2 + 1 - n^2 | is always a square. \blacksquare Tags: Solution, Vieta jumping, symmetry, smallest element Remark: If ( x, y ) \in S_k , then we know that k is positive and \ x^2 + 1 - y^2 > 0 . Particularly, notice that S_k is empty for k < 0 . The most important line of reasoning is that S_k \neq \emptyset implies that there is a way to contradict infinite descent unless the "smallest" element of S_k is of the form ( t, t ) , and that implies k = l^2 - 1 for some ( odd ) integer l . Note: Do you know why m, n must be odd? What would change if at least one was even?