A permutation of the set of positive integers $[n] = \{1, 2, . . . , n\}$ is a sequence $(a_1 , a_2 , \ldots, a_n ) $ such that each element of $[n]$ appears precisely one time as a term of the sequence. For example, $(3, 5, 1, 2, 4)$ is a permutation of $[5]$. Let $P (n)$ be the number of permutations of $[n]$ for which $ka_k$ is a perfect square for all $1 \leq k \leq n$. Find with proof the smallest $n$ such that $P (n)$ is a multiple of $2010$.
Tags: AMC, USAJMO, Perfect Squares, permutations, USA(J)MO, xtimmyGgettingflamed
29.04.2010 19:43
Look here: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Wiki/index.php/USAJMO_2010_Problem_1 I know that there are a lot of things to improve, but I think I got it.
18.04.2011 06:08
Sorry to revive, but I believe this post is warranted because the USAJMO is coming up very soon, and I would like to know any other possible solutions to this problem. Anyone?
18.04.2011 06:18
When I first did this problem, I got the exact same solution as well; I don't believe there is another solution.
18.04.2011 09:22
See my proof at http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=400185&p=2227412&hilit=permutation#p2227412.
18.04.2011 17:42
19.04.2011 06:23
@bogtro: that's what i did last year
14.02.2014 08:05
If you do it like mavropnevma but don't word it as formally; and definitely no fancy operators. Could you still get a 7 if it is clearly right (exact same argument with different words)
18.09.2014 10:24
Solution Lemma : ${P(n)= \prod_{k=1}^{n}\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}}\rfloor! $
25.11.2014 17:19
BOGTRO wrote: Let the numbers 1 to n be divided into sets as follows: ${1, 4, \hdots, a^2}$ ${2, 8, \hdots, 2b^2}$ ${3, 12, \hdots, 3c^2}$, etc. Clearly, there are thus $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor! \cdot \lfloor \frac{\sqrt{n}}{2} \rfloor! \hdots$ permutations. Wait.. but isn't ${4, 16, \hdots 4d^2}$ a subset of ${1, 4, \hdots , a^2}$? How do you account for that (sorry fhr the revive, but I don't understand) It should be $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor! \cdot \lfloor \frac{\sqrt{n}}{2} \rfloor! \hdots$ divided by a ton of terms, right?
25.11.2014 20:56
$4, 16, \ldots, 4d^2$ isn't listed - and in fact it isn't a part of BOGTRO's partition. Each of the parts of the partition is the set of all terms of the form $kx^2,$ where $k$ is square-free.
25.11.2014 21:03
utkarshgupta wrote: Solution Lemma : ${P(n)= \prod_{k=1}^{n}\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}}\rfloor! $ @MSTang but in that case, this formula is incorrect, right?
25.11.2014 21:40
I think so. Rather than $k = 1, 2, 3, \ldots, n,$ the product should be over all square-free integers $k$ from $1$ to $n.$
30.06.2015 00:00
Sorry for the bump, but I feel this problem was worded really weird, this is just my opinion of course. Are most jmo problems worded like this? Am I the only one that feels this way about this problem? If someone could explain this part a little more, that would be very appreciated. Is this hard for a #1?? Thank you in advance. tenniskidperson3 wrote: Let $P (n)$ be the number of permutations of $[n]$ for which $ka_k$ is a perfect square for all $1 \leq k \leq n$. Find with proof the smallest $n$ such that $P (n)$ is a multiple of 2010. EDIT: Ok I think I finally understood the problem phew but it took me about 30 minutes to just understand this I would still like to know if I am the only one that felt it was worded weird..
30.06.2015 16:52
What did you find weird about it? It looks unambiguous to me.
31.10.2015 18:44
Basically i just grouped them in perfect squares, perfect squares*2, perfect squares*3, perfect squares*k for all k such that k is not divisible by a square. Then I got that the formula for P(n) must be ∏ floor(sqrt(n/k))! from k=1 to n where k is not divisible by a square (unless it is 1). Then I was stuck on how to find minimum but I thought of prime factorizing 2010 because we have factorial. So 2010=2*3*5*67, and from here i think it is clear that the smallest value of n is 67^2=4489. Can anyone check this to make sure I did not mess up?
