2023 Malaysian Squad Selection Test

Day 1, August 26, 2023


Ivan has a $m \times n$ board, and he color some squares black, so that no three black squares form a L-triomino up to rotations and reflections. What is the maximal number of black squares that Ivan can color? Proposed by Ivan Chan Kai Chin


Let $ABC$ be a triangle with orthocenter $H$. Let $\ell_b, \ell_c$ be the reflection of lines $AB$ and $AC$ about $AH$ respectively. Suppose $\ell_b$ intersect $CH$ at $P$, and $\ell_c$ intersect $BH$ at $Q$. Prove that $AH, PQ, BC$ are concurrent. Proposed by Ivan Chan Kai Chin


A sequence of reals $a_1, a_2, \cdots$ satisfies for all $m>1$, $$a_{m+1}a_{m-1}=a_m^2-a_1^2$$Prove that for all $m>n>1$, the sequence satisfies the equation $$a_{m+n}a_{m-n}=a_m^2-a_n^2$$ Proposed by Ivan Chan Kai Chin


Find the largest constant $c>0$ such that for every positive integer $n\ge 2$, there always exist a positive divisor $d$ of $n$ such that $$d\le \sqrt{n}\hspace{0.5cm} \text{and} \hspace{0.5cm} \tau(d)\ge c\sqrt{\tau(n)}$$where $\tau(n)$ is the number of divisors of $n$. Proposed by Mohd. Suhaimi Ramly

Day 2, August 27, 2023


Find the maximal value of $c>0$ such that for any $n\ge 1$, and for any $n$ real numbers $x_1, \cdots, x_n$ there exists real numbers $a ,b$ such that $$\{x_i-a\}+\{x_{i+1}-b\}\le \frac{1}{2024}$$for at least $cn$ indices $i$. Here, $x_{n+1}=x_1$ and $\{x\}$ denotes the fractional part of $x$. Proposed by Wong Jer Ren


Given a cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$ with circumcenter $O$, let the circle $(AOD)$ intersect the segments $AB$, $AC$, $DB$, $DC$ at $P$, $Q$, $R$, $S$ respectively. Suppose $X$ is the reflection of $D$ about $PQ$ and $Y$ is the reflection of $A$ about $RS$. Prove that the circles $(AOD)$, $(BPX)$, $(CSY)$ meet at a common point. Proposed by Leia Mayssa & Ivan Chan Kai Chin


Find all polynomials with integer coefficients $P$ such that for all positive integers $n$, the sequence $$0, P(0), P(P(0)), \cdots$$is eventually constant modulo $n$. Proposed by Ivan Chan Kai Chin


Given two positive integers $m$ and $n$, find the largest $k$ in terms of $m$ and $n$ such that the following condition holds: Any tree graph $G$ with $k$ vertices has two (possibly equal) vertices $u$ and $v$ such that for any other vertex $w$ in $G$, either there is a path of length at most $m$ from $u$ to $w$, or there is a path of length at most $n$ from $v$ to $w$. Proposed by Ivan Chan Kai Chin