2014 Tournament of Towns.

Spring 2014

J - O level


Each of given $100$ numbers was increased by $1$. Then each number was increased by $1$ once more. Given that the first time the sum of the squares of the numbers was not changed find how this sum was changed the second time.


Mother baked $15$ pasties. She placed them on a round plate in a circular way: $7$ with cabbage, $7$ with meat and one with cherries in that exact order and put the plate into a microwave. All pasties look the same but Olga knows the order. However she doesn't know how the plate has been rotated in the microwave. She wants to eat a pasty with cherries. Can Olga eat her favourite pasty for sure if she is not allowed to try more than three other pasties?


The entries of a $7 \times 5$ table are filled with numbers so that in each $2 \times 3$ rectangle (vertical or horizontal) the sum of numbers is $0$. For $100$ dollars Peter may choose any single entry and learn the number in it. What is the least amount of dollars he should spend in order to learn the total sum of numbers in the table for sure?


Point L is marked on side BC of triangle ABC so that AL is twice as long as the median CM. Given that angle ALC is equal to 45 degrees prove that AL is perpendicular to CM.


Ali Baba and the $40$ thieves want to cross Bosporus strait. They made a line so that any two people standing next to each other are friends. Ali Baba is the first, he is also a friend with the thief next to his neighbour. There is a single boat that can carry $2$ or $3$ people and these people must be friends. Can Ali Baba and the $40$ thieves always cross the strait if a single person cannot sail?

J - A level


During Christmas party Santa handed out to the children $47$ chocolates and $74$ marmalades. Each girl got $1$ more chocolate than each boy but each boy got $1$ more marmalade than each girl. What was the number of the children?


Peter marks several cells on a $5\times 5$ board. Basil wins if he can cover all marked cells with three-cell corners. The corners must be inside the board and not overlap. What is the least number of cells Peter should mark to prevent Basil from winning? (Cells of the corners must coincide with the cells of the board).


A square table is covered with a square cloth (may be of a different size) without folds and wrinkles. All corners of the table are left uncovered and all four hanging parts are triangular. Given that two adjacent hanging parts are equal prove that two other parts are also equal.


The King called two wizards. He ordered First Wizard to write down $100$ positive integers (not necessarily distinct) on cards without revealing them to Second Wizard. Second Wizard must correctly determine all these integers, otherwise both wizards will lose their heads. First Wizard is allowed to provide Second Wizard with a list of distinct integers, each of which is either one of the integers on the cards or a sum of some of these integers. He is not allowed to tell which integers are on the cards and which integers are their sums. If Second Wizard correctly determines all $100$ integers the King tears as many hairs from each wizard's beard as the number of integers in the list given to Second Wizard. What is the minimal number of hairs each wizard should sacrice to stay alive?


There are several white and black points. Every white point is connected with every black point by a segment. Each segment is equipped with a positive integer. For any closed circuit the product of the integers on the segments passed in the direction from white to black point is equal to the product of the integers on the segments passed in the opposite direction. Can one always place the integer at each point so that the integer on each segment is the product of the integers at its ends?


A $3\times 3\times 3$ cube is made of $1\times 1\times 1$ cubes glued together. What is the maximal number of small cubes one can remove so the remaining solid has the following features: 1) Projection of this solid on each face of the original cube is a $3\times 3$ square, 2) The resulting solid remains face-connected (from each small cube one can reach any other small cube along a chain of consecutive cubes with common faces).


Points $A_1, A_2, ..., A_{10}$ are marked on a circle clockwise. It is known that these points can be divided into pairs of points symmetric with respect to the centre of the circle. Initially at each marked point there was a grasshopper. Every minute one of the grasshoppers jumps over its neighbour along the circle so that the resulting distance between them doesn't change. It is not allowed to jump over any other grasshopper and to land at a point already occupied. It occurred that at some moment nine grasshoppers were found at points $A_1, A_2, ... , A_9$ and the tenth grasshopper was on arc $A_9A_{10}A_1$. Is it necessarily true that this grasshopper was exactly at point $A_{10}$?