2016 Korea - Final Round

March 19, 2016 - Day 1


In a acute triangle $\triangle ABC$, denote $D, E$ as the foot of the perpendicular from $B$ to $AC$ and $C$ to $AB$. Denote the reflection of $E$ with respect to $AC, BC$ as $S, T$. The circumcircle of $\triangle CST$ hits $AC$ at point $X (\not= C)$. Denote the circumcenter of $\triangle CST$ as $O$. Prove that $XO \perp DE$.


Two integers $n, k$ satisfies $n \ge 2$ and $k \ge \frac{5}{2}n-1$. Prove that whichever $k$ lattice points with $x$ and $y$ coordinate no less than $1$ and no more than $n$ we pick, there must be a circle passing through at least four of these points.


Prove that for all rationals $x,y$, $x-\frac{1}{x}+y-\frac{1}{y}=4$ is not true.

March 20, 2016 - Day 2


If $x,y,z$ satisfies $x^2+y^2+z^2=1$, find the maximum possible value of $$(x^2-yz)(y^2-zx)(z^2-xy)$$


An acute triangle $\triangle ABC$ has incenter $I$, and the incircle hits $BC, CA, AB$ at $D, E, F$. Lines $BI, CI, BC, DI$ hits $EF$ at $K, L, M, Q$ and the line connecting the midpoint of segment $CL$ and $M$ hits the line segment $CK$ at $P$. Prove that $$PQ=\frac{AB \cdot KQ}{BI}$$


Let $U$ be a set of $m$ triangles. Prove that there exists a subset $W$ of $U$ which satisfies the following. (i). The number of triangles in $W$ is at least $0.45m^{\frac{4}{5}}$ (ii) There are no points $A, B, C, D, E, F$ such that triangles $ABC$, $BCD$, $CDE$, $DEF$, $EFA$, $FAB$ are all in $W$.