A worm is called an adult if its length is one meter. In one operation, it is possible to cut an adult worm into two (possibly unequal) parts, each of which immediately becomes a worm and begins to grow at a speed of one meter per hour and stops growing once it reaches one meter in length. What is the smallest amount of time in which it is possible to get $n{}$ adult worms starting with one adult worm? Note that it is possible to cut several adult worms at the same time.
Russian TST 2015
Unavailable - Days 1-6
January 1, 2015 - Day 7
In the isosceles triangle $ABC$ where $AB = AC$, the point $I{}$ is the center of the inscribed circle. Through the point $A{}$ all the rays lying inside the angle $BAC$ are drawn. For each such ray, we denote by $X{}$ and $Y{}$ the points of intersection with the arc $BIC$ and the straight line $BC$ respectively. The circle $\gamma$ passing through $X{}$ and $Y{}$, which touches the arc $BIC$ at the point $X{}$ is considered. Prove that all the circles $\gamma$ pass through a fixed point.
Let $0<\alpha<1$ be a fixed number. On a lake shaped like a convex polygon, at some point there is a duck and at another point a water lily grows. If the duck is at point $X{}$, then in one move it can swim towards one of the vertices $Y$ of the polygon a distance equal to a $\alpha\cdot XY$. Find all $\alpha{}$ for which, regardless of the shape of the lake and the initial positions of the duck and the lily, after a sequence of adequate moves, the distance between the duck and the lily will be at most one meter.
Let $p \geq 5$ be a prime number. Prove that there exists a positive integer $a < p-1$ such that neither of $a^{p-1}-1$ and $(a+1)^{p-1}-1$ is divisible by $p^{2}$ .
June 6, 2016 (Group NG) - Day 8
Let $P(x, y)$ and $Q(x, y)$ be polynomials in two variables with integer coefficients. The sequences of integers $a_0, a_1,\ldots$ and $b_0, b_1,\ldots$ satisfy \[a_{n+1}=P(a_n,b_n),\quad b_{n+1}=Q(a_n,b_n)\]for all $n\geqslant 0$. Let $m_n$ be the number of integer points of the coordinate plane, lying strictly inside the segment with endpoints $(a_n,b_n)$ and $(a_{n+1},b_{n+1})$. Prove that the sequence $m_0,m_1,\ldots$ is non-decreasing.
The triangle $ABC$ is given. Let $P_1$ and $P_2$ be points on the side $AB$ such that $P_2$ lies on the segment $BP_1$ and $AP_1 = BP_2$. Similarly, $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ are points on the side $BC$ such that $Q_2$ lies on the segment $BQ_1$ and $BQ_1 = CQ_2$. The segments $P_1Q_2$ and $P_2Q_1$ intersect at the point $R{}$, and the circles $P_1P_2R$ and $Q_1Q_2R$ intersect a second time at the point $S{}$ lying inside the triangle $P_1Q_1R$. Let $M{}$ be the midpoint of the segment $AC$. Prove that the angles $P_1RS$ and $Q_1RM$ are equal.
Given two integers $h \geq 1$ and $p \geq 2$, determine the minimum number of pairs of opponents an $hp$-member parliament may have, if in every partition of the parliament into $h$ houses of $p$ member each, some house contains at least one pair of opponents.
June 6, 2016 (Groups A & B) - Day 8
Let $n>4$ be a natural number. Prove that \[\sum_{k=2}^n\sqrt[k]{\frac{k}{k-1}}<n.\]
The same as P1 from Day 8, Group NG - P2
The same as P2 from Day 8, Group NG - P3
Let $G$ be a tournoment such that it's edges are colored either red or blue. Prove that there exists a vertex of $G$ like $v$ with the property that, for every other vertex $u$ there is a mono-color directed path from $v$ to $u$.
June 7, 2015 (Group NG) - Day 9
We have $2^m$ sheets of paper, with the number $1$ written on each of them. We perform the following operation. In every step we choose two distinct sheets; if the numbers on the two sheets are $a$ and $b$, then we erase these numbers and write the number $a + b$ on both sheets. Prove that after $m2^{m -1}$ steps, the sum of the numbers on all the sheets is at least $4^m$ . Proposed by Abbas Mehrabian, Iran
Given an acute triangle $ABC, H$ is the foot of the altitude drawn from the point $A$ on the line $BC, P$ and $K \ne H$ are arbitrary points on the segments $AH$ and$ BC$ respectively. Segments $AC$ and $BP$ intersect at point $B_1$, lines $AB$ and $CP$ at point $C_1$. Let $X$ and $Y$ be the projections of point $H$ on the lines $KB_1$ and $KC_1$, respectively. Prove that points $A, P, X$ and $Y$ lie on one circle.
