In a group of kids there are $2022$ boys and $2023$ girls. Every girl is a friend with exactly $2021$ boys. Friendship is a symmetric relation: if A is a friend of B, then B is also a friend of A. Prove that it is not possible that all boys have the same number of girl friends. Proposed by the JMMO Problem Selection Committee
2023 Junior Macedonian Mathematical Olympiad
A positive integer is called superprime if the difference between any two of its consecutive positive divisors is a prime number. Determine all superprime integers. Proposed by Nikola Velov
Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers such that $a+b+c=1$. Prove the inequality $$ \left ( \frac{1+a}{b}+2 \right ) \left ( \frac{1+b}{c}+2 \right ) \left ( \frac{1+c}{a}+2 \right )\geq 216.$$When does equality hold? Proposed by Anastasija Trajanova
We are given an acute $\triangle ABC$ with circumcenter $O$ such that $BC<AB$. The bisector of $\angle ACB$ meets the circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$ at a second point $D$. The perpendicular bisector of $AC$ meets the circumcircle of $\triangle BOD$ for the second time at $E$. The line $DE$ meets the circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$ for the second time at $F$. Prove that the lines $CF$, $OE$ and $AB$ are concurrent. Proposed by Petar Filipovski
Consider a $2023\times2023$ board split into unit squares. Two unit squares are called adjacent is they share at least one vertex. Mahler and Srecko play a game on this board. Initially, Mahler has one piece placed on the square marked M, and Srecko has a piece placed on the square marked by S (see the attachment). The players alternate moving their piece, following three rules: 1. A piece can only be moved to a unit square adjacent to the one it is placed on. 2. A piece cannot be placed on a unit square on which a piece has been placed before (once used, a unit square can never be used again). 3. A piece cannot be moved to a unit square adjacent to the square occupied by the opponent’s piece. A player wins the game if his piece gets to the corner diagonally opposite to its starting position (i.e. Srecko moves to $s_p$, Mahler moves to $m_p$) or if the opponent has to move but has no legal move. Mahler moves first. Which player has a winning strategy?