Find all the $4$-digit natural numbers, written in base $10$, that are equal to the cube of the sum of its digits.
2020 Costa Rica - Final Round
Day 1
Consider a square $ABCD$. Let $M$ be the midpoint of segment $AB$, $\Gamma_1$ be the circle tangent to $\overline{AD}$, $\overline{AM}$ and $\overline{MC}$ with radius $r > 0$ and let $\Gamma_2$ be the circle tangent to $\overline{AD}$, $\overline{DC}$ and $\overline{MC}$ with radius $R > 0$. Prove that $R =\frac{2r}{r+1}$.
Let $x, y, z \in R^+$. Prove that $$\frac{x}{x +\sqrt{(x + y)(x + z)}}+\frac{y}{y +\sqrt{(y + z)(y + x)}}+\frac{z}{z +\sqrt{(x + z)(z + y)}} \le 1$$
Day 2
Consider the function $ h$, defined for all positive real numbers, such that: $$10x -6h(x) = 4h \left(\frac{2020}{x}\right) $$for all $x > 0$. Find $h(x)$ and the value of $h(4)$.
Determine the value of the expression $$ (1 +\tan(1^o))(1 + \tan(2^o))...(1 + \tan(45^o)).$$
$10$ persons sit around a circular table and on the table there are $22$ vases. Two persons can see each other if and only if there are no vases aligned with them. Prove that there are at least two people who can see each other.