2011 Serbia National Math Olympiad

Day 1


Let $n \ge 2$ be integer. Let $a_0$, $a_1$, ... $a_n$ be sequence of positive reals such that: $(a_{k-1}+a_k)(a_k+a_{k+1})=a_{k-1}-a_{k+1}$, for $k=1, 2, ..., n-1$. Prove $a_n< \frac{1}{n-1}$.


Let $n$ be an odd positive integer such that both $\phi(n)$ and $\phi (n+1)$ are powers of two. Prove $n+1$ is power of two or $n=5$.


Let $H$ be orthocenter and $O$ circumcenter of an acuted angled triangle $ABC$. $D$ and $E$ are feets of perpendiculars from $A$ and $B$ on $BC$ and $AC$ respectively. Let $OD$ and $OE$ intersect $BE$ and $AD$ in $K$ and $L$, respectively. Let $X$ be intersection of circumcircles of $HKD$ and $HLE$ different than $H$, and $M$ is midpoint of $AB$. Prove that $K, L, M$ are collinear iff $X$ is circumcenter of $EOD$.

Day 2


On sides $AB, AC, BC$ are points $M, X, Y$, respectively, such that $AX=MX$; $BY=MY$. $K$, $L$ are midpoints of $AY$ and $BX$. $O$ is circumcenter of $ABC$, $O_1$, $O_2$ are symmetric with $O$ with respect to $K$ and $L$. Prove that $X, Y, O_1, O_2$ are concyclic.


Are there positive integers $a, b, c$ greater than $2011$ such that: $(a+ \sqrt{b})^c=...2010,2011...$?


Set $T$ consists of $66$ points in plane, and $P$ consists of $16$ lines in plane. Pair $(A,l)$ is good if $A \in T$, $l \in P$ and $A \in l$. Prove that maximum number of good pairs is no greater than $159$, and prove that there exits configuration with exactly $159$ good pairs.