2022 Taiwan TST Round 3

Quiz 1


Let $n\geq 2$ be an integer and let $a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n$ be positive real numbers with sum $1$. Prove that $$\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{a_k}{1-a_k}(a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_{k-1})^2 < \frac{1}{3}.$$


Let $n$ and $k$ be two integers with $n>k\geqslant 1$. There are $2n+1$ students standing in a circle. Each student $S$ has $2k$ neighbors - namely, the $k$ students closest to $S$ on the left, and the $k$ students closest to $S$ on the right. Suppose that $n+1$ of the students are girls, and the other $n$ are boys. Prove that there is a girl with at least $k$ girls among her neighbors. Proposed by Gurgen Asatryan, Armenia


Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with orthocenter $H$ and circumcircle $\Omega$. Let $M$ be the midpoint of side $BC$. Point $D$ is chosen from the minor arc $BC$ on $\Gamma$ such that $\angle BAD = \angle MAC$. Let $E$ be a point on $\Gamma$ such that $DE$ is perpendicular to $AM$, and $F$ be a point on line $BC$ such that $DF$ is perpendicular to $BC$. Lines $HF$ and $AM$ intersect at point $N$, and point $R$ is the reflection point of $H$ with respect to $N$. Prove that $\angle AER + \angle DFR = 180^\circ$. Proposed by Li4.


Denote the set of all positive integers by $\mathbb{N}$, and the set of all ordered positive integers by $\mathbb{N}^2$. For all non-negative integers $k$, define good functions of order k recursively for all non-negative integers $k$, among all functions from $\mathbb{N}^2$ to $\mathbb{N}$ as follows: (i) The functions $f(a,b)=a$ and $f(a,b)=b$ are both good functions of order $0$. (ii) If $f(a,b)$ and $g(a,b)$ are good functions of orders $p$ and $q$, respectively, then $\gcd(f(a,b),g(a,b))$ is a good function of order $p+q$, while $f(a,b)g(a,b)$ is a good function of order $p+q+1$. Prove that, if $f(a,b)$ is a good function of order $k\leq \binom{n}{3}$ for some positive integer $n\geq 3$, then there exist a positive integer $t\leq \binom{n}{2}$ and $t$ pairs of non-negative integers $(x_1,y_1),\ldots,(x_n,y_n)$ such that $$f(a,b)=\gcd(a^{x_1}b^{y_1},\ldots,a^{x_t}b^{y_t})$$holds for all positive integers $a$ and $b$. Proposed by usjl

Quiz 2


Determine all functions $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that satisfy $$(f(a)-f(b))(f(b)-f(c))(f(c)-f(a)) = f(ab^2+bc^2+ca^2) - f(a^2b+b^2c+c^2a)$$for all real numbers $a$, $b$, $c$. Proposed by Ankan Bhattacharya, USA

It was given that $f$ is injective during the test.


Consider a checkered $3m\times 3m$ square, where $m$ is an integer greater than $1.$ A frog sits on the lower left corner cell $S$ and wants to get to the upper right corner cell $F.$ The frog can hop from any cell to either the next cell to the right or the next cell upwards. Some cells can be sticky, and the frog gets trapped once it hops on such a cell. A set $X$ of cells is called blocking if the frog cannot reach $F$ from $S$ when all the cells of $X$ are sticky. A blocking set is minimal if it does not contain a smaller blocking set. Prove that there exists a minimal blocking set containing at least $3m^2-3m$ cells. Prove that every minimal blocking set containing at most $3m^2$ cells.


Find all integers $n\geq 3$ for which every convex equilateral $n$-gon of side length $1$ contains an equilateral triangle of side length $1$. (Here, polygons contain their boundaries.)


