2018 Bulgaria EGMO TST

Day 1


In a qualification football round there are six teams and each two play one versus another exactly once. No two matches are played at the same time. At every moment the difference between the number of already played matches for any two teams is $0$ or $1$. A win is worth $3$ points, a draw is worth $1$ point and a loss is worth $0$ points. Determine the smallest positive integer $n$ for which it is possible that after the $n$-th match all teams have a different number of points and each team has a non-zero number of points.


Let $m,n \geq 2$ be integers with gcd$(m,n-1) = $gcd$(m,n) = 1$. Prove that among $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_{m-1}$, where $a_1 = mn+1, a_{k+1} = na_k + 1$, there is at least one composite number.


Let be given a semicircle with diameter $AB$ and center $O$, and a line intersecting the semicircle at $C$ and $D$ and the line $AB$ at $M$ ($MB < MA$, $MD < MC$). The circumcircles of the triangles $AOC$ and $DOB$ meet again at $L$. Prove that $\angle MKO$ is right. L. Kuptsov

Day 2


The angle bisectors at $A$ and $C$ in a non-isosceles triangle $ABC$ with incenter $I$ intersect its circumcircle $k$ at $A_0$ and $C_0$, respectively. The line through $I$, parallel to $AC$, intersects $A_0C_0$ at $P$. Prove that $PB$ is tangent to $k$.


A country has $100$ cities and $n$ airplane companies which take care of a total of $2018$ two-way direct flights between pairs of cities. There is a pair of cities such that one cannot reach one from the other with just one or two flights. What is the largest possible value of $n$ for which between any two cities there is a route (a sequence of flights) using only one of the airplane companies?


Find all one-to-one mappings $f:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ such that for all positive integers $n$ the following relation holds: \[ f(f(n)) \leq \frac {n+f(n)} 2 . \]