31.10.2015 21:05
vishy wrote: Can anyone check this to make sure I did not mess up? That looks fine to me, though obviously on an actual contest you would have to write out the details --- specifically, you need to (a) write out where the formula \[ P(n) = \prod_{k \text{ squarefree}} \left\lfloor \sqrt{\frac nk} \right\rfloor! \]comes from, (b) that $P(67^2)$ is indeed divisible by $2010$ (obvious), and (c) that $P(n)$ is not divisible by $2010$ for any $n < 67^2$ (which is just because no $67$ terms appear). I trust of course that you know all of this, just that during an olympiad these details need to be supplied.
31.10.2015 21:07
So in an olympiad you would have to write out solutions even for non-proof problems? Oh ok yeah I knew the three parts and probably should have added them in my solution , great advice Thank you v_Enhance!
31.10.2015 21:23
vishy wrote: So in an olympiad you would have to write out solutions even for non-proof problems? Yes, on an olympiad contest you need to write out complete proofs even if the problem doesn't specifically ask for it.
27.03.2016 22:51
Does this solution work? I know it's similar to the other ones in the thread but the wording in my proof doesn't seem quite right to me...
12.08.2023 00:43
The answer is $4489$, so let's prove it. Let $a_k=s_k\cdot t_k^2$ where $s_k$ is square-free. Then, we must have $k=s_k\cdot t_j^2$ for some integer $t_j$ in order for $ka_k$ to be a perfect square. So, consider the integers $s_k\cdot 1^2, s_k\cdot 2^2, \ldots$ that are at most $n$. Then, those numbers have to be placed in positions that is some permutation of them. The maximum $t$ such that $s_k\cdot t^2\leq n$ is $t=\left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{s_k}}\right\rfloor$, so we get \[P(n)=\left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{s_1}}\right\rfloor!\cdot \left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{s_2}}\right\rfloor!\cdot \left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{s_3}}\right\rfloor!\cdot \ldots\]where $s_1, s_2, s_3,\ldots$ is the increasing sequence of square-free positive integers. We know that $2010 = 2\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdot 67$, so we must have $\left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{s_1}}\right\rfloor = \left\lfloor\sqrt{n}\right\rfloor\geq 67$, so the minimum $n$ is $67^2 = 4489$, as desired.
12.08.2023 18:22
We claim that the answer is $67^2=4489$. To see this, develop the following formula. Let each number $i$ in the set be $c_i\cdot x^2$, where $c_i$ is square free. In order for $ka_k$ to be a perfect square, the two $c_i$'s must be equal. For a given $c_i$, the number of permutations is: \[\left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{c_i}}\right\rfloor!.\] Thus, the formula for $P(n)$ is: \[\prod_{c}\left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{c}}\right\rfloor!,\]where the values of $c$ are all square-free integers from $1$ to $n$. If it were to be a multiple of $2010=67\cdot5\cdot3\cdot2$. It would need a $67$. Thus, $n$ must at least $67^2$, which also works when substituted.
17.08.2023 17:51
to form a permutation first arrange the perfect squares in the perfect square indexes --> this has $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor!$ ways then arrange the perfect squares/2 in the perfect square/2 indexes --> this has $\lfloor \sqrt{n/2} \rfloor!$ ways then arrange the perfect squares/3 in the perfect square/3 indexes --> this has $\lfloor \sqrt{n/3} \rfloor!$ ways this repeats so $P(n)=(\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor!)(\lfloor \sqrt{n/2} \rfloor!)..(\lfloor \sqrt{n/1434} \rfloor!)...$ To divide $2010$, it has to divide $67$, so $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor! \ge 67$ and $n \ge 67^2 = \boxed{4489}$
01.10.2023 09:14
realized i haven't made a post here
08.10.2023 22:23
24.10.2023 19:06
(sketch) Let $S \subseteq\mathbb{N}$ be the set of squarefree numbers. Moreover, for any $s \in S$ let $f_s(n)$ be the number of positive integers $k \leq n$ where $sk$ is a square number. We explicitly give the formula \[ P(n) = \prod_{s \in S} f_s(n)! \]Note that if $2010$ divides $P(n)$ then $67$ divides $ \prod_{s \in S} f_s(n)!$. Note that $s \in S$ and $s>1$ then $f_s(n)<f_1(n)$, so if $67$ divides $ \prod_{s \in S} f_s(n)! $ then $67$ divides $f_1(n)!$. So, $f_1(n) \geq 67 \implies n \geq 67^2$. Note that $2010$ divides $P(67^2)$ so we are done
