Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and excenters Ia, Ib, and Ic opposite A, B, and C, respectively. Let D be an arbitrary point on the circumcircle of △ABC that does not lie on any of the lines IIa, IbIc, or BC. Suppose the circumcircles of △DIIa and △DIbIc intersect at two distinct points D and F. If E is the intersection of lines DF and BC, prove that ∠BAD=∠EAC. Proposed by Zach Chroman
Source: USAMO 2023/6
Tags: USAMO, geometry, Hi
24.03.2023 01:13
sol with PoP and a lot of reflections: [asy][asy] size(10cm); defaultpen(fontsize(10pt)); pen pri=mediumblue; pen sec=purple; pen tri=fuchsia; pen fil=invisible; pen sfil=invisible; pen tfil=paleblue; pair O, Ia, Ib, Ic, A, B, C, I, D, X, W, Y, W1, Y1, M, N, U, V, X1, X3, P, Q; O=(0, 0); Ia=dir(105); Ib=dir(210); Ic=dir(330); A=foot(Ia,Ib,Ic); B=foot(Ib,Ia,Ic); C=foot(Ic,Ia,Ib); I=intersectionpoint(A--Ia, B--Ib); X=C+0.25(C-B); X1=foot(X,A,Ia); Y=2*X1-X; X3=foot(X,Ib,Ic); W=2*X3-X; D=intersectionpoint(Y--(Y+100*(Y-A)), circumcircle(A, B, C)); P=intersectionpoint(X--Y, circumcircle(D, I, Ia)); Q=intersectionpoint(X--W, circumcircle(D, Ib, Ic)); M=(I+Ia)/2; N=(Ib+Ic)/2; Y1=2M-X; W1=2N-X; U=intersectionpoint(X--M, circumcircle(D,I,Ia)); V=intersectionpoint(X--N, circumcircle(D,Ib,Ic)); draw(Ia--Ib--Ic--cycle,pri); draw(A--Ia, pri); draw(B--Ib, pri); draw(C--Ic, pri); draw(A--B--C--cycle, pri); draw(circumcircle(A, B, C), pri); draw(C--X, pri); draw(circumcircle(D, I, Ia), tri); draw(circumcircle(D, Ib, Ic), tri); draw(X--Y, dashed+sec); draw(X--W, dashed+sec); draw(X--Y1,dashed+sec); draw(X--W1,dashed+sec); draw(D--W,pri); draw(A--X,pri); label("IA",Ia,dir(90)); label("IB",Ib,dir(180)); label("IC",Ic,dir(0)); label("A",A,dir(270)); label("B",B,dir(60)); label("C",C,dir(120)); label("I",I,dir(240)); label("D",D,dir(0)); label("X",X,dir(150)); label("W",W,dir(240)); label("Y",Y,dir(300)); label("W′",W1,dir(300)); label("Y′",Y1,dir(60)); label("M",M,dir(120)); label("N",N,dir(270)); label("U",U,dir(180)); label("V",V,dir(270)); label("P",P,dir(60)); label("Q",Q,dir(180)); [/asy][/asy] Let X be the point on BC such that ∠CAX=∠BAD; then it suffices to show that X=E, or that X has equal power wrt (DIIA),(DIBIC). Note that △ABC is the orthic triangle of △IAIBIC, and △ADB∼△ACX, △AIC∼△ABIA, △ACIB∼△AICB (latter two are classic properties of the orthic config) so AD⋅AX=AB⋅AC=AI⋅AIA=AIB⋅AIC. Thus, if Y,W are the reflections of X over IIA,IBIC respectively, Y∈(DIIA),W∈(DIBIC). If Y′,W′= reflections of X over midpoints of IIA,IBIC then IYY′IA,IBWW′IC are cyclic isosceles trapezoids so if P,Q=XY∩(DIIA),XW∩(DIBIC) then PY′,QW′ are diameters of the two circles. Furthermore, ∠DPY′=90∘−∠DY′P=90∘−∠PYA=∠DAI. By the nine point circle, the midpoints of IIA,IBIC are on (ABC), and so U=XY′∩(ABC) is on (DIIA); similarly, V=XW′∩(ABC) is on (DIBIC). Thus, Pow(DIIA)(X)=2⋅Pow(ABC)(X)=Pow(DIBIC)(X), and we are done. ◻
24.03.2023 01:21
Let O1 and O2 be the circumcenters of DIIA and DIBIC. Let X be the point on BC satisfying ∠BAD=∠XAC. We will use Cartesian coordinates. Let A=(0,0), I=(0,−4ab), IA=(0,4cd), IB=(4ad,0), IC=(4bc,0). The circumcenter of ABC is the circumcenter of (0,0), (0,2cd−2ab), and (2ad+2bc,0), which is (ad+bc,cd−ab). If D=(x,y) then (x−ad−bc)2+(y−cd+ab)2=(ad+bc)2+(ab−cd)2, or x2+y2=2x(ad+bc)+2y(cd−ab)=2adx+2bcx+2cdy−2aby.Now, compute O1=(x2+(y+4ab)(y−4cd)2x,2cd−2ab),O2=(2ad+2bc,y2+(x−4ad)(x−4bc)2y),and X=(−16abcdxx2+y2,16abcdyx2+y2). The slope of DX is y(x2+y2+16abcd)x(x2+y2−16abcd). The slope of O1O2 is x(x2+y2+16abcd−4adx−4bcx−4cdy+4aby)y(−x2−y2+16abcd+4adx+4bcx+4cdy−4aby)=x(−x2−y2+16abcd)y(x2+y2+16abcd).The product of the two slopes is −1, so DX⊥O1O2. Therefore, X lies on DF, so E=X, which means ∠BAD=∠EAC.
24.03.2023 01:27
We use barycentric coordinates. Let A=(1,0,0), B=(0,1,0), and C=(0,0,1). Then I=(a,b,c), Ia=(−a,b,c), and similarly for the others. Let D=(p,q,r). Then −a2qr−b2pr−c2pq=0. If the equation of (DIIA) is −a2yz−b2xz−c2xy+(x+y+z)(ux+wy+vz)=0, we get that ua+wb+vc=abc and −ua+wb+vc=−abc, so u=bc and wb+vc=0. We have that bcp+wq+vr=0 as well, so we can solve the system and we have w=bc2pcq−rb and v=−b2cpcq−rb. We do the same with (DIBIC). Let the equation be −a2yz−b2xz−c2xy+(x+y+z)(dx+ey+fz)=0, and we get that −abc=da−(eb−fc)=da+(eb−fc), so d=−bc and eb=fc. We also have dp+eq+fr=0, so −bcp+eq+fr=0. Thus e=bc2pcq+rb and f=b2cpcq+rb. Note that the radical axis of the two circles is DF, which is (d−u)x+(e−w)y+(f−v)z=0 and we need to find this intersected with BC which is x=0. Thus E=(0,f−v,e−w). To prove the desired condition, we need D∗, the isogonal conjugate of D, E, and A to be collinear. We have D∗=(a2p,b2q,c2r). Thus we need to prove E=(0,b2q,c2r). This is trivial from our previous computations and a little work.
