2011 Iran MO (2nd Round)

Day 1


We have a line and $1390$ points around it such that the distance of each point to the line is less than $1$ centimeters and the distance between any two points is more than $2$ centimeters. prove that there are two points such that their distance is at least $10$ meters ($1000$ centimeters).


In triangle $ABC$, we have $\angle ABC=60$. The line through $B$ perpendicular to side $AB$ intersects angle bisector of $\angle BAC$ in $D$ and the line through $C$ perpendicular $BC$ intersects angle bisector of $\angle ABC$ in $E$. prove that $\angle BED\le 30$.


Find all increasing sequences $a_1,a_2,a_3,...$ of natural numbers such that for each $i,j\in \mathbb N$, number of the divisors of $i+j$ and $a_i+a_j$ is equal. (an increasing sequence is a sequence that if $i\le j$, then $a_i\le a_j$.)

Day 2


find the smallest natural number $n$ such that there exists $n$ real numbers in the interval $(-1,1)$ such that their sum equals zero and the sum of their squares equals $20$.


rainbow is the name of a bird. this bird has $n$ colors and it's colors in two consecutive days are not equal. there doesn't exist $4$ days in this bird's life like $i,j,k,l$ such that $i<j<k<l$ and the bird has the same color in days $i$ and $k$ and the same color in days $j$ and $l$ different from the colors it has in days $i$ and $k$. what is the maximum number of days rainbow can live in terms of $n$?


The line $l$ intersects the extension of $AB$ in $D$ ($D$ is nearer to $B$ than $A$) and the extension of $AC$ in $E$ ($E$ is nearer to $C$ than $A$) of triangle $ABC$. Suppose that reflection of line $l$ to perpendicular bisector of side $BC$ intersects the mentioned extensions in $D'$ and $E'$ respectively. Prove that if $BD+CE=DE$, then $BD'+CE'=D'E'$.