Let $a_1,a_2,a_3,\ldots$ be an infinite sequence of positive integers such that $a_{n+2m}$ divides $a_{n}+a_{n+m}$ for all positive integers $n$ and $m.$ Prove that this sequence is eventually periodic, i.e. there exist positive integers $N$ and $d$ such that $a_n=a_{n+d}$ for all $n>N.$

Mock IMO, Day 1


Let $ABCD$ be a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle $\Omega.$ Let the tangent to $\Omega$ at $D$ meet rays $BA$ and $BC$ at $E$ and $F,$ respectively. A point $T$ is chosen inside $\triangle ABC$ so that $\overline{TE}\parallel\overline{CD}$ and $\overline{TF}\parallel\overline{AD}.$ Let $K\ne D$ be a point on segment $DF$ satisfying $TD=TK.$ Prove that lines $AC,DT,$ and $BK$ are concurrent.


Let $n,s,t$ be three positive integers, and let $A_1,\ldots, A_s, B_1,\ldots, B_t$ be non-necessarily distinct subsets of $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$. For any subset $S$ of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$, define $f(S)$ to be the number of $i\in\{1,\ldots,s\}$ with $S\subseteq A_i$ and $g(S)$ to be the number of $j\in\{1,\ldots,t\}$ with $S\subseteq B_j$. Assume that for any $1\leq x<y\leq n$, we have $f(\{x,y\})=g(\{x,y\})$. Show that if $t<n$, then there exists some $1\leq x\leq n$ so that $f(\{x\})\geq g(\{x\})$. Proposed by usjl


Determine all integers $n\geqslant 2$ with the following property: every $n$ pairwise distinct integers whose sum is not divisible by $n$ can be arranged in some order $a_1,a_2,\ldots, a_n$ so that $n$ divides $1\cdot a_1+2\cdot a_2+\cdots+n\cdot a_n.$ Arsenii Nikolaiev, Anton Trygub, Oleksii Masalitin, and Fedir Yudin

Mock IMO, Day 2


Let $\mathcal{X}$ be the collection of all non-empty subsets (not necessarily finite) of the positive integer set $\mathbb{N}$. Determine all functions $f: \mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{R}^+$ satisfying the following properties: (i) For all $S$, $T \in \mathcal{X}$ with $S\subseteq T$, there holds $f(T) \le f(S)$. (ii) For all $S$, $T \in \mathcal{X}$, there hold \[f(S) + f(T) \le f(S + T),\quad f(S)f(T) = f(S\cdot T), \]where $S + T = \{s + t\mid s\in S, t\in T\}$ and $S \cdot T = \{s\cdot t\mid s\in S, t\in T\}$. Proposed by Li4, Untro368, and Ming Hsiao.


Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with circumcenter $O$ and circumcircle $\Omega$. Choose points $D, E$ from sides $AB, AC$, respectively, and let $\ell$ be the line passing through $A$ and perpendicular to $DE$. Let $\ell$ intersect the circumcircle of triangle $ADE$ and $\Omega$ again at points $P, Q$, respectively. Let $N$ be the intersection of $OQ$ and $BC$, $S$ be the intersection of $OP$ and $DE$, and $W$ be the orthocenter of triangle $SAO$. Prove that the points $S$, $N$, $O$, $W$ are concyclic. Proposed by Li4 and me.


Positive integers $n$ and $k$ satisfying $n\geq 2k+1$ are known to Alice. There are $n$ cards with numbers from $1$ to $n$, randomly shuffled as a deck, face down. On her turn, she does the following in order: (i) She first flips over the top card of the deck, and puts it face up on the table. (ii) Then, if Alice has not signed any card, she can sign the newest card now. The game ends after $2k+1$ turns, and Alice must have signed on some card. Let $A$ be the number on the signed cards, and $M$ be the $(k+1)^{\textup{st}}$ largest number among all $2k+1$ face-up cards. Alice's score is $|M-A|$, and she wants the score to be as close to zero as possible. For each $(n,k)$, find the smallest integer $d=d(n,k)$ such that Alice has a strategy to guarantee her score no greater than $d$. Proposed by usjl