

Tags: induction, algorithm, invariant, vector

Let $ k$ be an integer, $ k \geq 2$, and let $ p_{1},\ p_{2},\ \ldots,\ p_{k}$ be positive reals with $ p_{1} + p_{2} + \ldots + p_{k} = 1$. Suppose we have a collection $ \left(A_{1,1},\ A_{1,2},\ \ldots,\ A_{1,k}\right)$, $ \left(A_{2,1},\ A_{2,2},\ \ldots,\ A_{2,k}\right)$, $ \ldots$, $ \left(A_{m,1},\ A_{1,2},\ \ldots,\ A_{m,k}\right)$ of $ k$-tuples of finite sets satisfying the following two properties: (i) for every $ i$ and every $ j \neq j^{\prime}$, $ A_{i,j}\cap A_{i,j^{\prime}} = \emptyset$, and (ii) for every $ i\neq i^{\prime}$ there exist $ j\neq j^{\prime}$ for which $ A_{i,j} \cap A_{i^{\prime},j^{\prime}}\neq\emptyset$. Prove that \[ \sum_{b = 1}^{m}{\prod_{a = 1}^{k}{p_{a}^{|A_{b,a}|}}} \leq 1. \]