Prove that there exists a positive integer $n < 10^6$ such that $5^n$ has six consecutive zeros in its decimal representation. Proposed by Evan Chen
Source: USAJMO 2016, Problem J2
Tags: AMC, USA(J)MO, USAJMO, 2016 USAJMO, 2016 USAJMO Problem 2, Hi
20.04.2016 00:30
EDIT: Could have used Euler and $2^{20}$ to avoid the middle section. @below because I did not qualify so I had time to write it up.
20.04.2016 00:31
@above How did you get a solution so fast?
20.04.2016 00:31
$ 2^19+20$ also works if ur nervous. i'lll add in solution soon.
20.04.2016 00:31
This problem was proposed by me. One answer is $n = 20 + 2^{19} = 524308$. First, observe that \begin{align*} 5^n &\equiv 5^{20} \pmod{5^{20}} \\ 5^n &\equiv 5^{20} \pmod{2^{20}} \\ \end{align*}the former being immediate and the latter since $\varphi(2^{20}) = 2^{19}$. Hence $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod{10^{20}}$. Moreover, we have \[ 5^{20} = \frac{1}{2^{20}} \cdot 10^{20} < \frac{1}{1000^2} \cdot 10^{20} = 10^{-6} \cdot 10^{20}. \]Thus the last $20$ digits of $5^n$ will begin with six zeros. This completes the proof.
20.04.2016 00:32
sunny2000 wrote: $ 2^{19}+20$ also works if ur nervous. i'lll add in solution soon. Fixed!
20.04.2016 00:32
v_Enhance wrote: This problem was proposed by me. One answer is $n = 20 + 2^{19} = 524308$. First, observe that \begin{align*} 5^n &\equiv 5^{20} \pmod{5^{20}} \\ 5^n &\equiv 5^{20} \pmod{2^{20}} \\ \end{align*}the former being immediate and the latter since $\varphi(2^{20}) = 2^{19}$. Hence $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod{10^{20}}$. Moreover, we have \[ 5^{20} = \frac{1}{2^{20}} \cdot 10^{20} < \frac{1}{1000^2} \cdot 10^{20} = 10^{-6} \cdot 10^{20}. \]Thus the last $20$ digits of $5^n$ will begin with six zeros. This completes the proof. Congratulations v_Enhance on getting a problem accepted!
20.04.2016 00:32
20.04.2016 00:43
Wait doesn't $9*2^8+4$ work? Edit: apparently not. I used Euler's theorem so that the last digits would be 000000625 My logic: So $5^{9*2^8+4}\equiv 625 mod 5^9$ (right...) and $5^{9*2^8+4}\equiv 625 mod 2^9$ since $5^{2^8}\equiv 1 mod 2^9$
20.04.2016 00:47
Don't think so.
20.04.2016 00:55
If you want $5^n\equiv 625 \mod 5^9$ and $n$ not equal to 4, you clearly need $n>9$. In that case, $5^9|5^n-625$, which means $5^9|625$ which is false.
20.04.2016 00:57
Or just notice that $5^n\equiv 0 \pmod{5^9}$ for $n\ge 9$.
20.04.2016 00:58
FlakeLCR wrote:
Exactly how I did it.
20.04.2016 01:27
if v_Enhance said that one answer is $20+2^{19}$, is there another one?
20.04.2016 01:28
Another answer is $n = 20 + 2^{18}$, much the same proof. I think the smallest $n$ is $n=3375$, though I don't think there was a way you could have found that during the contest.
20.04.2016 01:32
20.04.2016 01:39
Do you still get 7 for proving n exists without finding it?
20.04.2016 01:40
vitriolhumor wrote: Do you still get 7 for proving n exists without finding it? Yes, though I have yet to see a solution which does this.
20.04.2016 01:47
v_Enhance wrote: I think the smallest $n$ is $n=3375$, though I don't think there was a way you could have found that during the contest. "Say it takes $ab$ seconds to multiply an $a$-digit integer by a $b$-digit integer..."
20.04.2016 01:58
But if we use the Fast Fourier Transform then we can do it in around $a\log a$, assuming $a$ is larger. And to compute $5^n$ we only need $c\log n$ multiplications, up to a $O(n)$ amount of digits, giving us around $n(\log n)^2$ time to compute that. It is linear time to check for zeroes. Then sum from $1$ to $n$ to bring it to about $O(n^2(\log n)^3)$ time*.
