2023 Bulgarian Spring Mathematical Competition


Given is triangle $ABC$ with angle bisector $CL$ and the $C-$median meets the circumcircle $\Gamma$ at $D$. If $K$ is the midpoint of arc $ACB$ and $P$ is the symmetric point of $L$ with respect to the tangent at $K$ to $\Gamma$, then prove that $DLCP$ is cyclic.


Given a prime $p$, find $\gcd(\binom{2^pp}{1},\binom{2^pp}{3},\ldots, \binom{2^pp}{2^pp-1}) $.


Given is a directed graph with $28$ vertices, such that there do not exist vertices $u, v$, such that $u \rightarrow v$ and $v \rightarrow u$. Every $16$ vertices form a directed cycle. Prove that among any $17$ vertices, we can choose $15$ which form a directed cycle.


An isosceles $\triangle ABC$ has $\angle BAC =\angle ABC =72^{o}$. The angle bisector $AL$ meets the line through $C$ parallel to $AB$ at $D$. $a)$ Prove that the circumcenter of $\triangle ADC$ lies on $BD$. $b)$ Prove that $\frac {BE} {BL}$ is irrational.


Given is a convex octagon $A_1A_2 \ldots A_8$. Given a triangulation $T$, one can take two triangles $\triangle A_iA_jA_k$ and $\triangle A_iA_kA_l$ and replace them with $\triangle A_iA_jA_l$ and $\triangle A_jA_lA_k$. Find the minimal number of operations $k$ we have to do so that for any pair of triangulations $T_1, T_2$, we can reach $T_2$ from $T_1$ using at most $k$ operations.


Find all positive integers $n$, such that there exists a positive integer $m$ and primes $1<p<q$ such that $q-p \mid m$ and $p, q \mid n^m+1$.


Find all real $a$ such that the equation $3^{\cos (2x)+1}-(a-5)3^{\cos^2(2x)}=7$ has a real root. RemarkThis was the statement given at the contest, but there was actually a typo and the intended equation was $3^{\cos (2x)+1}-(a-5)3^{\cos^2(x)}=7$, which is much easier.


Given is a cyclic quadrilateral $ABCD$ and a point $E$ lies on the segment $DA$ such that $2\angle EBD = \angle ABC$. Prove that $DE= \frac {AC.BD}{AB+BC}$.


A positive integer $b$ is called good if there exist positive integers $1=a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_{2023}=b$ such that $|a_{i+1}-a_i|=2^i$. Find the number of the good integers.


Given is a tree $G$ with $2023$ vertices. The longest path in the graph has length $2n$. A vertex is called good if it has degree at most $6$. Find the smallest possible value of $n$ if there doesn't exist a vertex having $6$ good neighbors.


Given is a polynomial $f$ of degree $m$ with integer coefficients and positive leading coefficient. A positive integer $n$ is $\textit {good for f(x)}$ if there exists a positive integer $k_n$, such that $n!+1=f(n)^{k_n}$. Prove that there exist only finitely many integers good for $f$.


Given is a set $A$ of $n$ elements and positive integers $k, m$ such that $4 \leq k <n$ and $m \leq \min \{k-3, \frac {n} {2}\}$. Let $A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_l$ be subsets of $A$, all with size $k$, such that $|A_i \cap A_j| \leq m$ for all $i \neq j$. Prove that there exists a subset $B$ of $A$ with at least $\sqrt[m+1]{n}+m$ elements which doesn't contain entirely any of the subsets $A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_l$.