Find all functions $f : \mathbb{Z} \to\mathbb{ Z}$ such that \[ n^2+4f(n)=f(f(n))^2 \] for all $n\in \mathbb{Z}$. Proposed by Sahl Khan, UK
June 7, 2015 (Groups A & B) - Day 9
Find all pairs of natural numbers $(a,b)$ satisfying the following conditions: $b-1$ is divisible by $a+1$ and $a^2+a+2$ is divisible by $b$.
The same as P1 from Day 9, Group NG - P2
The same as P2 from Day 9, Group NG - P3
The same as P3 from Day 9, Group NG - P4
June 15, 2015 (Group NG) - Day 10
The points $A', B', C', D'$ are selected respectively on the sides $AB, BC, CD, DA$ of the cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$. It is known that $AA' = BB' = CC' = DD'$ and \[\angle AA'D' =\angle BB'A' =\angle CC'B' =\angle DD'C'.\]Prove that $ABCD$ is a square.
Let $p\geqslant 5$ be a prime number. Prove that the set $\{1,2,\ldots,p - 1\}$ can be divided into two nonempty subsets so that the sum of all the numbers in one subset and the product of all the numbers in the other subset give the same remainder modulo $p{}$.
Fix positive integers $n$ and $k\ge 2$. A list of $n$ integers is written in a row on a blackboard. You can choose a contiguous block of integers, and I will either add $1$ to all of them or subtract $1$ from all of them. You can repeat this step as often as you like, possibly adapting your selections based on what I do. Prove that after a finite number of steps, you can reach a state where at least $n-k+2$ of the numbers on the blackboard are all simultaneously divisible by $k$.
June 15, 2015 (Groups A & B) - Day 10
A particular case of P3 from Day 10, Group NG - P1
The same as P1 from Day 10, Group NG - P2
Find all integers $k{}$ for which there are infinitely many triples of integers $(a,b,c)$ such that \[(a^2-k)(b^2-k)=c^2-k.\]
Let $M$ be a set of $n \ge 4$ points in the plane, no three of which are collinear. Initially these points are connected with $n$ segments so that each point in $M$ is the endpoint of exactly two segments. Then, at each step, one may choose two segments $AB$ and $CD$ sharing a common interior point and replace them by the segments $AC$ and $BD$ if none of them is present at this moment. Prove that it is impossible to perform $n^3 /4$ or more such moves. Proposed by Vladislav Volkov, Russia
June 17, 2016 (Group NG) - Day 11
A $2015\times2015$ chessboard is given, the cells of which are painted white and black alternatively so that the corner cells are black. There are $n{}$ L-trominoes placed on the board, no two of which overlap and which cover all of the black cells. Find the smallest possible value of $n{}$.
Let $a,b,c,d$ be positive real numbers satisfying $a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2=1$. Prove that \[a^3+b^3+c^3+d^3+abcd\left(\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}+\frac{1}{d}\right)\leqslant 1.\]
The triangle $ABC$ is given. Let $A'$ be the midpoint of the side $BC$, $B_c{}$ be the projection of $B{}$ onto the bisector of the angle $ACB{}$ and $C_b$ be the projection of the point $C{}$ onto the bisector of the angle $ABC$. Let $A_0$ be the center of the circle passing through $A', B_c, C_b$. The points $B_0$ and $C_0$ are defined similarly. Prove that the incenter of the triangle $ABC$ coincides with the orthocenter of the triangle $A_0B_0C_0$.
June 17, 2016 (Groups A & B) - Day 11
Prove that there exist two natural numbers $a,b$ such that $|a-m|+|b-n|>1000$ for any relatively prime natural numbers $m,n$.
The same as P1 from Day 11, Group NG - P2
The same as P2 from Day 11, Group NG - P3
The same as P3 from Day 11, Group NG - P4