24.03.2023 01:30
what the late USAMO 2023/6, orthic version wrote: Suppose △ABC is a triangle with orthic triangle DEF and orthocenter H. Point P lies on the nine-point circle, and point Q lies on EF such that DP and DQ are isogonal wrt ∠EDF. Show that Q lies on the radical axis of (PAH) and (PBC). oops diagram later Redefine Q as the intersection of said radical axis with EF. We will show that DP and DQ are isogonal wrt ∠EDF. Let R=AH∩EF, and let S=BC∩EF. In addition, let ℓR be the radical axis of (DEF) and (PAH), and let ℓS be the radical axis of (DEF) and (PBC). Note that Pow(PAH)(R)=RA⋅RH=RE⋅RF=Pow(DEF)(R),where lengths are directed and the second equality comes from Power of a Point on (AEHF). Thus R∈ℓR. Similarly, S∈ℓS. Now let ℓS hit (PAH) again at X, and let ℓR hit (PBC) again at Y. We claim that PDXY is cyclic. To see this, consider the circle ω such that Powω(K)=Pow(PBC)(K)+Pow(PAH)(K)−Pow(DEF)(K),for all points K (this exists by say, Cartesian coordinates). We can check that ω passes through P since each power is 0, and ω passes through D since Pow(PAH)(D)+Pow(PBC)(D)=DA⋅DH+DB⋅DC=0.In addition, ω passes through X since X lies on (PAH) and the radical axis of (PBC) and (DEF). Similarly, it passes through Y, so ω is the desired circle. To finish, note that by Radical Axis Theorem, the six pairwise radical axes of the circles (PAH), (PBC), (DEF), and (PDXY), form a complete quadrangle with vertices at their triple-wise radical centers. By Desargues's Involution Theorem on this complete quadrangle and line EF, there is an involution on EF swapping Q↔PD∩EF, R↔R, and S↔S. Projecting onto the pencil of lines through D, there is an involution on said pencil swapping DQ↔DP and fixing both DA and DB. The latter two imply it is reflection over line DA, so we are done. ◼
24.03.2023 01:39
Probably an Ankan problem tbh
24.03.2023 01:42
barybash We use barycentric coordinates on △ABC. Let D=(α:β:γ). Then since D lies on the circumcircle of △ABC, we have that a2βγ+b2αγ+c2αβ=0. Let E′ be the intersection of the reflection of AD over AI with BC. Then E′=(0:b2/β:c2/γ). We wish to show that E′ lies on the radical axis of the circumcircles ω1,ω2 of △DIIa,△DIbIc respectively, i.e. that Powω1(E′)=Powω2(E′). Let the equation of ωi be a2yz+b2xz+c2xy−(x+y+z)(uix+viy+wiz)=0. Then we get the equations a2bc−ab2c−abc2=(−a+b+c)(−u1a+v1b+w1c)a2bc+ab2c+abc2=(a+b+c)(u1a+v1b+w1c)0=a2βγ+αb2γ+αβc2=(α+β+γ)(u1α+v1β+w1γ)−a2bc+ab2c−abc2=(a−b+c)(u2a−v2b+w2c)−a2bc−ab2c+abc2=(a+b−c)(u2a+v2b−w2c)0=a2βγ+αb2γ+αβc2=(α+β+γ)(u2α+v2β+w2γ)since I=(a:b:c),Ia=(−a:b:c),Ib=(a:−b:c),Ic=(a:b:−c). These simplify to −abc=−u1a+v1b+w1cabc=u1a+v1b+w1c0=u1α+v1β+w1γ−abc=u2a−v2b+w2c−abc=u2a+v2b−w2c0=u2α+v2β+w2γThus, we get that u1=bc,u2=−bc,v1b+w1c=v2b−w2c=0. Then solving for v1,v2,w1,w2 gives us v1=αbc2bγ−cβ,w1=−αb2cbγ−cβv2=αbc2bγ+cβ,w2=αb2cbγ+cβFinally, we have that u1⋅0+v1⋅b2β+w1⋅c2γ=αbc2bγ−cβ⋅b2β−αb2cbγ−cβ⋅c2γ=αb3c2γ−αb2c3ββγbγ−cβ=αb2c2(bγ−cβ)βγbγ−cβ=αb2c2βγSimilarly, we can compute u2⋅0+v2⋅b2β+w2⋅c2γ=αbc2bγ+cβ⋅b2β+αb2cbγ+cβ⋅c2γ=αb3c2γ+αb2c3ββγbγ+cβ=αb2c2(bγ+cβ)βγbγ+cβ=αb2c2βγThus, since these are equal, E′ lies on the radical axis of ω1 and ω2. However, this is the line DF, so E′=DF∩BC=E. Thus, using directed angles we get that ∡BAD=∡BAI+∡IAD=∡IAC+∡E′AI=∡E′AC=∡EACso ∠BAD=∠EAC. ◼ Note: by the assumptions on the location of D, none of β,γ,bγ−cβ,bγ+cβ are zero.
24.03.2023 01:55
Define E as the point on BC such that DAB=EAC. Then, ADB=ACB=ACE, so ADB is similar to ACE. This means that AD⋅AE=AB⋅AC=AI⋅AIA=AIB⋅AICThus, since AD and AE are isogonal, reflecting E over IIA and IBIC to E′ and E″ give points on AD. Power of a Point through A shows that E'DII_A and E''DI_BI_C are cyclic. Additionally, it is well known that II_ABC and I_BI_CBC are cyclic. Now, we will apply Linearity of Power of a Point on lines EE' and EE''. Since the midpoint of EE' lies on II_A, the radical axis of these two circles, we get Pow_{(DII_A)}(E) - Pow_{(BIC)}(E) + Pow_{(DII_A)}(E') - Pow_{(BIC)}(E') = 0However, since (BIC) is the circle with diameter II_A, the power with respect to this circle is the same for E and E'. Additionally, Pow(DII_A)(E') = 0. Thus, we get Pow_{(DII_A)}(E) = 2Pow_{(BIC)}(E) = 2\cdot EB \cdot EC If we do the same thing for EE'', we get Pow_{(DI_BI_C)}(E) - Pow_{(BI_BC)}(E) + Pow_{(DI_BI_C)}(E'') - Pow_{(BI_BC)}(E') = 0which for the same reason, gives Pow_{(DI_BI_C)}(E) = 2Pow_{(BI_BC)}(E) = 2\cdot EB \cdot EC Thus, the power of E is the same with respect to both circles, so E is on their radical axis, namely DF.
