2010 China Northern MO

Day 1


It is known that the sequence {an} satisfies a1=2, an=22nan1+n2n2, (n2), find the general term of an.


From a point P exterior of circle O, we draw tangents PA, PB and the secant PCD . The line passing through point C parallel to PA intersects chords AB, AD at points E, F respectively. Prove that CE=EF.


Find all positive integer triples (x,y,z) such that 1+2x3y=5z is true.


As shown in the figure, chess pieces are placed at the intersection points of the 64 grid lines of the 7×7 grid table. At most 1 piece is placed at each point, and a total of k left chess pieces are placed. No matter how they are placed, there will always be 4 chess pieces, and the grid in which they are located the points form the four vertices of a rectangle (the sides of the rectangle are parallel to the grid lines). Try to find the minimum value of k.

Day 2


Let a,b,c be positive real numbers such that (a+2b)(b+2c)=9. Prove thata2+b22+23b3+c323.


Let O be the inscribed circle of ABC, with D, E, N the touchpoints with sides AB, AC, BC respectively. Extension of NO intersects segment DE at point K. Extension of AK intersects segment BC at point M. Prove that M is the midpoint of BC.


Find all positive integers x,y,z that satisfy the conditions: [x,y,z]=(x,y)+(y,z)+(z,x),xyz,(x,y,z)=1 The symbols [m,n] and (m,n) respectively represent positive integers, the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of m and n.


Let x,y,z[0,1] , and |yz|12,|zx|12,|xy|12 . Find the maximum and minimum value of W=x+y+zyzzxxy.