Actually, it would be interesting to change $5$ to other things (not a power of $10$) and find the minimal exponent; it obviously exists, since for every $a$ not a power of ten, there exists $n$ such that $a^n$ starts with any fixed prefix, like $10\cdots 0$. It's only $O(n^2(\log n)^3)$ time as an algorithm. However, boundedness might only be determinable by the constants in Kronecker's theorem... which is possible, true, but annoying. I'm going to see if we can show $n < 10^6$ exists with $5^n$ starting with $x000000$.
27.01.2022 23:42
asdf334 wrote: 2^18 + 20 gang That’s what I found at first, but I made it easier by doing $2^{19}+20$ Ig it’s not that hard to show that $5^{2^{18}}\equiv 1\pmod{2^{20}}$
27.01.2022 23:45
Can someone please PM me the strategy for these kinds of general decimal expansion problems?
27.01.2022 23:47
*I never expected this kind of random comment would pop out of asdf, with the post having no other content...But I will leave reporting for someone else who wants to.*
27.01.2022 23:50
Any way other than DottedCaculator’s to show that $n=3375$ works?
27.01.2022 23:51
of course not
27.01.2022 23:54
maybe there is
04.02.2022 06:03
$n=2^{19}+20$ works; clearly we have $n<10^6$. We clearly have $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod{5^{20}}$. Further, we have $$5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod{2^{20}} \iff 5^{n-20} \equiv 1 \pmod{2^{20}},$$which is true by Euler totient, so by CRT $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod{10^{20}}$. Additionally, $$5^{20}\cdot 2^{20}=10^{20} \implies 5^{20}\cdot 10^6<10^{20} \implies 5^{20}<10^{14},$$so the last $20$ digits of $5^n$ begin with 6 consecutive zeroes as desired. $\blacksquare$
19.03.2022 06:56
I claim that $n=2^{18}+20 = 262164$ works. Claim: $2^{20} \mid 5^n-5^{20}.$ Proof: By Lifting the Exponent lemma, $$\nu_2(5^{n-20} - 1) = \nu_2(5-1) + \nu_2(2^{18}) + \nu_2(5+1) - 1 = 20.$$ Now I claim that the last $20$ digits of $5^n$ is six zeros followed by the decimal representation of $5^{20}$, which solves the problem. First, note that $5^{20}$ has $\lceil{20 \cdot \log_{10}5 \rceil} = 14$ digits, so this claim amounts to showing that $5^{2^{18}+20} \equiv 5^{20} \pmod {2^{20} \cdot 5^{20}}.$ This congruence is obviously true modulo $5^{20}$ and follows modulo $2^{20}$ due to the lemma, so our value of $n$ works and is less than $10^6$.
18.03.2023 05:57
Should’ve been swapped with JMO/1 I think. We claim $n = 2^{19} + 20$, which is clearly less than $10^6$ works. First, note that $5^n\equiv 5^{20}\pmod{5^{20}}$. Additionally, $$5^n\equiv 5^{2^{19} + 20}\equiv 5^{20}\pmod{2^{20}}.$$Hence, $5^n\equiv 5^{20}\pmod{10^{20}}$. Now, it remains to show that $5^{20}$ has at most $14$ digits, as then the last $20$ digits of $5^n$ will be $5^{20}$ preceded by $\ge 20 - 14 = 6$ zeros, which finishes. Indeed, \[ 5^{20} < 10^{14}\iff 5^6 < 2^{14}\iff 15625 < 16384,\]which is true, so we are done.
18.03.2023 08:18
Note $2^{17}+18<10^6$. We claim that there are six consecutive zeroes in $5^{18+2^{17}}$. We claim that $$5^{18+2^{17}}\equiv 5^{18}\pmod{10^{18}}$$Clearly, $$5^{18+2^{17}}\equiv 5^{18}\pmod{5^{18}}$$So, it suffices to show $$5^{18+2^{17}}\equiv 5^{18}\pmod{2^{18}}.$$Since $\phi(2^{18})=17$, $5^{2^{17}}\equiv 1\pmod{2^{18}}$. So, $$5^{18+2^{17}}\equiv 5^{18}\pmod{2^{18}}.$$ So, $5^{18+2^{17}}-5^{18}$ has 18 zeroes at the end. We have $5^{10}<10^6$, so $5^{20}<10^{12}$, so $5^{18}<10^{11}$. So, $5^{18}$ has at most 11 digits. So, when we add $5^{18}$ to $5^{18+2^{17}}-5^{18}$, we get a number with at least 18-11=7 consecutive zeroes.
