2016 Poland - Second Round

Day 1


Point $P$ lies inside triangle of sides of length $3, 4, 5$. Show that if distances between $P$ and vertices of triangle are rational numbers then distances from $P$ to sides of triangle are rational numbers too.


In acute triangle $ABC$ bisector of angle $BAC$ intersects side $BC$ in point $D$. Bisector of line segment $AD$ intersects circumcircle of triangle $ABC$ in points $E$ and $F$. Show that circumcircle of triangle $DEF$ is tangent to line $BC$.


Determine, whether exists function $f$, which assigns each integer $k$, nonnegative integer $f(k)$ and meets the conditions: $f(0) > 0$, for each integer $k$ minimal number of the form $f(k - l) + f(l)$, where $l \in \mathbb{Z}$, equals $f(k)$.

Day 2


Let $k$ be a positive integer. Show that exists positive integer $n$, such that sets $A = \{ 1^2, 2^2, 3^3, ...\}$ and $B = \{1^2 + n, 2^2 + n, 3^2 + n, ... \}$ have exactly $k$ common elements.


Quadrilateral $ABCD$ is inscribed in circle. Points $P$ and $Q$ lie respectively on rays $AB^{\rightarrow}$ and $AD^{\rightarrow}$ such that $AP = CD$, $AQ = BC$. Show that middle point of line segment $PQ$ lies on the line $AC$.


$n$ ($n \ge 4$) green points are in a data space and no $4$ green points lie on one plane. Some segments which connect green points have been colored red. Number of red segments is even. Each two green points are connected with polyline which is build from red segments. Show that red segments can be split on pairs, such that segments from one pair have common end.