Let $A, B$ and $C$ three points on a line $l$, in that order .Let $D$ a point outside $l$ and $\Gamma$ the circumcircle of $\triangle BCD$, the tangents from $A$ to $\Gamma$ touch $\Gamma$ on $S$ and $T$. Let $P$ the intersection of $ST$ and $AC$. Prove that $P$ does not depend of the choice of $D$.
2021 Regional Olympiad of Mexico Southeast
Let $n\geq 2021$. Let $a_1<a_2<\cdots<a_n$ an arithmetic sequence such that $a_1>2021$ and $a_i$ is a prime number for all $1\leq i\leq n$. Prove that for all $p$ prime with $p<2021, p$ divides the diference of the arithmetic sequence.
Let $a, b, c$ positive reals such that $a+b+c=1$. Prove that $$\min\{a(1-b),b(1-c),c(1-a)\}\leq \frac{1}{4}$$ $$\max\{a(1-b),b(1-c),c(1-a)\}\geq \frac{2}{9}$$
Hernan wants to paint a $8\times 8$ board such that every square is painted with blue or red. Also wants to every $3\times 3$ subsquare have exactly $a$ blue squares and every $2\times 4$ or $4\times 2$ rectangle have exactly $b$ blue squares. Find all couples $(a,b)$ such that Hernan can do the required.