Determine whether there exist 2024 distinct positive integers satisfying the following: if we consider every possible ratio between two distinct numbers (we include both $a/b$ and $b/a$), we will obtain numbers with finite decimal expansions (after the decimal point) of mutually distinct non-zero lengths.
2024 CAPS Match
Day 1 (July 1, 2024)
For a positive integer $n$, an $n$-configuration is a family of sets $\left\langle A_{i,j}\right\rangle_{1\le i,j\le n}.$ An $n$-configuration is called sweet if for every pair of indices $(i, j)$ with $1\le i\le n -1$ and $1\le j\le n$ we have $A_{i,j}\subseteq A_{i+1,j}$ and $A_{j,i}\subseteq A_{j,i+1}.$ Let $f(n, k)$ denote the number of sweet $n$-configurations such that $A_{n,n}\subseteq \{1, 2,\ldots , k\}$. Determine which number is larger: $f\left(2024, 2024^2\right)$ or $f\left(2024^2, 2024\right).$
Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $D$ a point on its side $BC.$ Points $E, F$ lie on the lines $AB, AC$ beyond vertices $B, C,$ respectively, such that $BE = BD$ and $CF = CD.$ Let $P$ be a point such that $D$ is the incenter of triangle $P EF.$ Prove that $P$ lies inside the circumcircle $\Omega$ of triangle $ABC$ or on it.
Day 2 (July 2, 2024)
Let $ABCD$ be a quadrilateral, such that $AB = BC = CD.$ There are points $X, Y$ on rays $CA, BD,$ respectively, such that $BX = CY.$ Let $P, Q, R, S$ be the midpoints of segments $BX, CY ,$ $XD, YA,$ respectively. Prove that points $P, Q, R, S$ lie on a circle.
Let $\alpha\neq0$ be a real number. Determine all functions $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ such that \[f\left(x^2+y^2\right)=f(x-y)f(x+y)+\alpha yf(y)\]holds for all $x, y\in\mathbb R.$
Determine whether there exist infinitely many triples $(a, b, c)$ of positive integers such that every prime $p$ divides \[\left\lfloor\left(a+b\sqrt{2024}\right)^p\right\rfloor-c.\]