Let $a$ be positive real number such that $a^{3}=6(a+1)$. Prove that the equation $x^{2}+ax+a^{2}-6=0$ has no real solution.
2007 JBMO Shortlist
$\boxed{\text{A2}}$ Prove that for all Positive reals $a,b,c$ $\frac{a^2-bc}{2a^2+bc}+\frac{b^2-ca}{2b^2+ca}+\frac{c^2-ab}{2c^2+ab}\leq 0$
Let $A$ be a set of positive integers containing the number $1$ and at least one more element. Given that for any two different elements $m, n$ of A the number $ \frac{m+1 }{(m+1,n+1) }$ is also an element of $A$, prove that $A$ coincides with the set of positive integers.
Let $a$ and $ b$ be positive integers bigger than $2$. Prove that there exists a positive integer $k$ and a sequence $n_1, n_2, ..., n_k$ consisting of positive integers, such that $n_1 = a,n_k = b$, and $(n_i + n_{i+1}) | n_in_{i+1}$ for all $i = 1,2,..., k - 1$
The real numbers $x,y,z, m, n$ are positive, such that $m + n \ge 2$. Prove that $x\sqrt{yz(x + my)(x + nz)} + y\sqrt{xz(y + mx)(y + nz)} + z\sqrt{xy(z + mx)(x + ny) }\le \frac{3(m + n)}{8} (x + y)(y + z)(z + x)$
We call a tiling of an $m \times n$ rectangle with corners (see figure below) "regular" if there is no sub-rectangle which is tiled with corners. Prove that if for some $m$ and $n$ there exists a "regular" tiling of the $m \times n$ rectangular then there exists a "regular" tiling also for the $2m \times 2n $ rectangle.
Given are $50$ points in the plane, no three of them belonging to a same line. Each of these points is colored using one of four given colors. Prove that there is a color and at least $130$ scalene triangles with vertices of that color.
The nonnegative integer $n$ and $ (2n + 1) \times (2n + 1)$ chessboard with squares colored alternatively black and white are given. For every natural number $m$ with $1 < m < 2n+1$, an $m \times m$ square of the given chessboard that has more than half of its area colored in black, is called a $B$-square. If the given chessboard is a $B$-square, find in terms of $n$ the total number of $B$-squares of this chessboard.
$\boxed{\text{G1}}$ Let $M$ be interior point of the triangle $ABC$ with <BAC=70and <ABC=80 If <ACM=10 and <CBM=20.Prove that $AB=MC$
Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral with $\angle{DAC}= \angle{BDC}= 36^\circ$ , $\angle{CBD}= 18^\circ$ and $\angle{BAC}= 72^\circ$. The diagonals and intersect at point $P$ . Determine the measure of $\angle{APD}$.
Let the inscribed circle of the triangle $\vartriangle ABC$ touch side $BC$ at $M$ , side $CA$ at $N$ and side $AB$ at $P$ . Let $D$ be a point from $\left[ NP \right]$ such that $\frac{DP}{DN}=\frac{BD}{CD}$ . Show that $DM \perp PN$ .
Let $S$ be a point inside $\angle pOq$, and let $k$ be a circle which contains $S$ and touches the legs $Op$ and $Oq$ in points $P$ and $Q$ respectively. Straight line $s$ parallel to $Op$ from $S$ intersects $Oq$ in a point $R$. Let $T$ be the intersection point of the ray $PS$ and circumscribed circle of $\vartriangle SQR$ and $T \ne S$. Prove that $OT // SQ$ and $OT$ is a tangent of the circumscribed circle of $\vartriangle SQR$.
Number Theory
Find all the pairs positive integers $(x, y)$ such that $\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y}+\frac{1}{[x, y]}+\frac{1}{(x, y)}=\frac{1}{2}$ , where $(x, y)$ is the greatest common divisor of $x, y$ and $[x, y]$ is the least common multiple of $x, y$.
Prove that the equation $x^{2006} - 4y^{2006} -2006 = 4y^{2007} + 2007y$ has no solution in the set of the positive integers.
Let $n > 1$ be a positive integer and $p$ a prime number such that $n | (p - 1) $and $p | (n^6 - 1)$. Prove that at least one of the numbers $p- n$ and $p + n$ is a perfect square.
Let $a, b$ be two co-prime positive integers. A number is called good if it can be written in the form $ax + by$ for non-negative integers $x, y$. Define the function $f : Z\to Z $as $f(n) = n - n_a - n_b$, where $s_t$ represents the remainder of $s$ upon division by $t$. Show that an integer $n$ is good if and only if the infinite sequence $n, f(n), f(f(n)), ...$ contains only non-negative integers.
Prove that if $ p$ is a prime number, then $ 7p+3^{p}-4$ is not a perfect square.