24.03.2023 03:23
'cause every night i lie in bed and coordinate bashing fills my head...
24.03.2023 03:42
sort of killed by moving points ? (also in-contest sol lol)
24.03.2023 03:45
v4913 wrote: Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and excenters I_a, I_b,, and I_c opposite A, B, and C, respectively. Let D be an arbitrary point on the circumcircle of \triangle{ABC} that does not lie on any of the lines II_a, I_bI_c, or BC. Suppose the circumcircles of \triangle{DII_a} and \triangle{DI_bI_c} intersect at two distinct points D and F. If E is the intersection of lines DF and BC, prove that \angle{BAD} = \angle{EAC}. This was my fav problem of the whole test.
24.03.2023 05:28
cinnamon_e wrote: he didn't even make aime so?
24.03.2023 05:29
so he's trolling
24.03.2023 07:29
Make a way, projective balistic missile incoming!. (Generalize for all D) Fix \triangle ABC and make D move in (ABC) now let E' be the inverse of D in \sqrt{bc} inversion and let O_1,O_2 the centers of (DI_bI_c) and (DII_a) respectivily. Now note that \text{deg} E'=1, \text{deg} O_2=2 (becuase it moves in the straight bisector of II_a without coming back but covers it twice), \text{deg} O_1=2 (becuase in this case even if it lies in the bisector of I_bI_c we notice that it goes back when (I_bI_cD) is tangent to (ABC) so we can say it lies on a degenerate parabola), hence this means \text{deg} F=2 \text{max} \{\text{deg} O_1, \text{deg} O_2, \text{deg} D \}=4 so if we want to prove D,E',F colinear we need 4+2+1+1=8 cases! Case 1: D midpoint of arc BAC Clearly (DII_a) \cap I_bI_c=F \ne D which is enough since E' goes to I_bI_c \cap BC (use McLaurin to verify) Case 2,3: D=B,C (wlog D=B) Then F=C but also E'=C so we are done. Case 4: D midpoint of minor arc BC Then F=II_a \cap (DI_bI_c) but E' is II_a \cap BC (\sqrt{bc} inversion) so done. Case 5,6,7,8: D is one of the intersections of either (I_bII_a) or (I_cII_a) with (ABC) (wlog the one in minor arc BC of (I_bII_a)) These are similar since the idea (notice F is I_b here) so let E_1 the inverse of D w.r.t. \sqrt{I_bI \cdot I_bB} inversion with center I_b so now by PoP I_aAE_1D is cyclic and also B,E_1,C colinear by the inversion so by \sqrt{bc} inversion we get E_1=E' so we are done. Since we cleared all the cases it holds always thus we are done
24.03.2023 17:42
geometry is keeping me awake
24.03.2023 17:44
coordinate bashing fills my head
24.03.2023 18:41
bary moment
24.03.2023 21:23
Here is the harder version of this problem. I will post the solution to the harder version later. Harder than USAMO 2023 P6 wrote: Prove that the midpoint of EF lies on \odot(ABC). Solution to the original USAMO. Redefine E to be the point on BC such that AI bisects \angle DAE. Let O_1, O_2 be the centers of \odot(II_AD) and \odot(I_BI_CD). Let M and N be the midpoints of I_BI_C and II_A, respectively. [asy][asy] size(11cm,0); defaultpen(fontsize(10pt)); pair I_A = dir(115); pair I_B = dir(200); pair I_C = dir(340); pair A = foot(I_A, I_B, I_C); pair B = foot(I_B, I_A, I_C); pair C = foot(I_C, I_A, I_B); pair I = orthocenter(I_A, I_B, I_C); pair D = (I + dir(50))/2; pair E = extension(reflect(A,I)*D, A, B, C); pair E1 = reflect(A,I)*E; pair E2 = reflect(I_B,I_C)*E; pair O1 = circumcenter(I_A,I,D); pair O2 = circumcenter(I_B,I_C,D); pair K1 = 2*foot(O1,E,E1) - E1; pair K2 = 2*foot(O2,E,E2) - E2; pair S = extension(O1, (E1+K1)/2, O2, (E2+K2)/2); pair T = 2*circumcenter(A,B,C) - A; pair N = (I+I_A)/2; pair M = (I_B+I_C)/2; draw(E1--E--E2, linewidth(1)); draw(E2--D); draw(O1--T--O2--S--cycle, deepgreen+linewidth(1.2)); draw(S--(E2+K2)/2, deepgreen); draw(O1--(I+I_A)/2, deepgreen); draw(E--C,blue+linewidth(0.4)); draw(A--I_A,blue+linewidth(0.4)); draw(circumcircle(I_A,I,D), red+linewidth(1)); draw(circumcircle(A,B,C),blue+linewidth(0.4)); draw(arc(circumcenter(I_B,I_C,D), circumradius(I_B,I_C,D), degrees(E2-O2)+10, 540-degrees(E2-O2)-10, CW), red+linewidth(1)); draw(I_A--I_B--I_C--cycle, gray); draw(A--B--C--cycle, blue+linewidth(0.4)); dot("A",A,dir(270),blue); dot("B",B,NE,blue); dot("C",C,NW,blue); dot("I",I,1.7*dir(-70),blue); dot("I_A",I_A,dir(90)); dot("I_B",I_B,dir(180)); dot("I_C",I_C,dir(0)); dot("D",D,1.5*dir(30),red); dot("E",E,NW); dot("E_1",E1,NW); dot("E_2",E2,dir(180)); dot("K_1",K1,dir(-95),gray); dot("K_2",K2,dir(180),gray); dot("O_1",O1,dir(90),deepgreen); dot("O_2",O2,dir(-90),deepgreen); dot("T",T,dir(45),deepgreen); dot("S",S,dir(-90),deepgreen); dot("M",M,NW,blue); dot("N",N,dir(120),blue); [/asy][/asy] Claim. Let E_1 and E_2 be the reflections of E across II_A and I_BI_C, respectively. Then, A, D, E_1, E_2 are colinear. E_1\in\odot(II_AD) and similarly E_2\in\odot(I_BI_CD). Proof. The first part is obviously true because AI (and thus I_BI_C) bisects \angle DAE. For the second part, note that since \triangle ACE\sim\triangle ADB, we have AD\cdot AE = AB\cdot AC, so AE_1\cdot AD = AE\cdot AD = AB\cdot AC = AI\cdot AI_A,implying that E_1\in\odot(DII_A). Similarly, AE_2\cdot AD = AE\cdot AD = AB\cdot AC = AI_B\cdot AI_C,implying that E_2\in\odot(DI_BI_C). \blacksquare Claim. The circumcenter of \triangle ADF is the midpoint of O_1O_2. Proof. We have \frac{\operatorname{Pow}(A, \odot(II_AD))}{\operatorname{Pow}(A, \odot(I_BI_CD))} = \frac{AI\cdot AI_A}{-AI_B\cdot AI_C} = -1,so the result follows from the coaxial circle lemma. \blacksquare Back to the main problem We let EE_1 intersects \odot(II_AD) again at K_1, and let EE_2 intersects \odot(I_BI_CD) again at K_2. It suffices to show that E_1, E_2, K_1, K_2 are concyclic. We do so by the following: let S be the intersection of perpendicular bisectors of E_1K_1 and E_2K_2, then it suffices to show that SE_1=SE_2. Since A is the midpoint of E_1E_2, this is equivalent to \angle SAD=90^\circ. To that end, we let T = \overline{O_1N}\cap\overline{O_2M}, which is the antipode of A w.r.t. \odot(ABC). Notice that O_1TO_2S is a rectangle. Now, observe that Since T and A are antipodes, we have TD\perp AD. The midpoint K of ST is the midpoint of O_1O_2. From the second claim, the projection of K onto AD is the midpoint of AD. From these two items, we conclude that SA\perp AD, so we are done.
