2001 Iran MO (2nd round)

Day 1


Let $n$ be a positive integer and $p$ be a prime number such that $np+1$ is a perfect square. Prove that $n+1$ can be written as the sum of $p$ perfect squares.


Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle. We draw $3$ triangles $B'AC,C'AB,A'BC$ on the sides of $\Delta ABC$ at the out sides such that: \[ \angle{B'AC}=\angle{C'BA}=\angle{A'BC}=30^{\circ} \ \ \ , \ \ \ \angle{B'CA}=\angle{C'AB}=\angle{A'CB}=60^{\circ} \] If $M$ is the midpoint of side $BC$, prove that $B'M$ is perpendicular to $A'C'$.


Find all positive integers $n$ such that we can put $n$ equal squares on the plane that their sides are horizontal and vertical and the shape after putting the squares has at least $3$ axises.

Day 2


Find all polynomials $P$ with real coefficients such that $\forall{x\in\mathbb{R}}$ we have: \[ P(2P(x))=2P(P(x))+2(P(x))^2. \]


In triangle $ABC$, $AB>AC$. The bisectors of $\angle{B},\angle{C}$ intersect the sides $AC,AB$ at $P,Q$, respectively. Let $I$ be the incenter of $\Delta ABC$. Suppose that $IP=IQ$. How much isthe value of $\angle A$?


Suppose a table with one row and infinite columns. We call each $1\times1$ square a room. Let the table be finite from left. We number the rooms from left to $\infty$. We have put in some rooms some coins (A room can have more than one coin.). We can do $2$ below operations: $a)$ If in $2$ adjacent rooms, there are some coins, we can move one coin from the left room $2$ rooms to right and delete one room from the right room. $b)$ If a room whose number is $3$ or more has more than $1$ coin, we can move one of its coins $1$ room to right and move one other coin $2$ rooms to left. $i)$ Prove that for any initial configuration of the coins, after a finite number of movements, we cannot do anything more. $ii)$ Suppose that there is exactly one coin in each room from $1$ to $n$. Prove that by doing the allowed operations, we cannot put any coins in the room $n+2$ or the righter rooms.