Still hi guys, here's the topic of the "Oliforum contest", the competition for training that started some months ago . You can find problem, solutions and ranks in the following links: first and second round. i'll sumarize all details about it, be carefully. 1- The contest is made of 3 rounds: this is the last one. 2- Each round is made of only 3 problems, and i will give points 0 to 7: 6 for all correct solutions, 7 for only elegants and correct solutions (similar to ML contest). 3- It is tought for high-school student, and also for undergraduate or higher student, but you cannot use non-elementary-theory, otherwise the solution is invalid. 4- All begins from italian-oliforum and the final rank is unique. You can find the partial rank at the end of second round at this link. 5- The round starts on 12:00 of 6 december and it ends on 24:00 of 21 seprember, so saturday and sunday (you have 36 hours in total!). NB. All times (date and hours) are according to ROME MERIDIAN (+2GTM), please attention! 6- Enrollment is not necessary, it sufficies to send me solution. 7- I’ll take in consideration time of arriving solutions only for the first place if there are more 21/21 points. 8- Way of sending solutions. - You need to send solutions to both email address: and in a unique pdf file (so, with attachment) of a right size; - The pdf file must be written with Latex (or a way that I can understand); - You rename the pdf file as your nickname (the same of yours in ML); - You need to write nothing in the email; - Try to be clear in solutions! I’ll estimate it! {If (and only if) you are not able to create a pdf in latex model, you can send me a email in .doc format with solutions, as latex or in a way that i (and all correctors) can understand}. Later, I'll make a list below this topic where i'll write all names of who sent me solutions in right way. For all doubts and questions, ask me in mp please, for clearity of all I'll put below this topic the list of problems on the morning of saturday 6 december, at 12:00 (+2GTM). Later, I'll make a list still below this topic where i'll write all names of who sent me solutions in right way. Thanks for the attentions And good luck Paolo Leonetti Italian version
Tags: email, LaTeX, inequalities, function
06.12.2008 12:41
Problem 1-(Anass BenTaleb, Ali Ben Bari High School - Taza,Morocco) Let $ a,b,c$ positive reals such that $ ab + bc + ca = 3$, show that: $ \displaystyle a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + 3 \ge \frac {a(3 + bc)^2}{(c + b)(b^2 + 3)} + \frac {b(3 + ca)^2}{(a + c)(c^2 + 3)} + \frac {c(3 + ab)^2}{(b + a)(a^2 + 3)}$ Problem 2- (Daniel Kohen, University of Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires,Argentina) Find all non-negative integers $ x,y,z$ such that $ 5^x + 7^y = 2^z$. Problem 3-(Paolo Leonetti, Università Bocconi - Pescara,Italy) Let $ 0 < a_1 < a_2 < a_3 < ... < a_{10000} < 20000$ be integers such that $ gcd(a_i,a_j) < a_i, \forall i < j$ ; is $ 500 < a_1$ (always) true ? Good work.. edit: in the last problem i had added "always", altough i think you understand..
english texts.pdf (35kb)
06.12.2008 23:25
Contestants who give me solutions: Honey_S (partial) Mehdi Cherif (partial) Inequality_Master (partial) fede90 (partial) dima_ukraine (partial) Rigel (partial) [...]
08.12.2008 01:11
it answered also Akashnil and giove and DDs wife..( i cannot edit the post before..) as soon as possibile we 'll do ranks and contact all you Link to problems: Problem1 Problem1 Problem1 I have also added other two that had not be used: Fake edition#1 Fake edition#2
12.12.2008 21:56
Sorry for not participating I just realized that I lost the final round because I had some problems and I had not opened my mailbox for 10 days I posted my solution to the first problem at the inequalities section (the link above)
18.01.2009 16:26