25.03.2023 00:24
25.03.2023 01:42
Rephrase the problem in terms of triangle I_AI_BI_C (I've changed the point labellings, too): Reworded problem wrote: Let ABC be a triangle and DEF be its orthic triangle. Let P \in (DEF) and Q be on FE such that \angle QDF=\angle PDE. Then prove that Q belongs to the radical axis of (BPC) and (PAH). Let X,Y be the projections of Q on BC,AH, and PD intersect (BPC) and (APH) at Q' and Q'' respectively. Claim 1: Q' is the reflection of Q in BC and Q'' is the reflection of Q in AH. Proof: Note that since DP,DQ are isogonal, triangles FQD and PDE are similar, and so DP \cdot DQ=DF \cdot DE=DB \cdot DC=DP \cdot DQ', and so Q' is the reflection of Q in BC. Similarly Q'' is the reflection of Q in AH \blacksquare To the problem, let QX intersect (BPC) again at U \neq Q', and note that {\rm pow} (Q,(BPC))=QQ' \cdot QU=2QX \cdot (UX-QX)=2QX \cdot UX-2QX^2=2(BX \cdot XC-QX^2), and similarly {\rm pow} (Q,(PAH))=2(AY \cdot YH-QY^2), and so we are left to prove that BX \cdot XC-QX^2=AY \cdot YH-QY^2. Note that BX \cdot XC+QY^2=(BD-QY)(CD+QY)+QY^2=(BD-CD)QY+BD \cdot CD and AY \cdot YH+QX^2=(AD-QX)(QX-HD)+QX^2=(AD+HD)QX-AD \cdot HD, and so we are left to prove that (BD-CD)QY+BD \cdot CD=(AD+HD)QX-AD \cdot HD. Let AD and FE intersect at R. Note that \angle QRY=90^\circ-\angle B+\angle C. Therefore, QY=RY\cot(\angle B-\angle C)=(RD-QX)\cot(\angle B-\angle C), and so we need to prove that (we also use that BD \cdot CD=AD \cdot HD) (BD-DC)\cot(\angle B-\angle C)RD+2BD \cdot DC+((DC-DB)\cot(\angle B-\angle C)-(AD+DH))QX=0 To make our live easier, we prove the following Claim: Claim 2: (BD-DC)\cot(\angle C-\angle B)=AD+DH. Proof: Note that \dfrac{BD-DC}{AD+DH}=\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{AD}{DB}+\dfrac{DH}{DB}}-\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{AD}{DC}+\dfrac{DH}{DC}}=\dfrac{1}{\tan \angle B+\dfrac{1}{\tan \angle C}}-\dfrac{1}{\tan \angle C+\dfrac{1}{\tan \angle B}}=\dfrac{\tan \angle C-\tan \angle B}{\tan \angle B \tan \angle C+1}=\tan(\angle C-\angle B), as desired \blacksquare Hence, the second summand of the LHS of the equality we have to prove is zero, and in order to prove that the first one is zero, too, we only need to prove that (AD+DH)RD=2BD \cdot DC, or equivalently that (AD+DH)RD=2DF \cdot DE. However, note that \dfrac{AD+DH}{DF}=\dfrac{\sin \angle C}{\cos \angle B}+\dfrac{\cos \angle C}{\sin \angle B}=\dfrac{\cos(\angle B-\angle C)}{\sin \angle B \cos \angle B} and \dfrac{2DE}{RD}=\dfrac{2\cos(\angle B-\angle C)}{\sin \angle 2B}=\dfrac{\cos(\angle B-\angle C)}{\sin \angle B \cos \angle B}, and so the two expressions are equal, as desired. The proof is finished.
30.11.2023 00:05
@above please provide a reference to understand the godforsaken things you've written thanks
30.11.2023 00:41
oVlad wrote: @above please provide a reference to understand the godforsaken things you've written thanks Isogonal pivotal cubic can be found at https://mathworld.wolfram.com/PivotalIsogonalCubic.html. Group law on Cubics is AFAIK equivalent to Group law on Elliptical Curves, which has many resources. Circle Points are the points at infinity of (1 : i : 0) and (i : 1 : 0), but the gist is that they are isogonal conjugates and a conic is a circle iff it goes through both circle points.
