Are there $n$-digit numbers M and N such that all digits $M$ are even, all $N$ digits are odd, every digit from $0$ to $9$ occurs in decimal notation M or N at least once, and $M$ is divisible by $N$?
1998 All-Russian Olympiad Regional Round
Grade 8
Given a parallelogram ABCD, let M and N be the midpoints of the sides BC and CD. Can the lines AM, AN divide the angle BAD into three equal angles?
There are 52 cards in the deck, 13 of each suit. Vanya draws from the deck one card at a time. Removed cards are not returned to the deck. Every time Before taking out the card, Vanya makes a wish for some suit.Prove that if Vanya makes a wish every time, , the cards of which are in the deck has no less cards left than cards of any other suit, then the hidden suit will fall with the suit of the card drawn at least 13 times.
A set of $n\ge 9$ points is given on the plane. For any 9 it points can be selected from all circles so that all these points end up on selected circles. Prove that all n points lie on two circles
Place numbers from $1$ to $9$ in the circles of the figure (see Fig. ) so that the sum of four numbers, finding located in the circles at the tops of all squares (there are six of them), was constant ,
Several farmers have 128 sheep. If one of them has at least half of all sheep, the rest conspire and dispossess him: everyone takes as many sheep as he already has : If two people have 64 sheep, then one of them is dispossessed. There were 7 dispossessions. Prove that all the sheep were gathered from one peasant.
Let $O$ be the center of a circle circumscribed about an acute angle triangle $ABC$, $S_A$, $S_B$, $S_C$ - circles with center O, tangent to sides $BC$, $CA$, $AB$ respectively. Prove that the sum of three angles : between the tangents to $S_A$ drawn from point $A$, to $S_B$ from point $B$ and to $S_C$ - from point $C$, is equal to $180^o$.
In elections to the City Duma, each voter, if he goes to the polls, casts a vote for himself (if he is a candidate) and for those candidates who are his friends. The forecast of the sociological service of the mayor's office is considered good if it correctly predicts the number of votes cast for at least one of the candidates, and bad otherwise. Prove that for any forecast, voters can turn out to vote in such a way that this forecast turns out to be bad.
Grade 9
The lengths of the sides of a certain triangle and the diameter of the inscribed part circles are four consecutive terms of arithmetic progression. Find all such triangles.
Two circles intersect at points $P$ and $Q$. The straight line intersects these circles at points $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, as shown in fig. . Prove that $\angle APB = \angle CQD$.
A $10$ digit number is called interesting if its digits are distinct and is divisible by $11111$. Then find the number of interesting numbers.
There is a square of checkered paper measuring $102 \times 102$ squares and a connected figure of unknown shape, consisting of 101 cells. What is the largest number of such figures that can be cut from this square with a guarantee? A figure made up of cells is called connected if any two its cells can be connected by a chain of its cells in which any two adjacent cells have a common side.
The roots of the two monic square trinomials are negative integers, and one of these roots is common. Can the values of these trinomials at some positive integer point equal 19 and 98?
At the ends of a checkered strip measuring $1 \times 101$ squares there are two chips: on the left is the chip of the first player, on the right is the second. Per turn dares to move his piece in the direction of the opposite edge of the strip by 1, 2, 3 or 4 cells. In this case, you are allowed to jump over opponent's chip, but it is forbidden to place your chip on the same square with her. The first one to reach the opposite edge of the strip wins. Who wins if the game is played correctly: the one who goes first, or him rival?
Given a billiard in the form of a regular $1998$-gon $A_1A_2...A_{1998}$. A ball was released from the midpoint of side $A_1A_2$, which, reflected therefore from sides $A_2A_3$, $A_3A_4$, . . . , $A_{1998}A_1$ (according to the law, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection), returned to the starting point. Prove that the trajectory of the ball is a regular $1998$-gon.
The endpoints of a compass are at two lattice points of an infinite unit square grid. It is allowed to rotate the compass around one of its endpoints, not varying its radius, and thus move the other endpoint to another lattice point. Can the endpoints of the compass change places after several such steps?
Grade 10
Let $f(x) = x^2 + ax + b cos x$. Find all values of parameter$ a$ and $b$, for which the equations $f(x) = 0$ and $f(f(x)) = 0 $have the same non-empty sets of real roots.
