2021 Girls in Mathematics Tournament


Let $a, b, c$ be positive real numbers such that: $$ab - c = 3$$$$abc = 18$$Calculate the numerical value of $\frac{ab}{c}$


Let $\vartriangle ABC$ be a triangle in which $\angle ACB = 40^o$ and $\angle BAC = 60^o$ . Let $D$ be a point inside the segment $BC$ such that $CD =\frac{AB}{2}$ and let $M$ be the midpoint of the segment $AC$. How much is the angle $\angle CMD$ in degrees?


A natural number is called chaotigal if it and its successor both have the sum of their digits divisible by $2021$. How many digits are in the smallest chaotigal number?


Mariana plays with an $8\times 8$ board with all its squares blank. She says that two houses are neighbors if they have a common side or vertex, that is, two houses can be neighbors vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The game consists of filling the $64$ squares on the board, one after the other, each with a number according to the following rule: she always chooses a house blank and fill it with an integer equal to the number of neighboring houses that are still in White. Once this is done, the house is no longer considered blank. Show that the value of the sum of all $64$ numbers written on the board at the end of the game does not depend in the order of filling. Also, calculate the value of this sum. Note: A house is not neighbor to itself. original wordingMariana brinca com um tabuleiro 8 x 8 com todas as suas casas em branco. Ela diz que duas casas s˜ao vizinhas se elas possu´ırem um lado ou um v´ertice em comum, ou seja, duas casas podem ser vizinhas verticalmente, horizontalmente ou diagonalmente. A brincadeira consiste em preencher as 64 casas do tabuleiro, uma ap´os a outra, cada uma com um n´umero de acordo com a seguinte regra: ela escolhe sempre uma casa em branco e a preenche com o n´umero inteiro igual `a quantidade de casas vizinhas desta que ainda estejam em branco. Feito isso, a casa n˜ao ´e mais considerada em branco. Demonstre que o valor da soma de todos os 64 n´umeros escritos no tabuleiro ao final da brincadeira n˜ao depende da ordem do preenchimento. Al´em disso, calcule o valor dessa soma. Observa¸c˜ao: Uma casa n˜ao ´e vizinha a si mesma