04.01.2024 08:29
Wow bary so strong. It suffices to show that D and E are isogonal in \angle BAC. Let \omega_1 and \omega_2 denote (DII_A) and (DI_BI_C) respectively. Now we use barycentric coordinates. Take \triangle A BC as reference. Then we must have I = (a:b:c) and similarly I_A = (-a:b:c), I_B = (a:-b:c) and I_C = (a:b:-c). Take D = (x_1:y_1:z_1) satisfying, a^2y_1z_1 + b^2x_1z_1 + c^2x_1y_1 = 0.Also take E' = (0 : b^2z_1 : c^2y_1), which is isogonal to D in \angle BAC. Then it suffices to show Pow_{\omega_1}(E') = Pow_{\omega_2}(E').Now we will find the equation of \omega_1. Plugging points into the arbitrary circle equation we have, \begin{align*} -abc(a + b + c) + (a+b+c)(u_1a + v_1b + w_1c) &= 0\\ abc(-a + b + c) + (-a + b + c)(-u_1a + v_1b + w_1c) &= 0\\ -a^2y_1z_1 - b^2x_1z_1 - c^2x_1y_1 + (x_1+y_1+z_1)(u_1x_1 + v_1y_1 + w_1z_1) &= 0\\ \end{align*}These relatively nicely simplify down to, \begin{align*} u_1a + v_1b + w_1c &= abc\\ -u_1a + v_1b + w_1c &= - abc\\ u_1x_1 + v_1y_1 + w_1z_1 &= 0 \end{align*}Now subtracting the first two equations we find u_1 = bc. Then we have the new system, \begin{align*} v_1b + w_1c &= 0\\ bcx_1 + v_1y_1 + w_1z_1 &= 0 \end{align*}The first equation implies we have \frac{v_1}{w_1} = \frac{-c}{b} \implies w_1 = \frac{-b}{c}v_1. Plugging this into the second we wish to find a solution to, \begin{align*} bcx_1 + v_1y_1 - \frac{b}{c}v_1z_1 &= 0\\ v_1\left(y_1 - \frac{b}{c}z_1 \right) &= -bcx_1\\ v_1 &= \frac{-bc^2x_1}{cy_1 - bz_1} \end{align*}Then clearly we find w_1 = \frac{b^2cx_1}{cy_1 - bz_1} so our circle has equation, \begin{align*} -a^2yz -b^2xz - c^2xy + (x+y+z)\left(bcx - \frac{bc^2x_1}{cy_1 - bz_1}y + \frac{b^2cx_1}{cy_1 - bz_1}z \right) &= 0 \end{align*}Yay. Now we have to do the same thing for \omega_2. We get the system, \begin{align*} abc(a - b + c) + (a-b+c)(u_2a - v_2b + w_2c) &= 0\\ abc(a + b - c) + (a+b-c)(u_2a + v_2b - w_2c) &= 0\\ -a^2y_1z_1 - b^2x_1z_1 - c^2x_1y_1 + (x_1+y_1+z_1)(u_2x_1 + v_2y_1 + w_2z_1) &= 0\\ \end{align*}This neatly simplifies to, \begin{align*} u_2a - v_2b + w_2c &= -abc\\ u_2a + v_2b - w_2c &= -abc\\ u_2x_1 + v_2y_1 + w_1z_1 &= 0 \end{align*}Adding the first two equations give u_2 = -bc. Plugging this back in we have the system, \begin{align*} -v^2b + w^2c &= 0\\ -bcx_1 + v_2y_1 + w_1z_1 &= 0 \end{align*}The first equation gives \frac{v_2}{w_2} = \frac{c}{b} \implies w_2 = \frac{b}{c}v_2. Plugging this into the second we have, \begin{align*} -bcx_1 + v_2y_1 + \frac{b}{c}v_2z_1 &= 0\\ v_2\left(y_1 + \frac{b}{c}z_1 \right) &= bcx_1\\ v_2 &= \frac{bc^2x_1}{cy_1 + bz_1} \end{align*}Then we easily get w_2 = \frac{b^2cx_1}{cy_1 + bz_1}. Thus our circle has equation, -a^2yz - b^2xz - c^2xy + (x+y+z)\left(-bcx + \frac{bc^2x_1}{cy_1 + bz_1}y + \frac{b^2cx_1}{cy_1 + bz_1} \right) = 0Now we're on the homestretch. Plugging in E' = (0 :b^2z_1 : c^2y_1) into the circle equations we have, \begin{align*} Pow_{\omega_1}(E') &= -a^2b^2c^2z_1y_1 + (b^2z_1 + c^2y_1)\left(-\frac{b^3c^2x_1z_1}{cy_1-bz_1} + \frac{b^2c^3x_1y_1}{cy_1-bz_1} \right)\\ Pow_{\omega_2}(E') &= -a^2b^2c^2z_1y_1 + (b^2z_1 + c^2y_1) \left(\frac{b^3c^2x_1z_1}{cy_1 + bz_1} + \frac{b^2c^3x_1y_1}{cy_1 + bz_1} \right) \end{align*}Thus it suffices to show, \begin{align*} \frac{b^2c^3x_1y_1 - b^3c^2x_1z_1}{cy_1 - bz_1} &= \frac{b^3c^2x_1z_1 + b^2c^3x_1y_1}{cy_1+bz_1}\\ \frac{b^2c^2x_1(cy_1 - bz_1)}{cy_1 - bz_1} &= \frac{b^2c^2x_1(bz_1 + cy_1)}{cy_1 + bz_1}\\ b^2c^2x_1 &= b^2c^2x_1 \end{align*}so we are done. \blacksquare
11.01.2024 15:37
Here is my solution (linpop): Re-define E to be the point on BC such that it is isogonal to D with respect to \angle BAC. Thus, it suffice to prove E lies on the radical axis of (DII_A) and (DI_BI_C). Let E_1, E_2 denote the reflections of E with respect to AI_A , I_B I_C, respectively. Note that (by Force-Overlaid Inversion): AI_A \cdot A I_B = AI \cdot AI_A = AE \cdot AD = A E_1 \cdot AD = A E_2 \cdot AD = AB \cdot AC Hence, DE_1 II_A and DI_B E_2 I_C are cyclic. Now, define f(X) = Pow(X, (D I_B I_C)) - Pow(X, (D I I_A)). Thus, it suffice to prove that f(E) = 0. Now, we define: p(X) = Pow(X, (D I_B I_C)) - Pow(X, (I_B I_C BC))g(X) = Pow(X, (I_B I_C BC)) - Pow(X, (IBI_AC))h(X) = Pow(X, (IB I_A C)) - Pow(E, (D I I_A)) Note that f = p+g+h. Now, notice that: p(E) = -p(E_2) as E_2 is the reflection of E with respect to I_B I_C which is the radical axis of (I_B I_C BC) and (DI_BI_C). Similarly, h(E) = -h(E_1). Also, note that g(E) = 0 as E lies on their radical axis. Hence; f(E) = p(E)+g(E)+h(E) = Pow(E_2, (I_B I_C BC)) - Pow (E_1, (IB I_A C))= -Pow(E, (I_B I_C BC)) + Pow (E, (IB I_A C)) = 0
16.01.2024 12:44
SMA665 wrote: I think this is the greatest USAMO no it is not, in my opinion USAMO 1990 was better and we win
26.01.2024 02:26
let AI_a intersect the circumcircle of ABC at F, and intersect BC at G. extend AE to intersect the circumcircle of ABC at H we easily get that ADC=ABC=ABE=AFC, and by incenter and excenter properties, BAG=FAC=BCF and ACF~CGF~AGB we also have CAD=CBD, BAH=BCH, and BF=CF=IF=I_aF. we then prove BDHC is an isoceles trapezoid via 2019 IMO P6 and get that CHF and BDF are congruent, and CDF=BDF=CAH=BAD=CAE
07.02.2024 01:43
