2016 Croatia Team Selection Test

Day 2

Problem 1

Let $n \ge 1$ and $x_1, \ldots, x_n \ge 0$. Prove that $$ (x_1 + \frac{x_2}{2} + \ldots + \frac{x_n}{n}) (x_1 + 2x_2 + \ldots + nx_n) \le \frac{(n+1)^2}{4n} (x_1 + x_2 + \ldots + x_n)^2 .$$

Problem 2

Let $N$ be a positive integer. Consider a $N \times N$ array of square unit cells. Two corner cells that lie on the same longest diagonal are colored black, and the rest of the array is white. A move consists of choosing a row or a column and changing the color of every cell in the chosen row or column. What is the minimal number of additional cells that one has to color black such that, after a finite number of moves, a completely black board can be reached?

Problem 3

Let $P$ be a point inside a triangle $ABC$ such that $$ \frac{AP + BP}{AB} = \frac{BP + CP}{BC} = \frac{CP + AP}{CA} .$$Lines $AP$, $BP$, $CP$ intersect the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$ again in $A'$, $B'$, $C'$. Prove that the triangles $ABC$ and $A'B'C'$ have a common incircle.

Problem 4

Find all pairs $(p,q)$ of prime numbers such that $$ p(p^2 - p - 1) = q(2q + 3) .$$

Day 3

Problem 1

Find all functions $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ such that for all real $x,y$: $$ f(x^2) + xf(y) = f(x) f(x + f(y)) \, . $$

Problem 2

Let $S$ be a set of $N \ge 3$ points in the plane. Assume that no $3$ points in $S$ are collinear. The segments with both endpoints in $S$ are colored in two colors. Prove that there is a set of $N - 1$ segments of the same color which don't intersect except in their endpoints such that no subset of them forms a polygon with positive area.

Problem 3

Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with circumcenter $O$. Points $E$ and $F$ are chosen on segments $OB$ and $OC$ such that $BE = OF$. If $M$ is the midpoint of the arc $EOA$ and $N$ is the midpoint of the arc $AOF$, prove that $\sphericalangle ENO + \sphericalangle OMF = 2 \sphericalangle BAC$.

Problem 4

Let $p > 10^9$ be a prime number such that $4p + 1$ is also prime. Prove that the decimal expansion of $\frac{1}{4p+1}$ contains all the digits $0,1, \ldots, 9$.