12.04.2023 23:41
I believe this solution works, but I am rather bad at NT. Suppose that such an $n$ does exist; then, if we take $5^n \pmod {10^k}$ for some $k$, this residue must be less than $10^{k-6}$ to have six consecutive zeroes. Note that since $5^n \equiv 5^k \pmod {5^k}$, we can try to make a construction for $n$ such that $5^n \equiv 5^k \pmod {10^k}$ and $5^k < 10^{k-6}$. Notice that we should aim for $k=20$, as \[ 5^{20} = 10^{20} \div 2^{20} < 10^{20} \div 10^6 = 10^{14} \]To find the $n$ such that $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod {10^{20}}$, we must also have $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod {2^{20}}$, or $5^{n-20} \equiv 1 \pmod {2^{20}}$, which implies $2^{19} \mid n-20$. Notice that $n = 2^{19}+20$ satisfies this condition, thus $5^n \equiv 5^{20} \pmod {10^{20}}$, thus proving the existence.
07.09.2023 04:12
I got 6 consecutive zeroes on USAJMO Take $n=2^{19}+20$ By Euler Totient Theorem, $5^{2^{19}}\equiv1(\mod2^{20})$ Let it be $a\cdot2^{20}+1$ Then $5^{2^{19}+20}=a\cdot10^{20}+5^{20}$. Since $5^{20}=\dfrac{10^{20}}{2^{20}}<10^{14}$, the 14th to 19th digits of $5^{2^{19}+20}$ are all zero, satisfying the conclusion. Full proof here:
15.03.2024 22:08
$n = 2^{19} + 22$ works. To see this, notice that $5^{22}$ has $16$ digits, and notice that \begin{align*} \nu_5 \left(5^{2^{19}+22} - 5^{22}\right) &= 22 \\ \nu_2 \left(5^{2^{19} + 22} - 5^{22}\right) = \nu_2(5^2-1)+\nu_2(2^{19}) &= 22 \end{align*}Hence $5^n - 5^{22}$ has $22$ zeroes at the end of its decimal representation. The result easily follows.
04.09.2024 02:26
This post includes some of my thought process on this. So if you were at some point some enjoyer of bashing perfect powers (like 7 yrs old me :p), you would've noticed that it's common to see powers of $5$ as the last digits of a bigger power of $5$, so it is reasonable to consider some $k,\ell$ for which $5^n \equiv 5^k \pmod{10^{\ell}}$, since we pretty much can take care of $5^{\ell}$ (and also this means we would need $k \ge \ell$ so for bounding reasons the most optimal choice is $k=\ell$) we will focus on $\pmod{2^{\ell}}$, now notice that $\phi(2^{\ell})=2^{\ell-1}$ and $\gcd(2,5)=1$. therefore $5^{2^{\ell-1}+\ell} \equiv 5^{\ell} \pmod{2^{\ell}}$ so we have that if we set $n=2^{\ell-1}+\ell$ then $5^n \equiv 5^{\ell} \pmod{10^{\ell}}$, so now we just need to make $10^{\ell}$ as distant as possible from $5^{\ell}$, which happens when $\ell$ is maximal, and since $2^{20}>10^6>2^{19}+2$ we have that $\ell=20$ is the maximal we can choose so we have $5^n=5^{20} \pmod{10^{20}}$, and since $5^{20}=\frac{10^{20}}{2^{20}}<\frac{10^{20}}{10^6}$ we have that $\pmod{10^{20}}$ the first six numbers are $000000$ thus we are done .
05.09.2024 05:01
The problem is equivalent to finding an integer $n$ such that there exists $k \in \mathbb{Z}^+$ that satisfies the inequality $$5^n \mod 10^k < 10^{k-6}$$Starting from this expression, we have: \[ 5^n \mod 10^k = 5^k (5^{n-k} \mod 2^k) < 10^{k-6} \]\[ \Rightarrow 5^{n-k} \mod 2^k < \frac{10^{k-6}}{5^k} = \frac{2^k}{10^6} \]Setting $n = 2^{k-1} + k$, by Euler's theorem, we have: \[ 5^{n-k} \equiv 5^{2^{k-1}} \equiv 1 \pmod{2^k}. \]Setting $n = 2^{19} + 20 = 524288 + 20 = 524268 < 10^6$, we obtain: \[ 5^{n-20}\pmod{2^{20}}=1< \left( \frac{1024}{1000} \right)^2 = \frac{2^{20}}{10^6}. \]Therefore, $n = 2^{19} + 20$ works.