Determine all positive real solutions $(a,b)$ to the following system of equations. \begin{align*} \sqrt{a} + \sqrt{b} &= 6 \\ \sqrt{a-5} + \sqrt{b-5} &= 4 \end{align*}
2024 Indonesia MO
Wednesday, 28 August 2024 - Day 1
The triplet of positive integers $(a,b,c)$ with $a<b<c$ is called a fatal triplet if there exist three nonzero integers $p,q,r$ which satisfy the equation $a^p b^q c^r = 1$. As an example, $(2,3,12)$ is a fatal triplet since $2^2 \cdot 3^1 \cdot (12)^{-1} = 1$. The positive integer $N$ is called fatal if there exists a fatal triplet $(a,b,c)$ satisfying $N=a+b+c$. (a) Prove that 16 is not fatal. (b) Prove that all integers bigger than 16 which are not an integer multiple of 6 are fatal.
The triangle $ABC$ has $O$ as its circumcenter, and $H$ as its orthocenter. The line $AH$ and $BH$ intersect the circumcircle of $ABC$ for the second time at points $D$ and $E$, respectively. Let $A'$ and $B'$ be the circumcenters of triangle $AHE$ and $BHD$ respectively. If $A', B', O, H$ are not collinear, prove that $OH$ intersects the midpoint of segment $A'B'$.
Kobar and Borah are playing on a whiteboard with the following rules: They start with two distinct positive integers on the board. On each step, beginning with Kobar, each player takes turns changing the numbers on the board, either from $P$ and $Q$ to $2P-Q$ and $2Q-P$, or from $P$ and $Q$ to $5P-4Q$ and $5Q-4P$. The game ends if a player writes an integer that is not positive. That player is declared to lose, and the opponent is declared the winner. At the beginning of the game, the two numbers on the board are $2024$ and $A$. If it is known that Kobar does not lose on his first move, determine the largest possible value of $A$ so that Borah can win this game.
Thursday, 29 August 2024 - Day 2
Each integer is colored with exactly one of the following colors: red, blue, or orange, and all three colors are used in the coloring. The coloring also satisfies the following properties: 1. The sum of a red number and an orange number results in a blue-colored number, 2. The sum of an orange and blue number results in an orange-colored number; 3. The sum of a blue number and a red number results in a red-colored number. (a) Prove that $0$ and $1$ must have distinct colors. (b) Determine all possible colorings of the integers which also satisfy the properties stated above.
Suppose $A_1 A_2 \ldots A_n$ is an $n$-sided polygon with $n \geq 3$ and $\angle A_j \leq 180^{\circ}$ for each $j$ (in other words, the polygon is convex or has fewer than $n$ distinct sides). For each $i \leq n$, suppose $\alpha_i$ is the smallest possible value of $\angle{A_i A_j A_{i+1}}$ where $j$ is neither $i$ nor $i+1$. (Here, we define $A_{n+1} = A_1$.) Prove that \[ \alpha_1 + \alpha_2 + \cdots + \alpha_n \leq 180^{\circ} \]and determine all equality cases.
Suppose $P(x) = x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1x + a_0$ where $a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_{n-1}$ are reals for $n\geq 1$ (monic $n$th-degree polynomial with real coefficients). If the inequality \[ 3(P(x)+P(y)) \geq P(x+y) \]holds for all reals $x,y$, determine the minimum possible value of $P(2024)$.
Let $n \ge 2$ be a positive integer. Suppose $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$ are distinct integers. For $k = 1, 2, \dots, n$, let \[ s_k := \prod_{\substack{i \not= k, \\ 1 \le i \le n}} |a_k - a_i|, \]i.e. $s_k$ is the product of all terms of the form $|a_k - a_i|$, where $i \in \{ 1, 2, \dots, n \}$ and $i \not= k$. Find the largest positive integer $M$ such that $M$ divides the least common multiple of $s_1, s_2, \dots, s_n$ for any choices of $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$.