Given real numbers $x,y,z$ which satisfies $$|x+y+z|+|xy+yz+zx|+|xyz| \le 1$$Show that $max\{ |x|,|y|,|z|\} \le 1$.
2024 Indonesia TST
Thursday, 29 February 2024 - Test 1
Given a sequence of integers $A_1,A_2,\cdots A_{99}$ such that for every sub-sequence that contains $m$ consecutive elements, there exist not more than $max\{ \frac{m}{3} ,1\}$ odd integers. Let $S=\{ (i,j) \ | i<j \}$ such that $A_i$ is even and $A_j$ is odd. Find $max\{ |S|\}$.
Given a concyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$ with circumcenter $O$. Let $E$ be the intersection of $AD$ and $BC$, while $F$ be the intersection of $AC$ and $BD$. A circle $w$ are tangent to $BD$ and $AC$ such that $F$ is the orthocenter of $\triangle QEP$ where $PQ$ is a diameter of $w$. Prove that $EO$ passes through the center of $w$.
Find all functions $f:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ such that for every prime number $p$ and natural number $x$, $$\{ x,f(x),\cdots f^{p-1}(x) \} $$is a complete residue system modulo $p$. With $f^{k+1}(x)=f(f^k(x))$ for every natural number $k$ and $f^1(x)=f(x)$. Proposed by IndoMathXdZ
Sunday, 4 March 2024 - Test 2
Find all second degree polynomials $P(x)$ such that for all $a \in\mathbb{R} , a \geq 1$, then $P(a^2+a) \geq a.P(a+1)$
Let $A$ be a set with $1000$ members and $\mathcal F =${$A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_n$} a family of subsets of A such that (a) Each element in $\mathcal F$ consists of 3 members (b) For every five elements in $\mathcal F$, the union of them all will have at least $12$ members Find the largest value of $n$
Given an acute triangle $ABC$. The incircle with center $I$ touches $BC,CA,AB$ at $D,E,F$ respectively. Let $M,N$ be the midpoint of the minor arc of $AB$ and $AC$ respectively. Prove that $M,F,E,N$ are collinear if and only if $\angle BAC =90$$^{\circ}$
The natural number $n$ is said to be good if there are natural numbers $a$ and $b$ that satisfy $a + b = n$ and $ab | n^2 + n + 1$. (a) Show that there are infinitely many good numbers. (b) Show that if $n$ is a good number, then $7 \nmid n$.