Redefine E as the image of D under force-overlaid inversion with respect to \triangle ABC. Let f(\bullet) = \text{Pow}(\bullet, (DI_BI_C))-\text{Pow}(\bullet, (DII_A)). We will show that f(E)=0. We write f as a sum of linear functions f_1, f_2, and f_3 defined by f_1(\bullet) = \text{Pow}(\bullet, (DI_BI_C))-\text{Pow}(\bullet, (II_A)) f_2(\bullet) = \text{Pow}(\bullet, (II_A))-\text{Pow}(\bullet, (I_BI_C)) f_3(\bullet) = \text{Pow}(\bullet, (I_BI_C)) - \text{Pow}(\bullet, (DII_A)). Note that f_2 vanishes at E, so it suffices to show that g = f_1+f_3 vanishes at E. Reflect E over AI_A to E_1, and E over I_BI_C to E_2. By force-overlaid inversion and power of a point, it is easy to see that E_1 lies on (DII_A) and E_2 lies on (DI_BI_C). Now note that f_1(E) = -f_1(E_1) and f_3(E)=-f_3(E_2) since the midpoints of EE_1 and EE_2 lie on the kernels of f_1 and f_3, respectively. We compute that -f_1(E_1) = \text{Pow}(E_1, (II_A)) = \text{Pow}(E, (II_A)) and -f_3(E_2) = -\text{Pow}(E_2, (I_BI_C))=-\text{Pow}(E, (I_BI_C)). Thus it suffices to show that \text{Pow}(E, (I_BI_C)) - \text{Pow}(E, (II_A)) = 0, but this is clear as the radical axis of (I_BI_C) and (II_A) is BC, which E lies on.
11.02.2024 21:34
YouTube video
12.02.2024 06:29
actually zero mohs problem ! ! ! (half jokes???) Redefine E as the point where \angle BAD=\angle EAC. We show that E lies on the radical axis of the given circumcircles. Reflect E across A-internal and external bisectors to U and V. Notice that U\in (DII_a) and V\in (DI_bI_c). Let R=EU\cap (DII_a) and S=EV\cap (DI_bI_c). It suffices to show that EU\cdot ER=EV\cdot ES. Move E linearly in t on BC. Expressing in terms of degrees, we have: EU=1ER=\frac{2}{1}EV=1ES=\frac{2}{1}where we found degree for ER (analogously, ES) by defining M as midpoint of EU, then noticing that MI\cdot MI_a=MU\cdot MR. So now we just need to show something like \frac{3}{1}=\frac{3}{1}which essentially means we need to prove a degree four polynomial is equal to zero. So it suffices to check five points for E. E=B,C are easy. E=AI\cap BC is easy. (Because (DII_a) is a line.) E=AI_bI_c\cap BC is easy. (Because (DI_bI_c) is a line.) Notice that \sqrt{bc} inversion means it's okay to prove that (ADE), (II_aE), and (I_bI_cE) have another intersection point. Consider when E\to \infty_{BC}. Then the intersection point of (I_bI_cE) and (II_aE) approaches A which is legit enough (bahahaha seriously though it should work?) to imply E=\infty_{BC} is totally gaming. Done
12.02.2024 06:33
synthetic progress ABCH orthocentric system with D on nine point circle. Let U and V be reflections of D across AH and BC. Let P and Q be the orthocenters of \triangle ADH and \triangle BDC. Show that PQUV form orthocentric system. (this suffices) (this is trivial by coordinate bash i think but i mean synthetic = yes) linpop seriously man
12.05.2024 11:12
[asy][asy] size(11cm); defaultpen(fontsize(10pt)); pair A = dir(115), B = dir(205), C = dir(335), D = dir(40), M1 = dir(270), M2 = dir(90), I = incenter(A,B,C), Ia = 2*M1 - I, Ib = extension(A,M2,C,Ia), Ic = extension(A,M2,B,Ia), E = extension(A,2*foot(D,M1,M2)-D,B,C), E1 = 2M1-E, E2 = 2M2-E, A1 = extension(A,I,B,C), D1 = extension(E,E1,D,A1), D2 = extension(D,extension(A,Ib,B,C),E,M2), F = E + dir(E--D)*abs(E-D1)*abs(E-E1)/abs(E-D), D0 = 2*foot(D,M1,M2)-D; draw(circumcircle(A,B,C)); draw(arc(circumcenter(D,Ib,Ic), abs(D-circumcenter(D,Ib,Ic)), -140, 5), purple); draw(A--B--C--A); draw(Ia--Ib--Ic--Ia); draw(E1--E2^^M1--M2, red); draw(D--E, red+dashed); draw(B--E); draw(circumcircle(D,I,Ia), purple); draw(E1--E--E2, red); draw(A--Ia); draw(circumcircle(B,C,Ib)^^circumcircle(B,I,C), blue+dotted); draw(circumcircle(D1,E1,D2), purple+dashed); draw(A--E, dotted); dot("A", A, dir(115)); dot("B", B, dir(210)); dot("C", C, dir(330)); dot("I", I, dir(180)); dot("I_a", Ia, dir(270)); dot("I_b", Ib, dir(0)); dot("I_c", Ic, dir(225)); dot("E_1", E1, dir(315)); dot("E_2", E2, dir(0)); dot("D_1", D1, dir(225)); dot("D_2", D2, dir(225)); dot("M_1", M1, dir(270)); dot("M_2", M2, dir(90)); dot("D", D, dir(90)); dot("E", E, dir(180)); dot("F", F, dir(90)); dot("D'", D0, dir(135)); [/asy][/asy] Let \overline{AI} meet (ABC) again at M_1, and M_2 be the midpoint of arc BAC. Let (DII_a) meet (ABC) again at D_1, and (DI_bI_c) meet (ABC) again at D_2. By radical axis on (BICI_a), (DID_1I_a), and (ABC), we have \overline{AI}, \overline{BC}, \overline{DD_1} concur. By radical axis on (BCI_bI_c), (DD_2I_bI_c), and (ABC), we have \overline{AM_2}, \overline{BC}, \overline{DD_2} concur. Thus -1 = (B,C;\overline{AI} \cap \overline{BC},\overline{AM_2} \cap \overline{BC})\overset D= (B,C;D_1,D_2).Since M_1,M_2 are arc midpoints, we then have \overline{D_1M_1}, \overline{D_2M_2}, \overline{BC} at some point E. We will show that \angle BAD = \angle EAC and D, E, F collinear. \angle BAD = \angle EAC: Let D' be the reflection of D over \overline{M_1M_2}. Let f(P) = \pm \frac{PB}{PC} depending on if P is above or below \overline{BC}. By Ratio lemma we have f(E) = f(D_1) = \frac{f(\overline{AI} \cap \overline{BC})}{f(D)} = f(A)f(D'),so A, D', E are collinear which implies the conclusion. D, E, F collinear: Let E_i be the reflection of E over M_i for i = 1,2. By Shooting lemma we have M_1D_1 \cdot M_1E_1 = M_1D_1 \cdot M_1E = M_1B^2 = M_1I \cdot M_1I_a,so E_1 \in (DII_1) and similarly E_2 \in (DI_bI_c). So since \overline{M_1M_2} \parallel \overline{E_1E_2} we have D_1E_1E_2D_2 is cyclic by Reim's, so we are done by radical axis on (DI_bI_c), (DII_a), and (D_1E_1E_2D_2). \square MarkBcc168 wrote: Prove that the midpoint of EF lies on \odot(ABC). Note that \angle E_1FE_2 = \angle E_1FD + \angle E_2FD = \angle DD_1M_1 + \angle DD_2M_2 = 90^\circ, so if X is the midpoint of \overline{EF} then homothety centered at E with scale factor \frac 12 implies \angle M_1XM_2 = 90^\circ.
