

Tags: geometry, incenter, circumcircle, geometric transformation, homothety, trigonometry, search

Let $ ABC$ be a given triangle with the incenter $ I$, and denote by $ X$, $ Y$, $ Z$ the intersections of the lines $ AI$, $ BI$, $ CI$ with the sides $ BC$, $ CA$, and $ AB$, respectively. Consider $ \mathcal{K}_{a}$ the circle tangent simultanously to the sidelines $ AB$, $ AC$, and internally to the circumcircle $ \mathcal{C}(O)$ of $ ABC$, and let $ A^{\prime}$ be the tangency point of $ \mathcal{K}_{a}$ with $ \mathcal{C}$. Similarly, define $ B^{\prime}$, and $ C^{\prime}$. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles $ AXA^{\prime}$, $ BYB^{\prime}$, and $ CZC^{\prime}$ all pass through two distinct points.