2023 Argentina National Olympiad

Level 3

day 1


Let $n$ be a positive with $n\geq 3$. Consider a board of $n \times n$ boxes. In each step taken the colors of the $5$ boxes that make up the figure bellow change color (black boxes change to white and white boxes change to black). The figure can be rotated $90°, 180°$ or $270°$. Firstly, all the boxes are white.Determine for what values of $n$ it can be achieved, through a series of steps, that all the squares on the board are black.


Find all positive integers $n$ such that all prime factors of $2^n-1$ are less than or equal to $7$.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $M$ be the middle point of $BC$. Let $\Omega$ be the circumference such as $A,B,C \in \Omega$. Let $P$ be the intersection of $\Omega$ and $AM$. $AF$ is a hight of the triangle, with $F\in BC$, and $H$ the orthocenter.Additionally the intersections of $MH$ and $PF$ with $\Omega$ are $K$ and $T$ respectibly. Demonstrate that the circumscribed circumference of the traingle $KTF$ is tangent with $BC$.

day 2


Lets say that a positive integer is $good$ if its equal to the the subtraction of two positive integer cubes. For example: $7$ is a $good$ prime because $2^3-1^3=7$. Determine how much the last digit of a $good$ prime may be worth. Give all the possibilities.


Let $n$ be a positive integer. Beto writes a list of $n$ non-negative integers on the board. Then he performs a succession of moves (two steps) of the following type: First for each $i=1,2,...,n$, he counts how many numbers on the board are less than or equal to $i$. Let $a_i$ be the number obtained for each $i=1,2,...,n$. Next, he erases all the numbers from the board and writes the numbers $a_1,a_2,...,a_n$. For example, if $n=5$ and the initial numbers on the board are $0,7,2,6,2$, after the first move, the numbers on the board will bec$1,3,3,3,3$;after the second move they will be $1,1,5,5,5$, and so on. $a)$ Show that, for every $n$ and every initial configuration, there will come a time after which the numbers will no longer be modified when using this move. $b)$Find (as a function of $n$) the minimum value of $k$ such that, for any initial configuration, the moves made from move number $k$ will not change the numbers on the board.


There´s a ping pong tournament with $n\geq 3$ participants that we´ll call $1, 2, \dots n$. The tournament rules are the following ones: at the start, all the players form a line, ordered from $1$ to $n$. Players $1$ and $2$ play the first match. The winner is at the beginning of the line and the loser is placed behind the last person in the line.In the next play, the two who at that moment are the first two in line face each other, the winner is first in line and the loser goes to the end of the line, just behind the last loser. And so on. After $N$ matches, the tournament ends.Player number $1$ won $a_1$ matches, player number $2$ won $a_2$, and so on till player $n$, that has won $a_n$ matches (it is trivial that $a_1+a_2+\dots+a_n=N)$.Determine how many games each player has lost, based on $a_1, a_2, \dots , a_n$