07.12.2023 03:09
Yay, a combo I can actually solve! We claim that the answer is $67^2 = 4489.$ We will find an explicit formula for $P(n)$ to show this. Suppose we have an integer $1 \le k \le n.$ Write $k = xk_0^2,$ where $x$ is as small as possible (note that $x$ is squarefree). Thus we can actually categorize the different $1 \le k \le n$: those that are of the form $x^2,$ those of the form $2x^2,$ those of the form $3x^2,$ and so on, for every squarefree integer. If $m_k$ is the $k$th squarefree integer, then call each category $d_i$ the set of integers of the form $m_i x^2.$ Clearly each number in each category must be paired with itself in our final result. In particular, there are $\left\lfloor \sqrt{\frac{n}{m_k}} \right\rfloor$ numbers in the $d_k.$ Therefore, \[ P(n) = \prod_{i=1}^{\infty} \left\lfloor \sqrt{\frac{n}{m_i}} \right\rfloor !. \]Note that $2010$ is divisble by the prime number $67,$ so one of the terms has to be $67!$ if $n$ is minimized. It clearly must be $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor !$ since any other term would result in a larger value of $n$ (and $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor !$ would also contain the factor of $67$ already). The smallest value of $n$ that satisfies this is $n = 67^2.$ This works since $2010 \mid 67!.$
20.12.2023 08:24
Let $S$ denote the set of squarefree integers. Then $P(n)$ can be expressed in the form \[\prod_{k \in S} \left \lfloor \sqrt{\frac nk} \right \rfloor !.\] We have $2010 = 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot 67$, so we need a factor of 67 in this product. The first time this occurs is when $n = \boxed{67^2}$ and $k=1$, so nothing less works. Clearly, we also have $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \mid 67!$, so this value of $n$ is indeed valid. $\blacksquare$
20.02.2024 06:16
Note that any perfect square may be paired up with any other perfect square— so that gives a “sub-permutation” of $\lfloor\sqrt n\rfloor !$ ways so far (as there are $\lfloor \sqrt n\rfloor$ perfect squares in our allowed range). If it’s $2$ times a perfect square, or $2k^2$ for some $k$, it may only be paired up with others of the same form. This adds another factor of $\lfloor\sqrt{\tfrac n2}\rfloor!$, using similar logic as above. We can continue this to get that $P(n)$ is \[\prod_{1\le \ell\le n}\left\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{\ell}}\right\rfloor!\qquad \text{for all squarefree $\ell$.}\]Since $2010=2\cdot 3\cdot 5\cdot 67$, $67$ must be a factor of one of the $\lfloor\sqrt{\tfrac{n}{\ell}}\rfloor!$’s. If we want to minimize $n$, we can take $67$ to be a factor of $\lfloor \sqrt{n}\rfloor!$, and then $n=67^2$. It’s easy to check that $n=67^2$ works, so that is our answer. $\square$
24.02.2024 06:25
I claim that the answer is $67^2$, or $4489$. Definitions. Define $S_{(n,b)}$ for some positive integer $n$ and positive integer $b$ not divisible by the square of any prime to be the set of all integers $0<k\leq n$ that can be expressed as $a^b$ for some positive integer $a$. In other words, $k\in S_{(n,b)}$ if and only if $\sqrt k=a\sqrt b$ for some $a$ in the set of natural numbers. Additionally, define a "good" permutation $P(n)$ to be a permutation such that $ka_k$ is a perfect square for all integers $k$ such that $1\leq k\leq n$. -- Now I claim that $4489$ works. Let the number of "good" permutations be $m$. Note that for any $k\in S_{(n,b)}$ for any $(n,b)$, the mapping of $k$ after the permutation, or $k$, must also be in $S_{(n,b)}$ in order for $ka_k$ to be a perfect square. Additionally, if $a_k\in S_{(n,b)}$, then $ka_k$ is indeed a perfect square. Therefore; \[m=\Pi_{b\leq n} |S_{(n,b)}|!,\]for all $b$ not divisible by the square of any prime. Note that since $S_{(4489,1)}=67$, we have that $67!\mid m$. Since $2010\mid 67!$, we must have that $2010\mid m$, as desired. Finally, note that since $67\mid 2010$, we must have that $67\mid|S_{(n,b)}|!$ for some $(n,b)$. Since $67$ is prime, this implies that \[|S_{(n,b)}|\geq 67 \iff n\geq 67^2b \iff n\geq 4489,\]since $b\geq1$. This is what we wished to prove, finishing the problem.
