2019 Regional Olympiad of Mexico Southeast


Found the smaller multiple of $2019$ of the form $abcabc\dots abc$, where $a,b$ and $c$ are digits.


Let $ABCD$ a convex quadrilateral. Suppose that the circumference with center $B$ and radius $BC$ is tangent to $AD$ in $F$ and the circumference with center $A$ and radius $AD$ is tangent to $BC$ in $E$. Prove that $DE$ and $CF$ are perpendicular.


Eight teams are competing in a tournament all against all (every pair of team play exactly one time among them). There are not ties and both results of every game are equally probable. What is the probability that in the tournament every team had lose at least one game and won at least one game?


Let $\Gamma$ a circumference. $T$ a point in $\Gamma$, $P$ and $A$ two points outside $\Gamma$ such that $PT$ is tangent to $\Gamma$ and $PA=PT$. Let $C$ a point in $\Gamma (C\neq T)$, $AC$ and $PC$ intersect again $\Gamma$ in $D$ and $B$, respectively. $AB$ intersect $\Gamma$ in $E$. Prove that $DE$ it´s parallel to $AP$


Let $n$ a natural number and $A=\{1, 2, 3, \cdots, 2^{n+1}-1\}$. Prove that if we choose $2n+1$ elements differents of the set $A$, then among them are three distinct number $a,b$ and $c$ such that $$bc<2a^2<4bc$$


Let $p\geq 3$ a prime number, $a$ and $b$ integers such that $\gcd(a, b)=1$. Let $n$ a natural number such that $p$ divides $a^{2^n}+b^{2^n}$, prove that $2^{n+1}$ divides $p-1$.