2009 China National Olympiad

Day 1


Given an acute triangle $ PBC$ with $ PB\neq PC.$ Points $ A,D$ lie on $ PB,PC,$ respectively. $ AC$ intersects $ BD$ at point $ O.$ Let $ E,F$ be the feet of perpendiculars from $ O$ to $ AB,CD,$ respectively. Denote by $ M,N$ the midpoints of $ BC,AD.$ $ (1)$: If four points $ A,B,C,D$ lie on one circle, then $ EM\cdot FN = EN\cdot FM.$ $ (2)$: Determine whether the converse of $ (1)$ is true or not, justify your answer.


Find all the pairs of prime numbers $ (p,q)$ such that $ pq|5^p+5^q.$


Given two integers $ m,n$ satisfying $ 4 < m < n.$ Let $ A_{1}A_{2}\cdots A_{2n + 1}$ be a regular $ 2n+1$ polygon. Denote by $ P$ the set of its vertices. Find the number of convex $ m$ polygon whose vertices belongs to $ P$ and exactly has two acute angles.

Day 2


Given an integer $ n > 3.$ Let $ a_{1},a_{2},\cdots,a_{n}$ be real numbers satisfying $ min |a_{i} - a_{j}| = 1, 1\le i\le j\le n.$ Find the minimum value of $ \sum_{k = 1}^n|a_{k}|^3.$


Let $ P$ be a convex $ n$ polygon each of which sides and diagnoals is colored with one of $ n$ distinct colors. For which $ n$ does: there exists a coloring method such that for any three of $ n$ colors, we can always find one triangle whose vertices is of $ P$' and whose sides is colored by the three colors respectively.


Given an integer $ n > 3.$ Prove that there exists a set $ S$ consisting of $ n$ pairwisely distinct positive integers such that for any two different non-empty subset of $ S$:$ A,B, \frac {\sum_{x\in A}x}{|A|}$ and $ \frac {\sum_{x\in B}x}{|B|}$ are two composites which share no common divisors.