2003 Flanders Junior Olympiad


Playing soccer with 3 goes as follows: 2 field players try to make a goal past the goalkeeper, the one who makes the goal stands goalman for next game, etc. Arne, Bart and Cauchy played this game. Later, they tell their math teacher that A stood 12 times on the field, B 21 times on the field, C 8 times in the goal. Their teacher knows who made the 6th goal. Who made it?


Through an internal point $O$ of $\Delta ABC$ one draws 3 lines, parallel to each of the sides, intersecting in the points shown on the picture. Find the value of $\frac{|AF|}{|AB|}+\frac{|BE|}{|BC|}+\frac{|CN|}{|CA|}$.


Yesterday (=April 22, 2003) was Gittes birthday. She notices that her age equals the sum of the 4 digits of the year she was born in. How old is she?


The points in the plane with integer coordinates are numbered as below. What are the coordinates of the number $2003$?