We are very sorry to realize that our solution of number 2 was wrong.. we've got only some steps, but not the whole solution; we're thinking about a new problem to substitute to it, it will follow more information.. Solution Problem 1 $ \sum_{cyc}{a^2}=\sum_{cyc}{a(\frac{a+c-c}{a+b})(a+b)}=$ $ \sum_{cyc}{\frac{a(a+c)(a+b)}{a+b}-ac} \ge \sum_{cyc}{\frac{a(a+\sqrt{bc})^2}{a+b}-ac}\ge$ $ \sum_{cyc}{\frac{a(a+\frac{2}{\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{c}})^2}{a+b}-ac}$ $ =\sum_{cyc}{\frac{a(ab+ac+2bc)^2}{(c+b)^2(a+b)}-ac}=$ $ \sum_{cyc}{\frac{a(3+bc)^2}{(c+b)(b^2+3)}-ac}$ The first follows by CS, the second one by GM-HM Solution Problem 3 It is enough to show that if we have $ 2n>3^k$ distinct positive integers s.t. noone divides another one, so the smallest element is at least $ 2^k$. Let $ \upsilon_p(x)$ be the $ p-$adic valuation of $ x$, so naturally there exist a bijective function from $ \{\frac{a_i}{\upsilon_2(a_i)}\}$ to $ \{2i-1\}$, where $ 1 \le i \le 10^4$. Consider the numbers s.t. $ \upsilon_p(a_i)=0, \forall p>3$: if $ \upsilon_2(a_i) \le \upsilon_2(a_j)$ and $ \upsilon_3(a_i) \le \upsilon_3(a_j)$ we have contradiction: it follows that $ \upsilon_2(a_i) + \upsilon_3(a_i) \ge k$, so the only number $ a_h$ with $ \frac{a_h}{2^{\upsilon_2(a_h)}}=1$ has the property that $ \upsilon_2(a_h) \ge k$. Now it is enough to prove that $ h =1$, but it is quite easy considering the number in the form $ 2^a3^bp$ and using similar tecnique as above. (Some steps on problem 2) If $ x$ and $ y$ are $ 0$ then $ z=1$. If $ x=0$ and $ y>0$ $ 1+7^y=2^z$ If $ y$ is even then $ 2^z\equiv2\bmod{4}$ so $ z=1$ and we obtain the previous solution. If $ y$ is odd then $ 7^{y}+1 \equiv8\bmod{16}$ so $ z=3$ and $ y=1$. If $ y=0$ and $ x>0$ Looking $ mod 4$ we find no new solutions. Now let $ x$,$ y$,$ z$ be positive. We can check some small values of $ z$ and it will not be too difficult to see that $ z>4$ By looking $ mod3$ you easily obtain that $ x$ is even and $ z$ is odd. By looking $ mod4$ we get that $ y$ is odd. Then looking $ mod 16$ we find that $ x=4a+2$ for some $ a$ nonnegative integer. We could now the following: $ 5^{4a+2} + 7^{2b+1}=2^{2c+1}$, $ 5^{4a+2}=2^{2c+1}-7^{2c+1}+ 7^{2c+1}-7^{2b+1}$. The left side is multiple of $ 25$ at least. $ 2^{2c+1}-7^{2c+1}$ is a multiple of $ 5$ so $ 7^{2c+1}-7^{2b+1}=7^{2b+1}(49^{c-b}-1)$ is also a multiple of $ 5$. We find that $ c-b$ But then it is easy to see that $ 7^{2c+1}-7^{2b+1}$ is a multiple of $ 25$ so back into $ 5^{4a+2}=2^{2c+1}-7^{2c+1}+ 7^{2c+1}-7^{2b+1}$. We obtain that $ 2^{2c+1}-7^{2c+1}$ is a multiple of $ 25$ so by the lifting the exponent lemma we have that $ 2c+1=5(2d+1)$ ($ 2c+1$ is a multiple of $ 5$). The equation turns into: $ 25^{2a+1}+7^{2b+1}=32^{2d+1}$. If $ d=0$ we find the solution $ a=0$ $ b=0$ which is plugging back into the original $ (2,1,5)$. We have to prove that $ 5^{2(2a+1)}+7^{2b+1}=2^{5(2d+1)}$ has no positive solutions. Let $ j$ the number s.t. $ j^2-2=0$ and begin to work in $ \mathbb{Z}[j]$. the equation becomes $ (5^{2a+1}-j^{5(2d+1)})(5^{2a+1}+j^{5(2d+1)})=-7^{2b+1}$. We know that $ \mathbb{Z}[j]$ is a euclidean ring, so the unique factorization theorem works (unless the order of primes and adding units). Lemma. Let $ x \in k$ ring. If $ N(x)$ is a prime integer, so $ x$ is prime in $ K$, (easily by contradiction). Since $ 7=(3+j)(3+j)$ and $ N(3+j)=N(3-j)=7$, so we can factorize RHS as $ -(3+j)^{2b+1}(3-j)^{2b+1}$. Now let $ p=3+j$ prime in $ \mathbb{Z}[j]$ and $ a=5^{2a+1}-j^{5(2d+1)}$. The original equation is $ a \overline{a}= - (p \overline{p})^{2b+1}$. $ a$ cannot be a unit, indeed otherwise $ N(a\overline{a})=N(a)N(\overline{a})=1$,absurd. We can note that $ gcd(p,\overline{p})=gcd(a,\overline{a})=1$. So, unless adding units, $ a=p^{2b+1}$ or $ a=(\overline{p})^{2b+1}$. So, non radical parts needs to be equal: we obtain: $ 5^{2a+1}= \frac{(3+j)^{2b+1}+(3-j)^{2b+1}}{2}$. But it is know that $ x+y|x^{2n+1}+y^{2n+1}$ so it follows that $ 3 | 5^{2a+1}$, contradiction. (but it is wrong because in $ \mathbb{Z}[j]$ every element has infinite associate others to it! )
09.02.2009 12:28
When do we have this next Oliforum Contest? Please tell us.
13.02.2009 13:23
Someone please reply. Will this contest be held next year too? {That is this September}.
16.03.2009 16:29
@Agr_94, yes it can be however, for all contestant, on 19/03 i'll post another problem for substituting that one of number theory.. i'll post at the usual hour (12:00 at rome meridian!) and you'll have 12 hours to complete and send me the solution see you for the last problem bye
19.03.2009 12:04
Waiting for the problem to be posted.
19.03.2009 12:41
Problem. Let $ S$ be a set of $ 23 \cdot 26$ distinct positive integers that are not greater than $ 2323$. Show that there exist $ a_1 < a_2 < a_3 < ... < a_9$ element of $ S$ such that the system: $ a_1x + a_2y + a_3z = 0$ $ a_4x + a_5y + a_6z = 0$ $ a_7x + a_8y + a_9z = 0$ has a solution in nonzero integers. please send me a solution until 24 hours from now (that is 12.00 at Rome meridian) Edit: please not that i have changed the bound from $ 23 \cdot 23$ to $ 23 \cdot 26$