06.07.2024 22:50
We use directed angles and lengths. State the problem with reference to the orthocentric system I,I_a,I_b,I_c. Let E' be the point on \overline{BC} with \measuredangle BAD=\measuredangle E'AC. Notice that (I,I_a) and (D,E') are images under an inversion at A with power AB \cdot AC composed with a reflection over \overline{AI}, so we have AD \cdot AE'=AB \cdot AC=AI \cdot AI_a.Let X=\overline{AI} \cap \overline{DE'} and P=\overline{DE'} \cap (ABC). Claim: (DII_a) passes through 2P-E'. Proof: It suffices to show XD(2XP-XE')=XI \cdot XI_a. By the incenter-excenter lemma, we have AI+AI_a=2AM, so \begin{align*} XI \cdot XI_a&=(XA+AI)(XA+AI_a) \\ &=XA^2+XA(AI+AI_a)+AI \cdot AI_a \\ &=XA^2+2XA \cdot AM+AD \cdot AE' \\ &=2XA(XA+AM)-XA^2+AD \cdot AE' \\ &=2XA \cdot XM-AX^2+AD \cdot AE'. \end{align*}By Stewart on ADE', we have \begin{align*} AX^2&=\frac{AD^2 \cdot E'X+AE'^2 \cdot DX}{DE'}+XD \cdot XE' \\ &=\frac{AD^2 \cdot \frac{AE' \cdot DE'}{AD+AE'}+AE'^2 \cdot \frac{AD \cdot DE'}{AD+AE'}}{DE'}+XD \cdot XE' \\ &=\frac{AD \cdot AE' \cdot DE'(AD+AE')}{DE'(AD+AE')}+XD \cdot XE' \\ &=AD \cdot AE'+XD \cdot XE'. \end{align*}Plugging this into the expression for XI \cdot XI_a, we obtain XI \cdot XI_a=2XA \cdot XM-XD \cdot XE'=XD\left(\frac{2XA \cdot XM}{XD}-XE'\right)=XD(2XP-XE'),as desired. \square We can swap I with I_b and I_a with I_c and apply this claim to show (DI_bI_c) passes through 2P-E' as well. Thus, 2P-E'=F, so E'=\overline{DF} \cap \overline{BC}=E, as desired. \square Remark: How do you guess F=2P-E'? You don't. Or, you can solve half of the problem synthetically in-contest and derive that it must be true but fail to solve the other half of the problem which is literally the same thing in the orthocentric system statement.
09.07.2024 11:26
(O) is the circumcircle of ABC. Redefine E as the intersection of the isogonal line of AD and BC. H is the midpoint of arc BAC, (DI_bI_c) intersect (O) the second time at G, I_bI_c cuts BC at J We have I_bI_cBC is cyclic, therefore JI_b.JI_c=JB.JC, so by radical axis we have J,D,G are collinear AE cuts (O) the second time E', we have: \displaystyle\frac{BE}{CE}=\frac{AB}{AC}.\frac{BE'}{CE'}=\frac{JB}{JC}.\frac{CD}{BD}=\frac{GB}{GC} Thus G,E,H are collinear K is the intersection of HD and BC We then have HA.HJ=HB^2=HK.HD=HE.HG, which means KEGD,AKDJ,AEGJ are all cyclic So A is the Miquel point of the complete quadrilateral KEGD.HJ Denote L the intersection of KG and DE, M is the center of (KEGD) We have a well-known lemma: Given a complete quadrilateral ABCD.EF with ABCD cyclic, center of (ABCD) is O, AC intersect BD at G, then OG pass through the Miquel point of ABCD.EF By Brokard's theorem, wwe have L is the orthocenter of HMJ, by the Lemma A,L,M are collinear, and by ML\perp JH we have A,L,M,R,I_a are collinear, R is the midpoint of arc BC not containing A. We have to prove that D,E,F are collinear, which is equivalent to show that D,L,F are collinear, which means L lies on the radical axis of (DII_a) and (DI_bI_c) (I_bI_cD) intersect (BIC) at P,Q. We have JI_b.JI_c=JB.JC, thus J,P,Q are collinear by radical axis Notice that if we prove that P,L,Q are collinear, then LP.LQ=\mathcal{P}_{L-(DI_bI_c)}=LI.LI_a=\mathcal{P}_{L-(DII_a)}, which ends the problem. Now I show that this is true. Define S to be the center of (DI_bI_c). By Brokard's theorem, JL\perp HM, and we have SR\perp PQ, so we need to prove SR\parallel HL H is the midpoint of I_bI_c so HS\parallel MR, and note that S,O,M are collinear because they all lie on the perpendicular bisector of DG, and O is the midpoint of HR, thus HSRM is a parallelogram, this implies HL\parallel SR, the problem is proved

07.12.2024 23:15
Here's a slick (scam) dot product solution: Redefine E as the point on BC satisfying \angle BAD = \angle EAC. Observe that by \sqrt{bc} inversion, \measuredangle IEI_a = -\measuredangle IDI_a and so if I_aE intersects (DII_a) again at X, then IE = IX. So, we get that the power of E w.r.t. (DII_a) equals (EI)(EX) = 2 \overrightarrow{EI} \cdot \overrightarrow{EI_a} and similarly the power of E w.r.t. (DI_bI_c) is 2\overrightarrow{EI_b}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_c} So, we want to now show that \overrightarrow{EI}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_a} = \overrightarrow{EI_b}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_c}. Writing this in terms of position vectors, this becomes (e-i)\cdot (e-i_a)= (e-i_b)(e-i_c) or e\cdot (i_b+i_c-i-i_a) = i_b\cdot i_c-i\cdot i_a which has to be the equation of a line in e. But as E=B,C clearly satisfy \overrightarrow{EI}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_a} = \overrightarrow{EI_b}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_c}=0; \overrightarrow{EI}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_a} = \overrightarrow{EI_b}\cdot \overrightarrow{EI_c} in terms of E represents the line BC and we are done!
