1. Find all primes of the form n3−1 .
2017 Kosovo National Mathematical Olympiad
Grade 9
2 .Solve the inequality |x−1|−2|x−4|>3+2x
3. 3 red birds for 4 days eat 36 grams of seed, 5 blue birds for 3 days eat 60 gram of seed. For how many days could be feed 2 red birds and 4 blue birds with 88 gr seed?
4. Find all triples of consecutive numbers ,whose sum of squares is equal to some fourdigit number with all four digits being equal.
5. Given the point T in rectangle ABCD, the distances from T to A,B,C is 15,20,25. Find the distance from T to D.
Grade 11
Find all ordered pairs (a,b), of natural numbers, where 1<a,b≤100, such that 1loga10+1logb10 is a natural number.
Prove that for every positive real a,b,c the inequality holds : ab+bc+ca+1≥2√23(√a+bc+√b+ca+√c+ab) When does the equality hold?
n teams participated in a basketball tournament. Each team has played with each team exactly one game. There was no tie. If in the end of the tournament the i-th team has xi wins and yi loses (1≤i≤n) prove that: ∑ni=1xi2=∑ni=1yi2
Prove that : cos36−sin18=12
A sphere with ray R is cut by two parallel planes. such that the center of the sphere is outside the region determined by these planes. Let S1 and S2 be the areas of the intersections, and d the distance between these planes. Find the area of the intersection of the sphere with the plane parallel with these two planes, with equal distance from them.
Grade 12
The sequence an n∈N is given in a recursive way with a1=1, an=∏n−1i=1ai+1, for all n≥2. Determine the least number M, such that ∑mn=11an<M for all m∈N
Solve the system of equations x+y+z=π tanxtanz=2 tanytanz=18
Let a≥2 a fixed natural number, and let an be the sequence an=aa..a (e.g a1=a, a2=aa, etc.). Prove that (an+1−an)|(an+2−an+1) for every natural number n.
Prove the identity \sum_{k=2}^{n} k(k-1)\binom{n}{k} =\binom{n}{2} 2^{n-1} for all n=2,3,4,...
Lines determined by sides AB and CD of the convex quadrilateral ABCD intersect at point P. Prove that \alpha +\gamma =\beta +\delta if and only if PA\cdot PB=PC\cdot PD, where \alpha ,\beta ,\gamma ,\delta are the measures of the internal angles of vertices A, B, C, D respectively.