Let $ABC$ be a acute triangle where $\angle BAC =60$. Prove that if the Euler's line of $ABC$ intersects $AB,AC$ in $D,E$, then $ADE$ is equilateral.
2016 Junior Balkan Team Selection Tests - Romania
Test 1
$m,n$ are positive intergers and $x,y,z$ positive real numbers such that $0 \leq x,y,z \leq 1$. Let $m+n=p$. Prove that: $0 \leq x^p+y^p+z^p-x^m*y^n-y^m*z^n-z^m*x^n \leq 1$
Let $M$ be the set of natural numbers $k$ for which there exists a natural number $n$ such that $$3^n \equiv k\pmod n.$$Prove that $M$ has infinitely many elements.
Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with $AB<AC$ and $D,E,F$ be the contact points of the incircle $(I)$ with $BC,AC,AB$. Let $M,N$ be on $EF$ such that $MB \perp BC$ and $NC \perp BC$. $MD$ and $ND$ intersect the $(I)$ in $D$ and $Q$. Prove that $DP=DQ$.
Let n$\ge$2.Each 1x1 square of a nxn board is colored in black or white such that every black square has at least 3 white neighbors(Two squares are neighbors if they have a common side).What is the maximum number of black squares?
Test 2
Triangle $\triangle{ABC}$,O=circumcenter of (ABC),OA=R,the A-excircle intersect (AB),(BC),(CA) at points F,D,E. If the A-excircle has radius R prove that $OD\perp EF$
a,b,c>0 and $abc\ge 1$.Prove that: $\dfrac{1}{a^3+2b^3+6}+\dfrac{1}{b^3+2c^3+6}+\dfrac{1}{c^3+2a^3+6} \le \dfrac{1}{3}$
Let $n$ be an integer greater than $2$ and consider the set \begin{align*} A = \{2^n-1,3^n-1,\dots,(n-1)^n-1\}. \end{align*}Given that $n$ does not divide any element of $A$, prove that $n$ is a square-free number. Does it necessarily follow that $n$ is a prime?
We have a 4x4 board.All 1x1 squares are white.A move is changing colours of all squares of a 1x3 rectangle from black to white and from white to black.It is possible to make all the 1x1 squares black after several moves?
Test 3
Let $n$ be a positive integer and consider the system \begin{align*} S(n):\begin{cases} x^2+ny^2=z^2\\ nx^2+y^2=t^2 \end{cases}, \end{align*}where $x,y,z$, and $t$ are naturals. If $M_1=\{n\in\mathbb N:$ system $S(n)$ has infinitely many solutions$\}$, and $M_1=\{n\in\mathbb N:$ system $S(n)$ has no solutions$\}$, prove that $7 \in M_1$ and $10 \in M_2$. sets $M_1$ and $M_2$ are infinite.
x,y are real numbers different from 0 such that :$x^3+y^3+3x^2y^2=x^3y^3$ Find all possible values of E=$\dfrac{1}{x}+\dfrac{1}{y}$
ABCD=cyclic quadrilateral,$AC\cap BD=X$ AA'$\perp $BD,A'$\in$BD CC'$\perp $BD,C'$\in$BD BB'$\perp $AC,B'$\in$AC DD'$\perp $AC,D'$\in$AC Prove that: a)Prove that perpendiculars from midpoints of the sides to the opposite sides are concurrent.The point is called Mathot Point b)A',B',C',D' are concyclic c)If O'=circumcenter of (A'B'C') prove that O'=midpoint of the line that connects the orthocente of triangle XAB and XCD d)O' is the Mathot Point
In each 1x1 square of a nxn board we write $n^2$ numbers with sum S.A move is choosing a 2x2 square and adding 1 to three numbers(from three different 1x1 squares).We say that a number n is good if we can make all the numbers on the board equal by applying a successive number of moves and it not depends of S. a)Show that 6 is not good b)Show that 4 and 1024 are good
Test 4
The altitudes $AA_1$,$BB_1$,$CC_1$ of $\triangle{ABC}$ intersect at $H$.$O$ is the circumcenter of $\triangle{ABC}$.Let $A_2$ be the reflection of $A$ wrt $B_1C_1$.Prove that: a)$O$,$A_2$,$B_1$,$C$ are all on a circle b)$O$,$H$,$A_1$,$A_2$ are all on a circle
Given three colors and a rectangle m × n dice unit, we want to color each segment constituting one side of a square drive with one of three colors so that each square unit have two sides of one color and two sides another color. How many colorings we have?
Let a,b,c be real numbers such that:$a\ge b\ge 1\ge c\ge 0$ and a+b+c=3. a)Prove that $2\le ab +bc+ca\le 3$ b)Prove that $\dfrac{24}{a^3+b^3+c^3}+\dfrac{25}{ab+bc+ca}\ge 14$. Find the equality cases
Let $ABCD$ be a cyclic quadrilateral.$E$ is the midpoint of $(AC)$ and $F$ is the midpoint of $(BD)$ {$G$}=$AB\cap CD$ and {$H$}=$AD\cap BC$. a)Prove that the intersections of the angle bisector of $\angle{AHB}$ and the sides $AB$ and $CD$ and the intersections of the angle bisector of$\angle{AGD}$ with $BC$ and $AD$ are the verticles of a rhombus b)Prove that the center of this rhombus lies on $EF$