In an acute triangle $ABC$, a circle $S$ is drawn through the center $O$ of the circumcircle and the vertices $B$ and $C$. Let $OK$ be the diameter of the circle $S$, $D$ and $E$, be it's intersection points with the straight lines $AB$ and $AC$ respectively. Prove that $ADKE$ is a parallelogram.
Prove that from any finite set of points on the plane, you can remove a point from the bottom in such a way that the remaining set can be split into two parts of smaller diameter. (Diameter is the maximum distance between points of the set.) original wordingДокажите, что из любого конечного множества точек на плоскости можно так удалитьо дну точку, что оставшееся множество можно разбить на две части меньшего диаметра. (Диаметр—это максимальное расстояние между точками множества.)
In the first $1999$ cells of the computer are written numbers in the specified order:: $1$, $2$, $4$,$... $, $2^{1998}$. Two programmers take turns reducing in one move per unit number in five different cells. If a negative number appears in one of the cells, then the computer breaks down and the broken repairs are paid for. Which programmer can protect himself from financial losses, regardless of his partner’s moves, and how should he do this act?
Solve the equation $\{(x + 1)^3\} = x^3$, where $\{z\}$ is the fractional part of the number z, i.e. $\{z\} = z - [z]$.
The pentagon $A_1A_2A_3A_4A_5$ contains bisectors $\ell_1$, $\ell_2$, $...$, $\ell_5$ of angles $\angle A_1$, $\angle A_2$, $ ...$ , $\angle A_5$ respectively. Bisectors $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$ intersect at point $B_1$, $\ell_2$ and $\ell_3$ - at point $B_2$, etc., $\ell_5$ and $\ell_1$ intersect at point $B_5$. Can the pentagon $B_1B_2B_3B_4B_5$ be convex?
A cube of side length $n$ is divided into unit cubes by partitions (each partition separates a pair of adjacent unit cubes). What is the smallest number of partitions that can be removed so that from each cube, one can reach the surface of the cube without passing through a partition ?
A number from $1$ to $144$ is guessed. You are allowed to select a subset of the set of numbers from $ 1$ to $144$ and ask whether the guessed number belongs to it. For the answer “yes” you have to pay $2$ rubles, for the answer “no” - $1$ ruble. What is the smallest amount of money needed to surely guess that?
Grade 11
Two identical decks have 36 cards each. One deck is shuffled and put on top of the second. For each card of the top deck, we count the number of cards between it and the corresponding card of the bottom deck. What is the sum of these numbers? Sorry if this has been posted before but I would like to know if I solved it correctly. Thanks!
Circle $S$ with center $O$ and circle $S'$ intersect at points $A$ and $B$. Point $C$ is taken on the arc of a circle $S$ lying inside $S'$. Denote the intersection points of $AC$ and $BC$ with $S'$, other than $A$ and $B$, as $E$ and $D$, respectively. Prove that lines $DE$ and $OC$ are perpendicular.
same as 10.3 - 11.3
There is an $n \times n$ table with $n -1$ cells containing ones and the remaining cells containing zeros. You can do this with the table the following operation: select the tap hole, subtract from the number in this cell, one, and to all other numbers on the same line or in the same column as the selected cell, add one. Is it possible from of this table, using the specified operations, obtain a table in which all numbers are equal?
A whole number is written on the board. Its last digit is remembered is then erased and multiplied by $5$ added to the number that remained on the board after erasing. The number was originally written $7^{1998}$. After applying several such operations, can one get the number $1998^7$?
A polygon with sides running along the sides of the squares was cut out of an endless chessboard. A segment of the perimeter of a polygon is called black if the polygon adjacent to it from the inside is which cell is black, respectively white if the cell is white. Let $A$ be the number of black segments on the perimeter, and $B$ be the number of white ones, Let the polygon consist of $a$ black and $b$ white cells. Prove that $A-B = 4(a -b)$.
Given two regular tetrahedrons with edges of length $\sqrt2$, transforming into one another with central symmetry. Let $\Phi$ be the set the midpoints of segments whose ends belong to different tetrahedrons. Find the volume of the figure $\Phi$.
A sequence $a_1,a_2,\cdots$ of positive integers contains each positive integer exactly once. Moreover for every pair of distinct positive integer $m$ and $n$, $\frac{1}{1998} < \frac{|a_n- a_m|}{|n-m|} < 1998$, show that $|a_n - n | <2000000$ for all $n$.