06.05.2024 11:45
Let the numbers from 1 to n be divided into sets: ${1, 4, \cdots, a^2}$; ${2, 8, \cdots, 2a_1^2}$; ${3, 12, \cdots, 3a_2^2}$, and we continue in the same manner. If we order these sets, we get a permutation. Clearly, there are $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor! \cdot \lfloor \frac{\sqrt{n}}{2} \rfloor! \cdots$ permutations $\Rightarrow$ ${P(n)= \prod_{k=1}^{n}\lfloor\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}}\rfloor!$ We have 2010 = $\Rightarrow$ since we search the minimum of n it occurs when $67 \mid \lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor!$ $\Rightarrow$ $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor \geq 67$ $\Rightarrow$ $\sqrt{n} \geq 67$ $\Rightarrow$ $n \geq 67^2 = 4489$ $\Rightarrow$ n = 4489.
31.07.2024 16:54
For a squarefree positive integer $s$, define $G_s$ as the set of positive integers at most $n$ of the form $sk^2$ where $k$ is an integer. $\textbf{Lemma 1.}$ Every integer in $\{1, 2, \dots, n \}$ belongs to some $G_s$. Proof. Simply divide any positive integer by its largest square factor, and let the result be $s$. Then that integer belongs to $G_s$ by definition. $\textbf{Lemma 2.}$ All $G_s$ are disjoint. Proof. For the sake of contradiction assume that some positive integer belongs in both $G_{s_A}$ and $G_{s_B}$ where $s_A$ and $s_B$ are distinct squarefree integers. Then for some integers $u$, $v$ we have $s_A u^2 = s_B v^2$ implying $s_A s_B$ is a square. By a simple $\nu_p$ argument it is easy to see that the latter can only occur when $s_A = s_B$, a contradiction. These two lemmas readily imply that the disjoint union of all $G_s$ is $\{1, 2, \dots, n \}$. Now the problem falls apart due to the following claim: $\textbf{Claim 1.}$ If $a$, $b$ are positive integers, then $ab$ is a square if and only if some $s$ exists where $a, b \in G_s$. Proof. The "if" part is obvious. For the "only if" part, for the sake of contradiction let $a = s_A u^2$ and $b = s_B v^2$ where $s_A$ and $s_B$ are distinct squarefree integers. Then $ab = s_A s_B u^2v^2$ is a square, which implies $s_A s_B$ is a square. Again, this can only happen when $s_A = s_B$, a contradiction. Now it is obvious that $P(n) = \prod_{s \text{ squarefree}} |G_s|!$. The largest of the $G_s$ is $G_1$, and since the largest prime factor of $2010$ is $67$ we must have $|G_1| \ge 67 \implies n \ge 67^2$. Now $n = 67^2$ works since $2010 \mid 67!$. The final answer is $67^2 = 4489$.
24.11.2024 03:01
Just wondering, did you have to find the general formula for the solution, or could you write the solution without it?
13.01.2025 06:28
The answer is $\boxed{67^2}$, a number far too large to compute in the timespan of the USAJMO. The key is that all squares must be permuted among each other giving us $\lfloor \sqrt{\frac{n}{k}} \rfloor !$ and generalizing this obvious statement. We then split the numbers into groups based on their largest squarefree factor $k$. In the previous case, $k=1$. Its not hard to see that all groups must be permuted within each other, giving us the answer of $$P(n) = \prod_{k \in \text{squarefree integers}} \lfloor \sqrt{\frac{n}{k}} \rfloor !$$We need a factor of $67$ in this and the conclusion immediately follows. No number smaller than $67^2$ will produce a factor of $67$ because the number being factorialied is smaller than that. @below yes
13.01.2025 07:48
@above ru doing entry combo from otis lol I wrote this solution before but never had a chance to post it: Notice that for $k$ being a perfect square, since there are $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor$ perfect squares less than or equal to $n,$ and each of these squares match with such a $k,$ there are $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor!$ ways to order the perfect squares. Similarly, in general we apply this same logic to squarefree integers $k,$ (since if it wasn't squarefree it would have been counted when considering some squarefree number), we get that $$P(n) = \prod_{k \text{ squarefree}} \left(\left\lfloor \sqrt{\frac{n}{k}} \right\rfloor! \right).$$Clearly for $P(n)$ to be a multiple of $2010,$ it must be a multiple of $67,$ so one of the terms in the product is a multiple of $67.$ Thus to minimize $n,$ it must be $\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor!$ so $n \geq 67^2.$ We can then see that clearly $n=67^2 = \boxed{4489}$ works, so this is our answer.