In the acute-angled triangle $ABC$, $P$ is the midpoint of segment $BC$ and the point $K$ is the foot of the altitude from $A$. $D$ is a point on segment $AP$ such that $\angle BDC=90$. Let $(ADK) \cap BC=E$ and $(ABC) \cap AE=F$. Prove that $\angle AFD=90$.
2024 JBMO TST - Turkey
Day 1
A real number is written on each square of a $2024 \times 2024$ chessboard. It is given that the sum of all real numbers on the board is $2024$. Then, the board is covered by $1 \times 2$ or $2\times 1$ dominos such that there isn't any square that is covered by two different dominoes. For each domino, Aslı deletes $2$ numbers covered by it and writes $0$ on one of the squares and the sum of the two numbers on the other square. Find the maximum number $k$ such that after Aslı finishes her moves, there exists a column or row where the sum of all the numbers on it is at least $k$ regardless of how dominos were replaced and the real numbers were written initially.
Find all $x,y,z \in R^+$ such that the sets $(23x+24y+25z,23y+24z+25x,23z+24x+25y)$ and $(x^5+y^5,y^5+z^5,z^5+x^5)$ are same
Let $n$ be a positive integer and $d(n)$ is the number of positive integer divisors of $n$. For every two positive integer divisor $x,y$ of $n$, the remainders when $x,y$ divided by $d(n)+1$ are pairwise distinct. Show that either $d(n)+1$ is equal to prime or $4$.
Day 2
Find all positive integer values of $n$ such that the value of the $$\frac{2^{n!}-1}{2^n-1}$$is a square of an integer.
Let ${(a_n)}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ and ${(b_n)}_{n=0}^{\infty}$ be real squences such that $a_0=40$, $b_0=41$ and for all $n\geq 0$ the given equalities hold. $$a_{n+1}=a_n+\frac{1}{b_n} \hspace{0.5 cm} \text{and} \hspace{0.5 cm} b_{n+1}=b_n+\frac{1}{a_n}$$Find the least possible positive integer value of $k$ such that the value of $a_k$ is strictly bigger than $80$.
Let $ABCD$ be circumscribed quadrilateral such that the midpoints of $AB$,$BC$,$CD$ and $DA$ are $K$, $L$, $M$, $N$ respectively. Let the reflections of the point $M$ wrt the lines $AD$ and $BC$ be $P$ and $Q$ respectively. Let the circumcenter of the triangle $KPQ$ be $R$. Prove that $RN=RL$
There is $207$ boxes on the table which numbered $1,2, \dots , 207$ respectively. Firstly Aslı puts a red ball in each of the $100$ boxes that she chooses and puts a white ball in each of the remaining ones. After that Zehra, writes a pair $(i,j)$ on the blackboard such that $1\leq i \leq j \leq 207$. Finally, Aslı tells Zehra that for every pair; whether the color of the balls which is inside the box which numbered by these numbers are the same or not. Find the least possible value of $N$ such that Zehra can guarantee finding all colors that has been painted to balls in each of the boxes with writing $N$ pairs on the blackboard.