A computer program that works only with integer numbers reads the numbers on the screen, identifies the selected numbers and performs one of the following actions: • If button $A$ is pressed, the user selects $5$ numbers and then each selected number is changed to its successor; • If button $B$ is pressed, the user selects $5$ numbers and then each selected number is changed to its triple. Bento has this program on his computer with the numbers $1, 3, 3^2, · · ·, 3^{19}$ on the screen, each one appearing just once. a) By simply pressing button $A$ several times, is Bento able to make the sum of the numbers on the screen be $2024^{2025}$? b) What is the minimum number of times that Bento must press button $B$ to make all the numbers on the screen turn equal, without pressing button $A$?
2024 Brazil Cono Sur TST
March 5th, 2024 - Test 1
Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $AB < AC < BC$ and $\Gamma$ its circumcircle. Let $\omega_1$ be the circle with center $B$ and radius $AC$ and $\omega_2$ the circle with center $C$ and radius $AB$. The circles $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$ intersect at point $E$ such that $A$ and $E$ are on opposite sides of the line $BC$. The circles $\Gamma$ and $\omega_1$ intersect at point $F$ and the circles $\Gamma$ and $\omega_2$ intersect at point $G$ such that the points $F$ and $G$ are on the same side as $E$ in relation to the line $BC$. With $K$ being the point such that $AK$ is a diameter of $\Gamma$, prove that $K$ is circumcenter of triangle $EFG$.
Given a positive integer $n$, define $\tau(n)$ as the number of positive divisors of $n$ and $\sigma(n)$ as the sum of those divisors. For example, $\tau(12) = 6$ and $\sigma(12) = 28$. Find all positive integers $n$ that satisfy: \[ \sigma(n) = \tau(n) \cdot \lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil \]
An infinite sequence of positive real numbers $x_0,x_1,x_2,...$ is called $vasco$ if it satisfies the following properties: (a) $x_0=1,x_1=3$; and (b) $x_0+x_1+...+x_{n-1}\ge3x_{n}-x_{n+1}$, for every $n\ge1$. Find the greatest real number $M$ such that, for every $vasco$ sequence, the inequality $\frac{x_{n+1}}{x_{n}}>M$ is true for every $n\ge0$.
April 5th, 2024 - Test 2
The sum of $2025$ non-negative real numbers is $1$. Prove that they can be organized in a circle in such a way that the sum of all the $2025$ products of pairs of neighbouring numbers isn't greater than $\frac{1}{2025}$.
Inside an angle $\angle BOC$ there are three disjoint circles: $k_1,k_2$ and $k_3$, which are, each one, tangent to its sides $BO$ and $OC$. Let $r_1, r_2$ and $r_3$, respectively, be the radii of these circles, with $r_1<r_2<r_3$. The circles $k_1$ and $k_3$ are tangent to the side $OB$ at $A$ and $B$, respectively, and $k_2$ is tangent to the side $OC$ at $C$. Let $K=AC\cap k_1,L=AC\cap k_2,M=BC\cap k_2$ and $N=BC\cap k_3$. Besides that, let $P=AM\cap BK,Q=AM\cap BL,R=AN\cap BK$ and $S=AN\cap BL$. If the intersections of $CP,CQ,CR$ and $CS$ with $AB$ are $X,Y,Z$ and $T$, respectively, prove that $XZ = YT$.
Find all positive integers $m$ that have some multiple of the form $x^2+5y^2+2024$, with $x$ and $y$ integers.
In the cartesian plane, consider the subset of all the points with both integer coordinates. Prove that it is possible to choose a finite non-empty subset $S$ of these points in such a way that any line $l$ that forms an angle of $90^{\circ},0^{\circ},135^{\circ}$ or $45^{\circ}$ with the positive horizontal semi-axis intersects $S$ at exactly $2024$ points or at no points.
May 6th, 2024 - Test 3
For positive integers $n$ and $k \geq 2$, define $E_k(n)$ as the greatest exponent $r$ such that $k^r$ divides $n!$. Prove that there are infinitely many $n$ such that $E_{10}(n) > E_9(n)$ and infinitely many $m$ such that $E_{10}(m) < E_9(m)$.
For each natural number $n\ge3$, let $m(n)$ be the maximum number of points inside or on the sides of a regular $n$-agon of side $1$ such that the distance between any two points is greater than $1$. Prove that $m(n)\ge n$ for $n>6$.
For a pair of integers $a$ and $b$, with $0<a<b<1000$, a set $S\subset \begin{Bmatrix}1,2,3,...,2024\end{Bmatrix}$ $escapes$ the pair $(a,b)$ if for any elements $s_1,s_2\in S$ we have $\left|s_1-s_2\right| \notin \begin{Bmatrix}a,b\end{Bmatrix}$. Let $f(a,b)$ be the greatest possible number of elements of a set that escapes the pair $(a,b)$. Find the maximum and minimum values of $f$.
Let $ABC$ be a triangle, $O$ its circumcenter and $\Gamma$ its circumcircle. Let $E$ and $F$ be points on $AB$ and $AC$, respectively, such that $O$ is the midpoint of $EF$. Let $A'=AO\cap \Gamma$, with $A'\ne A$. Finally, let $P$ be the point on line $EF$ such that $A'P\perp EF$. Prove that the lines $EF,BC$ and the tangent to $\Gamma$ at $A'$ are concurrent and that $\angle BPA' = \angle CPA'$.