Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $\angle BAC = 60^o$. Let $E$ be the point on the side $BC$ , such that $2 \angle BAE = \angle ACB$ . Let $D$ be the second intersection of $AB$ and the circumcircle of the triangle $AEC$ and $P$ be the second intersection of $CD$ and the circumcircle of the triangle $DBE$. Calculate the angle $\angle BAP$.
2016 Switzerland - Final Round
Day 1
Let $a, b$ and $c$ be the sides of a triangle, that is: $a + b > c$, $b + c > a$ and $c + a > b$. Show that: $$\frac{ab+ 1}{a^2 + ca + 1} +\frac{bc + 1}{b^2 + ab + 1} +\frac{ca + 1}{c^2 + bc + 1} > \frac32$$
Find all primes $p, q$ and natural numbers $n$ such that: $p(p+1)+q(q+1)=n(n+1)$
There are $2016$ different points in the plane. Show that between these points at least $45$ different distances occur.
Let $ABC$ be a right triangle with $\angle ACB = 90^o$ and M the center of $AB$. Let $G$ br any point on the line $MC$ and $P$ a point on the line $AG$, such that $\angle CPA = \angle BAC$ . Further let $Q$ be a point on the straight line $BG$, such that $\angle BQC = \angle CBA$ . Show that the circles of the triangles $AQG$ and $BPG$ intersect on the segment $AB$.
Day 2
Let $a_n$ be a sequence of natural numbers defined by $a_1 = m$ and for $n > 1$. We call apair$ (a_k, a_{\ell })$ interesting if (i) $0 < \ell - k < 2016$, (ii) $a_k$ divides $a_{\ell }$. Show that there exists a $m$ such that the sequence $a_n$ contains no interesting pair.
There are $2n$ distinct points on a circle. The numbers $1$ through $2n$ are randomly assigned to this one points distributed. Each point is connected to exactly one other point, so that no of the resulting connecting routes intersect. If a segment connects the numbers $a$ and $b$, so we assign the value $ |a - b|$ to the segment . Show that we can choose the routes such that the sum of these values results $n^2$.
Let $ABC$ be an acute-angled triangle with height intersection $H$. Let $G$ be the intersection of parallel of $AB$ through $H$ with the parallel of $AH$ through $B$. Let $I$ be the point on the line $GH$, so that $AC$ bisects segment $HI$. Let $J$ be the second intersection of $AC$ and the circumcircle of the triangle $CGI$. Show that $IJ = AH$
Let $n \ge 2$ be a natural number. For an $n$-element subset $F$ of $\{1, . . . , 2n\}$ we define $m(F)$ as the minimum of all $lcm \,\, (x, y)$ , where $x$ and $y$ are two distinct elements of $F$. Find the maximum value of $m(F)$.
Find all functions $f : R \to R$ such that for all $x, y \in R$: $$f(x + yf(x + y)) = y^2 + f(xf(y + 1)).$$