2011 Uzbekistan National Olympiad

Day 1


Let a,b,c Postive real numbers such that $a+b+c\geq 6$. Find the minimum value $A=\sum_{cyc}{a^2}$+$\sum_{cyc}{\frac{a}{b^2+c+1}}$


Prove that $ \forall n\in\mathbb{N}$,$ \exists a,b,c\in$$\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}}(k^{2},k^{2}+k+3\sqrt 3) $ such that $n=\frac{ab}{c}$.


Given an acute triangle $ABC$ with altituties AD and BE. O circumcinter of $ABC$.If o lies on the segment DE then find the value of $sinAsinBcosC$


$A$ graph $G$ arises from $G_{1}$ and $G_{2}$ by pasting them along $S$ if $G$ has induced subgraphs $G_{1}$, $G_{2}$ with $G=G_{1}\cup G_{2}$ and $S$ is such that $S=G_{1}\cap G_{2}.$ A is graph is called chordal if it can be constructed recursively by pasting along complete subgraphs, starting from complete subgraphs. For a graph $G(V,E)$ define its Hilbert polynomial $H_{G}(x)$ to be $H_{G}(x)=1+Vx+Ex^2+c(K_{3})x^3+c(K_{4})x^4+\ldots+c(K_{w(G)})x^{w(G)},$ where $c(K_{i})$ is the number of $i$-cliques in $G$ and $w(G)$ is the clique number of $G$. Prove that $H_{G}(-1)=0$ if and only if $G$ is chordal or a tree.

Day 2


Find the minimum value of $|x-y|+\sqrt{(x+2)^2+(y-4)^4}$


Let triangle ABC with $ AB=c$ $AC=b$ $BC=a$ $R$ circumradius, $p$ half peremetr of $ABC$. I f $\frac{acosA+bcosB+ccosC}{asinA+bsinB+csinC}=\frac{p}{9R}$ then find all value of $cosA$.


In acute triangle $ABC$ $AD$ is bisector. $O$ is circumcenter, $H$ is orthocenter. If $AD=AC$ and $AC\perp OH$ . Find all of the value of $\angle ABC$ and $\angle ACB$.


Does existes a function $f:N->N$ and for all positeve integer n $f(f(n)+2011)=f(n)+f(f(n))$