

Tags: algebra, geometry, number theory, combinatorics, chilean NMO

p1. From a $1000$-page book, a quantity has been ripped of consecutive of leaves. It is known that the sum of the numbers of the torn pages is $2018$. Determine the numbering of the ripped pages. p2. A square with side $ 8$ cm is divided into $64$ squares of $ 1$ cm$^2$. $7$ little squares are colored black and the rest white. Find the maximum area of a rectangle composed only of small white squares independent of the distribution of the little black squares. p3. Let n $\in N$. We want to find a partition of $\Omega = \{1, 2,..., n\}$ in $M$ disjoint subsets $S_1, S_2,..., S_M$, such that the sum of the elements of each $S_i$ is the same. What is the maximum value possible of $M$? p4. In the hypotenuse $BC$ of a right isosceles triangle $ABC$ are chosen four points $P_1$, $P_2$, $P_3$, $P_4$ such that $|BP_1| = |P_1P_2| = |P_2P_3| = |P_3P_4| = |P_4C|$. Choose a point $D$ on leg $AB$ such that $5|AD| = |AB|$. Calculate the sum of the four angles $\angle AP_iD$, $i = 1,...,4$. PS. Seniors p1, p2 were posted as Juniors p3,p2 respectively.