2007 Bulgarian Autumn Math Competition

Problem 8.1

Determine all real $a$, such that the solutions to the system of equations $\begin{cases} \frac{3x-5}{3}+\frac{3x+5}{4}\geq \frac{x}{7}-\frac{1}{15}\\ (2x-a)^3+(2x+a)(1-4x^2)+16x^2a-6x^2a+a^3\leq 2a^2+a \end{cases}$ form an interval with length $\frac{32}{225}$.

Problem 8.2

Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral. Determine all points $M$, which lie inside $ABCD$, such that the areas of $ABCM$ and $AMCD$ are equal.

Problem 8.3

Determine all triplets of prime numbers $p<q<r$, such that $p+q=r$ and $(r-p)(q-p)-27p$ is a square.

Problem 8.4

Let $ABCDEFG$ be a regular heptagon. We'll call the sides $AB$, $BC$, $CD$, $DE$, $EF$, $FG$ and $GA$ opposite to the vertices $E$, $F$, $G$, $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ respectively. If $M$ is a point inside the heptagon, we'll say that the line through $M$ and a vertex of the heptagon intersects a side of it (without the vertices) at a $\textit{perfect}$ point, if this side is opposite the vertex. Prove that for every choice of $M$, the number of $\textit{perfect}$ points is always odd.

Problem 9.1

We're given the functions $f(x)=|x-1|-|x-2|$ and $g(x)=|x-3|$. a) Draw the graph of the function $f(x)$. b) Determine the area of the section enclosed by the functions $f(x)$ and $g(x)$.

Problem 9.2

Let $a$, $b$, $c$ be real numbers, such that $a+b+c=0$ and $a^4+b^4+c^4=50$. Determine the value of $ab+bc+ca$.

Problem 9.3

Let the intersection of the diagonals $AC$ and $BD$ of the convex quadrilateral $ABCD$ be point $E$. Let $M$ be the midpoint of $AE$ and $N$ be the midpoint of $CD$. It's known that $BD$ bisects $\angle ABC$. Prove that $ABCD$ is cyclic if and only if $MBCN$ is cyclic.

Problem 9.4

Find the smallest natural number, which divides $2^{n}+15$ for some natural number $n$ and can be expressed in the form $3x^2-4xy+3y^2$ for some integers $x$ and $y$.

Problem 10.1

Find all integers $b$ and $c$ for which the equation $x^2-bx+c=0$ has two real roots $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ satisfying $x_{1}^2+x_{2}^2=5$.

Problem 10.2

Let $AC>BC$ in $\triangle ABC$ and $M$ and $N$ be the midpoints of $AC$ and $BC$ respectively. The angle bisector of $\angle B$ intersects $\overline{MN}$ at $P$. The incircle of $\triangle ABC$ has center $I$ and touches $BC$ at $Q$. The perpendiculars from $P$ and $Q$ to $MN$ and $BC$ respectively intersect at $R$. Let $S=AB\cap RN$. a) Prove that $PCQI$ is cyclic b) Express the length of the segment $BS$ with $a$, $b$, $c$ - the side lengths of $\triangle ABC$ .

Problem 10.3

For a natural number $m>1$ we'll denote with $f(m)$ the sum of all natural numbers less than $m$, which are also coprime to $m$. Find all natural numbers $n$, such that there exist natural numbers $k$ and $\ell$ which satisfy $f(n^{k})=n^{\ell}$.

Problem 10.4

Find all pairs of natural numbers $(m,n)$, $m\leq n$, such that there exists a table with $m$ rows and $n$ columns filled with the numbers 1 and 0, satisfying the following property: If in a cell there's a 0 (respectively a 1), then the number of zeros (respectively ones) in the row of this cell is equal to the number of zeros (respectively ones) in the column of this cell.

Problem 11.1

Let $0<\alpha,\beta<\frac{\pi}{2}$ which satisfy \[(\cos^2\alpha+\cos^2\beta)(1+\tan\alpha\tan\beta)=2\]Prove that $\alpha+\beta=\frac{\pi}{2}$.

Problem 11.2

Find all values of the parameter $a$ for which the inequality \[\sqrt{x-x^2-a}+\sqrt{6a-2x-x^2}\leq \sqrt{10a-2x-4x^2}\]has a unique solution.

Problem 11.3

In $\triangle ABC$ we have that $CC_{1}$ is an angle bisector. The points $P\in C_{1}B$, $Q\in BC$, $R\in AC$, $S\in AC_{1}$ satisfy $C_{1}P=PQ=QC$ and $CR=RS=SC_{1}$. Prove that $CC_{1}$ bisects $\angle SCP$.

Problem 11.4

There are 1000 towns $A_{1},A_{2},\ldots ,A_{1000}$ with airports in a country and some of them are connected via flights. It's known that the $i$-th town is connected with $d_{i}$ other towns where $d_{1}\leq d_{2}\leq \ldots \leq d_{1000}$ and $d_{j}\geq j+1$ for every $j=1,2,\ldots 999-d_{999}$. Prove that if the airport of any town $A_{k}$ is closed, then we'd still be able to get from any town $A_{i}$ to any $A_{j}$ for $i,j\neq k$ (possibly by more than one flight).

Problem 12.1

Determine the values of the real parameter $a$, such that the equation \[\sin 2x\sin 4x-\sin x\sin 3x=a\]has a unique solution in the interval $[0,\pi)$.

Problem 12.2

All edges of the triangular pyramid $ABCD$ are equal in length. Let $M$ be the midpoint of $DB$, $N$ is the point on $\overline{AB}$, such that $2NA=NB$ and $N\not\in AB$ and $P$ is a point on the altitude through point $D$ in $\triangle BCD$. Find $\angle MPD$ if the intersection of the pyramid with the plane $(NMP)$ is a trapezoid.

Problem 12.3

Find all real numbers $r$, such that the inequality \[r(ab+bc+ca)+(3-r)\left(\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}\right)\geq 9\]holds for any real $a,b,c>0$.

Problem 12.4

Let $p$ and $q$ be prime numbers and $\{a_{n}\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$ be a sequence of integers defined by: \[a_{0}=0, a_{1}=1, a_{n+2}=pa_{n+1}-qa_{n}\quad\forall n\geq 0\]Find $p$ and $q$ if there exists an integer $k$ such that $a_{3k}=-3$.