2017 Azerbaijan Junior National Olympiad


Solve the system of equation for $(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}$ $$\left\{\begin{matrix} \sqrt{x^2+y^2}+\sqrt{(x-4)^2+(y-3)^2}=5\\ 3x^2+4xy=24 \end{matrix}\right.$$ Explain your answer


For all $n>1$ let $f(n)$ be the sum of the smallest factor of $n$ that is not 1 and $n$ . The computer prints $f(2),f(3),f(4),...$ with order:$4,6,6,...$ ( Because $f(2)=2+2=4,f(3)=3+3=6,f(4)=4+2=6$ etc.). In this infinite sequence, how many times will be $ 2015$ and $ 2016$ written? (Explain your answer)


Show that $\frac{(x + y + z)^2}{3} \ge x\sqrt{yz} + y\sqrt{zx} + z\sqrt{xy}$ for all non-negative reals $x, y, z$.


A Rhombus and an Isosceles trapezoid that has same area is drawn in the same circle's outside. Compare their acute angles (explain your answer)


A student firstly wrote $x=3$ on the board. For each procces, the stutent deletes the number x and replaces it with either $(2x+4)$ or $(3x+8)$ or $(x^2+5x)$. Is this possible to make the number $(20^{17}+2016)$ on the board? (Explain your answer) NoteThis type of the question is well known but I am going to make a collection so,