There are $n$ lamps and $k$ switches in a room. Initially, each lamp is either turned on or turned off. Each lamp is connected by a wire with $2020$ switches. Switching a switch changes the state of a lamp, that is connected to it, to the opposite state. It is known that one can switch the switches so that all lamps will be turned on. Prove, that it is possible to achieve the same result by switching the switches no more than $ \left \lfloor \dfrac{k}{2} \right \rfloor$ times. Proposed by T. Zimanov
2020 Kazakhstan National Olympiad
Grade 9
Let $x_1, x_2, ... , x_n$ be a real numbers such that 1) $1 \le x_1, x_2, ... , x_n \le 160$ 2) $x^{2}_{i} + x^{2}_{j} + x^{2}_{k} \ge 2(x_ix_j + x_jx_k + x_kx_i)$ for all $1\le i < j < k \le n$ Find the largest possible $n$.
Let $p$ be a prime number and $k,r$ are positive integers such that $p>r$. If $pk+r$ divides $p^p+1$ then prove that $r$ divides $k$.
The incircle of the triangle $ ABC $ touches the sides of $ AB, BC, CA $ at points $ C_0, A_0, B_0 $, respectively. Let the point $ M $ be the midpoint of the segment connecting the vertex $ C_0 $ with the intersection point of the altitudes of the triangle $ A_0B_0C_0 $, point $ N $ be the midpoint of the arc $ ACB $ of the circumscribed circle of the triangle $ ABC $. Prove that line $ MN $ passes through the center of incircle of triangle $ ABC $.
Grades 10-11
Find all pairs $ (m, n) $ of natural numbers such that $ n ^ 4 \ | \ 2m ^ 5 - 1 $ and $ m ^ 4 \ | \ 2n ^ 5 + 1 $.
Find all functions $ f: \mathbb {R} ^ + \to \mathbb {R} ^ + $ such that for any $ x, y \in \mathbb {R} ^ + $ the following equality holds: \[f (x) f (y) = f \left (\frac {xy} {x f (x) + y} \right). \]$ \mathbb {R} ^ + $ denotes the set of positive real numbers.
A point $ N $ is marked on the median $ CM $ of the triangle $ ABC $ so that $ MN \cdot MC = AB ^ 2/4 $. Lines $ AN $ and $ BN $ intersect the circumcircle $ \triangle ABC $ for the second time at points $ P $ and $ Q $, respectively. $ R $ is the point of segment $ PQ $, nearest to $ Q $, such that $ \angle NRC = \angle BNC $. $ S $ is the point of the segment $ PQ $ closest to $ P $ such that $ \angle NSC = \angle ANC $. Prove that $ RN = SN $.
Alice and Bob play a game on the infinite side of a checkered strip, in which the cells are numbered with consecutive integers from left to right (..., $-2$, $-1$, $0$, $1$, $2$, ...). Alice in her turn puts one cross in any free cell, and Bob in his turn puts zeros in any 2020 free cells. Alice will win if he manages to get such 4 cells marked with crosses, the corresponding cell numbers will form an arithmetic progression. Bob's goal in this game is to prevent Alice from winning. They take turns and Alice moves first. Will Alice be able to win no matter how Bob plays?