Let $ f(x) = c_m x^m + c_{m-1} x^{m-1} +...+ c_1 x + c_0$, where each $ c_i$ is a non-zero integer. Define a sequence $ \{ a_n \}$ by $ a_1 = 0$ and $ a_{n+1} = f(a_n)$ for all positive integers $ n$. (a) Let $ i$ and $ j$ be positive integers with $ i<j$. Show that $ a_{j+1} - a_j$ is a multiple of $ a_{i+1} - a_i$. (b) Show that $ a_{2008} \neq 0$
2008 Hong kong National Olympiad
Let $ n>4$ be a positive integer such that $ n$ is composite (not a prime) and divides $ \varphi (n) \sigma (n) +1$, where $ \varphi (n)$ is the Euler's totient function of $ n$ and $ \sigma (n)$ is the sum of the positive divisors of $ n$. Prove that $ n$ has at least three distinct prime factors.
$ \Delta ABC$ is a triangle such that $ AB \neq AC$. The incircle of $ \Delta ABC$ touches $ BC, CA, AB$ at $ D, E, F$ respectively. $ H$ is a point on the segment $ EF$ such that $ DH \bot EF$. Suppose $ AH \bot BC$, prove that $ H$ is the orthocentre of $ \Delta ABC$. Remark: the original question has missed the condition $ AB \neq AC$
There are 2008 congruent circles on a plane such that no two are tangent to each other and each circle intersects at least three other circles. Let $ N$ be the total number of intersection points of these circles. Determine the smallest possible values of $ N$.