2006 Team Selection Test For CSMO


Find all the pairs of positive numbers such that the last digit of their sum is 3, their difference is a primer number and their product is a perfect square.


Let $AA_1$ and $BB_1$ be the altitudes of an acute-angled, non-isosceles triangle $ABC$. Also, let $A_0$ and $B_0$ be the midpoints of its sides $BC$ and $CA$, respectively. The line $A_1B_1$ intersects the line $A_0B_0$ at a point $C'$. Prove that the line $CC'$ is perpendicular to the Euler line of the triangle $ABC$ (this is the line that joins the orthocenter and the circumcenter of the triangle $ABC$).


The set $M= \{1;2;3;\ldots ; 29;30\}$ is divided in $k$ subsets such that if $a+b=n^2, (a,b \in M, a\neq b, n$ is an integer number $)$, then $a$ and $b$ belong different subsets. Determine the minimum value of $k$.


All the squares of a board of $(n+1)\times(n-1)$ squares are painted with three colors such that, for any two different columns and any two different rows, the 4 squares in their intersections they don't have all the same color. Find the greatest possible value of $n$.