Let $f : N \to N$ be a function such that the set $\{k | f(k) < k\}$ is finite. Prove that the set $\{k | g(f(k)) \le k\}$ is infinite for all functions $g : N \to N$.
1990 Romania Team Selection Test
Prove that in any triangle $ABC$ the following inequality holds: \[ \frac{a^{2}}{b+c-a}+\frac{b^{2}}{a+c-b}+\frac{c^{2}}{a+b-c}\geq 3\sqrt{3}R. \] Laurentiu Panaitopol
Prove that for any positive integer $n$, the least common multiple of the numbers $1,2,\ldots,n$ and the least common multiple of the numbers: \[\binom{n}{1},\binom{n}{2},\ldots,\binom{n}{n}\] are equal if and only if $n+1$ is a prime number. Laurentiu Panaitopol
Let $M$ be a point on the edge $CD$ of a tetrahedron $ABCD$ such that the tetrahedra $ABCM$ and $ABDM$ have the same total areas. We denote by $\pi_{AB}$ the plane $ABM$. Planes $\pi_{AC},...,\pi_{CD}$ are analogously defined. Prove that the six planes $\pi_{AB},...,\pi_{CD}$ are concurrent in a certain point $N$, and show that $N$ is symmetric to the incenter $I$ with respect to the barycenter $G$.
1 - Day
Let a,b,n be positive integers such that $(a,b) = 1$. Prove that if $(x,y)$ is a solution of the equation $ax+by = a^n + b^n$ then $$\left[\frac{x}{b}\right]+\left[\frac{y}{a}\right]=\left[\frac{a^{n-1}}{b}\right]+\left[\frac{b^{n-1}}{a}\right]$$
Prove the following equality for all positive integers $m,n$: $$\sum_{k=0}^{n} {m+k \choose k} 2^{n-k} +\sum_{k=0}^m {n+k \choose k}2^{m-k}= 2^{m+n+1}$$
Find all polynomials $P(x)$ such that $2P(2x^2 -1) = P(x)^2 -1$ for all $x$.
The six faces of a hexahedron are quadrilaterals. Prove that if seven its vertices lie on a sphere, then the eighth vertex also lies on the sphere.
2 - Day
Let $O$ be the circumcenter of an acute triangle $ABC$ and $R$ be its circumcenter. Consider the disks having $OA,OB,OC$ as diameters, and let $\Delta$ be the set of points in the plane belonging to at least two of the disks. Prove that the area of $\Delta$ is greater than $R^2/8$.
Prove that there are infinitely many n’s for which there exists a partition of $\{1,2,...,3n\}$ into subsets $\{a_1,...,a_n\}, \{b_1,...,b_n\}, \{c_1,...,c_n\}$ such that $a_i +b_i = c_i$ for all $i$, and prove that there are infinitely many $n$’s for which there is no such partition.
The sequence $ (x_n)_{n \geq 1}$ is defined by: $ x_1=1$ $ x_{n+1}=\frac{x_n}{n}+\frac{n}{x_n}$ Prove that $ (x_n)$ increases and $ [x_n^2]=n$.
For a set $S$ of $n$ points, let $d_1 > d_2 >... > d_k > ...$ be the distances between the points. A function $f_k: S \to N$ is called a coloring function if, for any pair $M,N$ of points in $S$ with $MN \le d_k$ , it takes the value $f_k(M)+ f_k(N)$ at some point. Prove that for each $m \in N$ there are positive integers $n,k$ and a set $S$ of $n$ points such that every coloring function $f_k$ of $S$ satisfies $| f_k(S)| \le m$
3 - Day
The distance between any two of six given points in the plane is at least $1$. Prove that the distance between some two points is at least $\sqrt{\frac{5+\sqrt5}{2}}$
Let $p,q$ be positive prime numbers and suppose $q>5$. Prove that if $q \mid 2^{p}+3^{p}$, then $q>p$. Laurentiu Panaitopol
In a group of $n$ persons, (i) each person is acquainted to exactly $k$ others, (ii) any two acquainted persons have exactly $l$ common acquaintances, (iii) any two non-acquainted persons have exactly $m$ common acquaintances. Prove that $m(n-k -1) = k(k -l -1)$.