05.01.2025 18:29
[asy][asy] import geometry; unitsize(3cm); pair A = dir(110); pair B = dir(210); pair C = dir(330); pair L = dir(270); pair D = dir(240); triangle t = triangle(A,B,C); pair I = incenter(t); pair Ia = excenter(t.BC); pair Ib = excenter(t.CA); pair Ic = excenter(t.AB); pair E = intersectionpoint(line(B,C), reflect(line(A,I)) * line(A,D)); pair X = reflect(line(A,I)) * E; pair Y = reflect(line(Ib, Ic)) * E; draw(circumcircle(A,B,C), red); draw(circumcircle(D, I, Ia), green); draw(circumcircle(D, Ib, Ic), green); draw(circumcircle(B,I,C), blue); draw(circumcircle(B,C,Ib), blue); draw(A--B--C--cycle); draw(A--Ia); draw(E--X, dashed+orange); draw(E--Y, dashed+orange); draw(Ia--Ib--Ic--cycle); draw(A--D); draw(A--E); dot("A", A, dir(A)); dot("B", B, dir(B)); dot("C", C, dir(C)); dot("D", D, dir(D)); dot("L", L, dir(L)); dot("I", I, dir(I)); dot("I_a", Ia, dir(Ia)); dot("I_b", Ib, dir(Ib)); dot("I_c", Ic, dir(Ic)); dot("E'", E, dir(E)); dot("X", X, dir(X)); dot("Y", Y, dir(Y)); [/asy][/asy] Let E' be the point on BC such that \angle BAD = \angle EAC. I will show that E' lies on the radical axis of (DII_A) and (DI_BI_C), which clearly proves E = E'. Claim: We have AD \cdot AE' = AB \cdot AC = AI \cdot AI_a = AI_b \cdot AI_c Proof. The first equality follows from \triangle ABD \sim \triangle AE'C, which is simple angle chasing. The second equality follows from \triangle AIB \sim \triangle ACI_a, which is also simple angle chasing. The last equality follows from the fact that I is the orthocenter of \triangle I_aI_bI_c and A is the foot from I_a to I_bI_c, and then using the fact that the reflection of I across I_bI_c lies on (I_aI_bI_c). \square Claim: Let X and Y be the reflections of E' across II_a and I_bI_c, respectively. Then DXII_a and DYI_bI_c are cyclic. Proof. We have AI \cdot AI_a = AD \cdot AE' = AD \cdot AX so by Power of a Point, DXII_a is cyclic. Similarly, AI_b \cdot AI_c = AD \cdot AE' = AD \cdot AY so by Power of a Point, DYI_bI_c is cyclic as well. \square Now, let (DXII_a) = \Gamma_1 and (DYI_bI_c) = \Gamma_2 for brevity. Let the circumcircles of BICI_a and BCI_bI_c be \omega_1 and \omega_2 respectively. Note that \omega_1 has diameter II_a and \omega_2 has diameter I_bI_c. Claim: Let f (\Omega, P) be the power of the point P with respect to circle \Omega. Then f(\Gamma_1, E') - f(\omega_1, E') + f(\Gamma_1, X) - f(\omega_1, X) = 0 f(\Gamma_2, E') - f(\omega_2, E') + f(\Gamma_2, Y) - f(\omega_2, Y) = 0 and additionally f(\Gamma_1, X) = 0 f(\Gamma_2, Y) = 0 f(\omega_1, X) = f(\omega_1, E') f(\omega_2, Y) = f(\omega_2, E') f(\omega_1, E') = f(\omega_2, E') Proof. The first two follow by Linearity of Power of a Point; in particular, g(P) = f(\Omega_1, P) - f(\Omega_2, P) for fixed circles \Omega_1, \Omega_2 is a linear function with respect to P. Let the midpoint of E'X be M, lies on II_a, the radical axis of \Gamma_1 and \omega_1. Then \frac{f(\Gamma_1, E') - f(\omega_1, E') + f(\Gamma_1, X) - f(\omega_1, X)}{2} = f(\Gamma_1, M) - f(\omega_1, M) = 0 which implies the first equation. Let the midpoint of E'Y be N, which lies on I_bI_c, the radical axis of \Gamma_2 and \omega_2. Then \frac{f(\Gamma_2, E') - f(\omega_2, E') + f(\Gamma_2, Y) - f(\omega_2, Y)}{2} = f(\Gamma_2, N) - f(\omega_2, N) = 0 which implies the second equation. The following two equations follow from X \in (DII_a) and Y \in (DI_bI_c). The next two follow since X is the reflection of E across II_a, the diameter of \omega_1, and Y is the reflection of E across I_bI_c, the diameter of \omega_2. The last one follows since BC is the radical axis of \omega_1 and \omega_2, and E' lies on BC. \square Then, it follows that \begin{align*} f(\Gamma_1, E') &= f(\omega_1, E') - f(\Gamma_1, X) + f(\omega_1, X) \\ &= f(\omega_1, E') - 0 + f(\omega_1, E') \\ &= f(\omega_2, E') - 0 + f(\omega_2, E') \\ &= f(\omega_2, E') - f(\Gamma_2, Y) + f(\omega_2, Y) \\ &= f(\Gamma_2, E') \end{align*}which implies that E' lies on the radical axis of \Gamma_1 and \Gamma_2, which is what we wanted to prove. \blacksquare